
Ricerca finanziata (7)
Characterization of the Therapeutic Potential of Neurosteroids for CDKL5-Disorder
ASS_NAZ - Bandi da Associazioni e altri Finanziatori privati nazionali
Responsabile scientifico
18 mesi
Early dysfunctions of intercellular signalling in brain disorders
PRIN2017 - PRIN bando 2017
Responsabile scientifico
36 mesi
Excitatory/inhibitory unbalance in Ataxia Telangectasia and Perspective Therapeuthical Interventions
FON_NAZ - Bandi Altre Fondazioni
Responsabile scientifico
25 mesi
Fluoxetine reveres cognitive defects in a mouse model of AT: a preclinical study to elucidate the precise mechanism of action
ASS_NAZ - Bandi da Associazioni e altri Finanziatori privati nazionali
Responsabile scientifico
12 mesi
Functional study on a new pharmacological approach in the Rett Syndrome
FON_NAZ - Bandi Altre Fondazioni
Responsabile scientifico
12 mesi
New insights into physiology of aged-related cognitive disorders: unexpected role of DNA repair proteins ATM and ATR
PRIN2022 - PRIN bando 2022
Responsabile scientifico
24 mesi
Study on the possible neuro-steroidogenic origin of myelin defects in A-T
ASS_NAZ - Bandi da Associazioni e altri Finanziatori privati nazionali
Responsabile scientifico
12 mesi
No Results Found
Pubblicazioni (61)
Premi e riconoscimenti (3)
progetto Telethon - 2016
Premio SIF,
conferito da Società Italiana di Fisiologia - 2016
FIRB research grant,
conferito da Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) - 2011
No Results Found
Partecipazioni scientifiche (2)
Socio effettivo o corrispondente
- Societa Italiana di Farmacologia (Italia)
(2015 - )
Socio effettivo o corrispondente
- Society for Neuroscience (SfN) (Stati Uniti)
(2007 - 2010)
No Results Found
Comitati editoriali (2)
Associate Editor di rivista o collana editoriale - Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience - ISSN: - (2021 - )
Guest Editor di rivista o collana editoriale - BIOMEDICINES - ISSN: 2227-9059 - Basel: MDPI (2019 - )
No Results Found
Ricerca e didattica presso enti (3)
Incarico svolto presso: Università degli Studi di MILANO
(01/04/2019 - )20190401
Incarico svolto presso: Università degli Studi di MILANO
(01/04/2016 - 31/03/2019)20160401
Incarico svolto presso: Università degli Studi di MILANO
(09/07/2012 - 31/03/2016)20120709
No Results Found
Congressi (2)
Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - Italian Congress of Pharmacology – (Sif) (09/03/2021 - 16/03/2021) 20210309
Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - Italian Congress of Pharmacology – (Sif) (25/10/2017 - 28/10/2017) 20171025
No Results Found
Network di ricerca (3)
Partecipazione al Coordinamento di progetto
- Co-PI (Partner di Coordinamento) per il progetto: "Title of the project “Early dysfunctions of intercellular signalling in brain disorders"
(02/09/2019 - )20190902
Partecipazione al Coordinamento di gruppo di ricerca
- Co-PI (Partner di Coordinamento) per il progetto: Characterization of the therapeutic potential of neurosteroids for CDKL5-disorder"
(01/01/2018 - 31/12/2020)20180101
Coordinatore di gruppo di Ricerca
- Principal Investigator (Coordinatore) per il progetto "Molecular determinant of neuronal excitability: role of presynaptic proteins in epilepsy"
(01/01/2012 - 31/12/2015)20120101
No Results Found
Collegi di dottorato (8)
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 40 - Anno: 2024
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 39 - Anno: 2023
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 35 - Anno: 2019
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 34 - Anno: 2018
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 33 - Anno: 2017
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 32 - Anno: 2016
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 30 - Anno: 2014
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 29 - Anno: 2013
No Results Found
Tutoraggio (3)
tutorship -
tutorship -
tutorship -
No Results Found
Altri titoli (3)
Referente del Dipartimento BIOMETRA per la Rete di Atene "POLITICHE DI GENERE"
(01/12/2021 - )
Membro della Commissione PARITETICA dell'Università degli Studi di Milano
(01/01/2020 - )
Membro della Commissione RICERCA dell'Università degli Studi di Milano
(01/01/2018 - 31/12/2020)
No Results Found
Flavia Antonucci, PhD
Date and Place of birth: Jan 4, 1980 - Taranto (Italy). Citizenship: Italian.
Education and Career
April 2019: Associate Professor of Pharmacology (SSD: Bio/14)
April 2016: Assistant Professor
July 2012: Researcher at University of Milan.
September 2008-February 2012: Post-doctoral fellow at University of Milan. Head of the lab: Prof. Michela Matteoli.
January 2005 - April 2008: PhD in Developmental Neuroscience. University of Pisa/Institute of Neuroscience at C.N.R., Pisa. Supervisors: Prof. Matteo Caleo; Prof. Yuri Bozzi.
December 2003: Professional qualification in Pharmacy
November 2003: Graduated with honours (summa cum laude) in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, University of Pisa.
July 1998: Scientific High school diploma at “Liceo Scientifico U. Dini”, Pisa.
Honors and Awards
• Winner of the national Prize: “Young Researcher 2016” conferred by the Italian Society of Physiology (SIF).
• Regarding the paper: "Antonucci et al., EMBO Rep 2013", it has been published a "Hot off the Press" by Gaga Kochlamazashvili & Volker Haucke (EMBO Rep. 2013).
• Regarding the paper, "Antonucci et al, Journal of Neuroscience 2008", it has been published:
-1 Article in brief by the journal "Neurology today" entitled: Study Finds Botulinum Toxin Spreads to CNS Tissue in Mice, by Jamie Talan.
-1 Medical News & Perspectives by JAMA entitled: Studies, Reports Say Botulinum Toxins May Have Effects Beyond Injection Site, by Bridget M. Kuehn.
-1 News by NATURE entitled: Botox toxin gets into rat brains - Botulinum can travel along nerves and degrade proteins in the brain stem, by Kerri Smith.
-1 Article and Cover by the TIME - January 16, 2017 entitled: How Botox Became the Drug That’s Treating Everything.
• Scholarship Award of the University of Pisa. visiting scientist at "Life & Brain Center" University of Bonn - Germany; period: 09 / 2007-12 / 2007
Academic Duties:
• October 2021 - present: Departmental Delegated at “Gender Policy Committee - Carrier Development” - University of Milan
• January 2020 - present: Member of Joint Teaching Staff-Student Committee, at Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine (BIOMETRA) Department - University of Milan
• January 2019 to January 2021: Member of “Research Committee” for Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine (BIOMETRA) Department – University of Milan
Research Activity (in brief)
Since many years, I am interested in identifying cellular changes associated to neurological and psychiatric diseases produced by altered excitatory/inhibitory balance. I started my research activity assessing the potential therapeutic effects of Botulinum Neurotoxins (BoNTs) in neurological conditions such as epilepsy and ischemia (Antonucci et al 2008, Journal of Neuroscience; Antonucci et al 2008, Experimental Neurology; Antonucci et al 2009, Epilepsia; Antonucci et al 2010, Neuroscience). I also characterized, in collaboration with Tibor Harkany and Wolfgan Hartig, functional consequences associated to the selective elimination of GABAergic interneurons through the delivery of the saporin-conjugated anti-vesicular GABA transporter antibody (SAVA) (Antonucci et al 2012, Journal of Neuroscience). In a parallel study, I defined the role of microglia-derived microvescicles in altering neuronal communication (Antonucci et al 2012, EMBO Journal) and I also evaluated electrophysiological alterations occurred in neurons obtained by SNAP-25+/- mice, where the SNAP25 gene has been associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and schizophrenia (Antonucci et al. 2013, EMBO Rep).
Recently, I and my group demonstrated a new role of ATM protein in the control of neuronal development showing that its deficiency is associated to a higher inhibition, altered excitatory evoked transmission and unveiling its new involvement in autism spectrum disorders (Pizzamiglio et al, 2016; Pizzamiglio et al, 2020; Pizzamiglio et al, 2021; Focchi et al, in revision). These results highlight ATM as a new key protein able to modulate the neuronal development and function.
My main expertise consists in the in vivo and in vitro electrophysiology associated to behavioral, biochemical and histological techniques.
- Cambria C, Pizzamiglio L, Focchi E, Antonucci Flavia (2021). “Morfolino pirimidine per l’uso nella prevenzione e/o nel trattamento di stati di ipereccitabilità neuronale”. Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi (UIBM); n. 102021000021863 del 13 Agosto 2021.
- Costantin L., Bozzi Y., Richichi C., Viegi A., Antonucci F., Funicello, M., Gobbi M., Mennini T., Rossetto O., Montecucco C., Maffei L., Vezzani A., Caleo M. (2005). “Method and composition for the delivery of a botulinum neurotoxin for the prevention and treatment of epileptic seizures “. United States Patent Office n.11/324,056
Grant as Principal Investigator (PI or Co-PI)
• SEED 2019 - Bando Straordinario per Progetti Interdipartimentali (started in 2020) University of Milan - Title: Rheumaoid Arthritis and mental health: joint brain communication beyond the inflammatory hypothesis. Role: CUD (Head of Departmental Unit of Research).
• PRIN 2017 (started 2019) - Italian Ministry of University and Research - “Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale”: Title of the project “Early dysfunctions of intercellular signalling in brain disorders” Role: PI - Under 40 (senior PI: Prof. Fabio Mammano).
• AIRETT 2018 - ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA RETT O.N.L.U.S. 2018; “Characterization of the therapeutic potential of neurosteroids for CDKL5-disorder” (Co-PI Prof. Charlotte Kilstrup-Nielsen-Insubria University). Role: Co-PI (with Prof. Charlotte Kilstrup-Nielsen).
• Telethon Research Project 2016 (n. GGP16015): “Excitatory/ inhibitory unbalance in ataxia telangiectasia and perspectives for therapeutic interventions”. Role: PI
• FIRB – FUTURO IN RICERCA 2010/11 (started 2012) – Italian Ministry of Health - Title of the project: “Molecular determinant of neuronal excitability: role of presynaptic proteins in epilepsy”. Role: PI.
• Intramural Grant – “Piano di Sostegno alla Ricerca 2017-2018”, BIOMETRA Department– University of Milan; “Role of ATR in neuronal transmission and neuronal development”.
• Intramural Grant – “Sostegno alla Ricerca di base 2015-16”, BIOMETRA Department– University of Milan; “Analysis of ATM inhibition in hippocampal neurons”.
Reviewer Activity for International Agency
• Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation; Revision of the proposal number: Ref.: KR 5705/1-1
Scientific talks In National and International Meeting
- March 2021: Italian Congress of Pharmacology – (Sif); Milan - Italy, Title: “The pharmacological targeting of ATM to control functional deficits in autism”.
- September 2018: International Congress. Rett Syndrome Research, Towards the Future, Rome; Title: “Tuning of ATM activity to control the delayed GABA-development and neuronal hyper-excitability in neurodevelopmental disorders”.
- November 2018: International Congress. World Structural and Molecular Biology Conference, Rome; Title: “Role of ATM activity in neurodevelopmental disorders”.
- October 2017: Italian Congress of Pharmacology – (Sif); Rimini - Italy, Title: “ATM inhibition as innovative strategy to enhance KCC2 expression and promote GABAergic development”.
- September 2013: Retreat of Italian Neuroscience Institute - C.N.R. - Cagliari - Italy, Title: "REDUCED SNAP-25 ALTERS SHORT TERM PLASTICITY AT DEVELOPING GLUTAMATERGIC SYNAPSES"
- October, 2009: International Congress of the “Italian Society of Neuroscience”; Milano – Italy, Title: "LONG DISTANCE MECHANISM OF ACTION OF BONT/A"
- June, 2008: "31°National Meeting of LICE; Venezia-Mestre – Italy, Title: ENHANCED SEIZURE SUSCEPTIBILITY IN SURVIVIN CONDITIONAL KO MICE"
- March, 2007: PhD Student Meeting in Neuroscience; Torino – Italy, Title: TRAFFICKING OF BOTULINUM NEUROTOXINS IN THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM".
Scientific Seminar (invited)
- March, 2021: Seminar at “University of Insubria”, Title: “THE PHARMACOLOGICAL Tuning OF ATM Activity to Control FUNCTIONAL DEFECTS IN AUTISM
- November, 2012: Seminar at “Fondazione Filarete”- Milan, Title: "Intratechal injection of Saporin-conjugated anti-vGAT antibodies induces selective death of inhibitory neurons in rat brain: AN EXPERIMENTAL MODEL OF EPILEPSY"
- December, 2008: Seminar at Institute of Neuroscience - C.N.R.- Milan, Title: "ACTION OF BOTULINUM NEUROTOXINS IN THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM"
- February, 2008: Seminar at Prof. Anita Luthi’s Lab - University of Lausanne, Title: "ACTION OF BOTULINUM NEUROTOXINS IN THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM"
- November, 2007: Seminar at Prof. Heinz Beck’s Lab - University di Bonn, Title: "EFFECTS OF BoNT/A and BoNT/E IN THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM"
- Editorial Board:
Biomedicines (IF= 4.7)
Frontiers in Neurodegeneration (IF= 3.7)
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience – Cellular Neurophysiology (IF= 4,55)
- Society:
SIF (since 2015 - present) - Italian Society of Pharmacology
SfN (2007-2010) - Society for Neuroscience
SINS (2007-2014) - Italian Society of Neuroscience
- Reviewer activity for peer reviewed scientific journals (ad hoc):
PNAS (if: >11)
Neural Regeneration Research (if. >5)
Neuropharmacology (if: >5)
Frontiers in Neurodegeneration (if: >4)
Frontiers in Neuroscience (if: >4)
Biomedicines (if: >4)
Neuroscience (if: >3)
Amino acid (if: >3)
Brain Research (if: >3)
Neuronal Plasticity (if: >3)
Biomed Research International (if: >3)
Organization of Scientific Meeting/Seminars
• March 2021: Organization of the Symposium session “New insights in Autism Spectrum Disorders: from basic science to novel therapeutic approaches”, Italian Congress of Pharmacology – (Sif); Digital Edition.
• October 2018: Organization of the Oral communications session “To Switch or Not to Switch: the role of excitatory and inhibitory GABA transmission in pathological and physiological conditions”, Italian Congress of Pharmacology – (Sif); Rimini - October 2017.
• March 2017: Co-organizer of: “1° Translational Meeting of the University of Milan Neuroscience group”. NEURONEST Group – Milan.
• 2014 - 2015: Co-organiser of inter-disciplinary Seminars at University of Milan: BIOMETRA SEMINARS 2014 - 2015: “New perspectives and new techniques in medical biotechnologies”, University of Milan/ Italy.
• 2015 - 2016: Co-organiser of inter-disciplinary Seminars at University of Milan: BIOMETRA SEMINARS 2015-2016: “New perspectives and new techniques in medical biotechnologies”, University of Milan/ Italy.
• 2015 - 2016: Co-organizer of scientific workshops for the Neuroscience Group – NEURONEST – University of Milan.
Original Article
1) Lara Pizzamiglio, Elisa Focchi, Clara Cambria, Luisa Ponzoni, Silvia Ferrara, Francesco Biari, Genni Desiato, Nicoletta Landsberger, Luca Murru, Maria Passafaro, Mariaelvina Sala, Michela Matteoli, Elisabetta Menna and Flavia Antonucci. The DNA repair protein ATM as target in autism spectrum disorder.
Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight, 2021 Feb 8;6(3):133654.
2) Longaretti A, Forastieri C, Toffolo E, Caffino L, Locarno A, Miseviciute I, Marchesi E, Battistin M, Ponzoni L, Madaschi L, Cambria C, Bonasoni P, Sala M, Perrone D, Fumagalli F, Bassani S, Antonucci F, Tonini R, Francolini M, Battaglioli E and Rusconi F. LSD1 is an environmental stress-sensitive negative modulator of the glutamatergic synapse.
Neurobiology of Stress, 2020 Nov 27;13:100280
3) Francesca Ingegnoli*, Massimiliano Buoli*, Flavia Antonucci*, Lavinia Coletto*, Cecilia Maria Esposito*, Roberto Caporali*. The brain-joint axis in rheumatoid arthritis: from bench to bedside.
Frontiers in Medicine, 2020 Dec 7;7:589079. Review
4) Lara Pizzamiglio, Elisa Focchi, and Flavia Antonucci. ATM Protein Kinase: Old and New Implications in Neuronal Pathways and Brain Circuitry.
Cells. 2020 Aug 26;9(9): E1969. Review
5) Pelucchi S, Vandermeulen L, Pizzamiglio L, Aksan B, Yan J, Konietzny A, Bonomi E, Borroni B, Padovani A, Rust MB, Di Marino D, Mikhaylova M, Mauceri D, Antonucci F, Edefonti V, Gardoni F, Di Luca M, Marcello E. Cyclase-associated protein 2 dimerization regulates cofilin in synaptic plasticity and Alzheimer's disease.
Brain Communication 2020 Jun 26;2(2): fcaa086.
6) Elena Marcello, Stefano Musardo, Lina Vandermeulen, Silvia Pelucchi, Fabrizio Gardoni, Nadia Santo, Flavia Antonucci, Monica Di Luca. Amyloid-β oligomers regulate ADAM10 synaptic localization through aberrant plasticity phenomena.
Molecular Neurobiology. 2019 Oct;56(10):7136-7143
7) Gandaglia A, Brivio E, Carli S, Palmieri M, Bedogni F, Stefanelli G, Bergo A, Leva B, Cattaneo C, Pizzamiglio L, Cicerone M, Bianchi V, Kilstrup-Nielsen C, D'Annessa I, Di Marino D, D'Adamo P, Antonucci F, Frasca A, Landsberger N. A Novel Mecp2Y120D Knock-in Model Displays Similar Behavioral Traits But Distinct Molecular Features Compared to the Mecp2-Null Mouse Implying Precision Medicine for the Treatment of Rett Syndrome.
Molecular Neurobiology. 2019 Jul;56(7):4838-4854
8) R Morini, S Ferrara, F Perrucci, S Zambetti, E Marcello, F Gardoni, F Antonucci, M Matteoli, E Menna. Lack of the actin capping protein, Eps8, affects NMDA-type glutamate receptor function and composition.
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 2018 Sep 5;11:313. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2018.00313
9) Tramarin M*, Rusconi L*, Pizzamiglio L, Barbiero I, Peroni D, Scaramuzza L, Guilliams T, Cavalla D, Antonucci F, Kilstrup-Nielsen C. The antidepressant tianeptine reverts synaptic AMPA receptor defects caused by deficiency of CDKL5.
Human Molecular Genetics. 2018 Jun 15;27(12):2052-2063
10) Corradini I, Focchi E, Rasile M, Morini R, Desiato G, Tomasoni R, Lizier M, Ghirardini E, Fesce R, Morone D, Barajon I, Antonucci F, Pozzi D, Matteoli M. Maternal Immune Activation Delays Excitatory-to-Inhibitory Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Switch in Offspring.
Biological Psychiatry. 2018 Apr 15;83(8):680-691
11) Pizzamiglio Lara, Focchi Elisa, Murru Luca, Tamborini Matteo, Passafaro Maria, Menna Elisabetta, Matteoli Michela and Antonucci Flavia. New role of ATM in controlling GABAergic tone during development.
Cerebral Cortex. 2016 Oct;26(10):3879-88.
12) Emanuele M., Esposito A., Camerini S., Antonucci F., Ferrara S., Seghezza S., Catelani T., Crescenzi M., Marotta R., Canale C., Matteoli M, Menna E., Chieregatti E. Exogenous Alpha-Synuclein Alters Pre- and Post-Synaptic Activity by Fragmenting Lipid Rafts.
EBioMedicine. 2016 May; 7:191-204.
13) Flavia Antonucci, Irene Corradini, Giuliana Fossati, Romana Tomasoni, Elisabetta Menna and Michela Matteoli. SNAP-25, a known presynaptic protein with emerging postsynaptic functions
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2016 REVIEW- 2016 Mar 24;8:7
14) L Riganti, F Antonucci, M Gabrielli, I Prada, P Giussani, P Viani, E Menna, M Matteoli, and C Verderio, Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) impacts presynaptic function by regulating Synapsin I localization in the presynaptic compartment.
Journal of Neuroscience, 2016 Apr 20;36(16):4624-34.
15) Marianna Leonzino, Marta Busnelli, Flavia Antonucci, Claudia Verderio, Michele Mazzanti, Bice Chini. Regulation of the oxytocin-mediated GABA switch via KCC2 expression and phosphorylation
Cell Reports, 2016 Apr 5;15(1):96-103
16) G Fattorini, F Antonucci, E Menna, M Matteoli, and F Conti, vGlut1/vGAT co-expression sustains glutamate and GABA co-release and is regulated by activity.
Journal of Cell Science. 2015 Mar 6. pii: jcs.164210. Epub ahead of print;
17) M Gabrielli*, N Battista*, L Riganti, I Prada, F Antonucci, L Cantone, M Matteoli, M Maccarrone, Claudia Verderio, Active endocannabinoids are secreted on extracellular membrane vesicles.
EMBO Report 2015 Feb;16(2):213-20. Epub 2015 Jan;
18) Fossati, R Morini, I Corradini, F Antonucci, P Trepte, E Edry, V Sherma, A Papale, D Pozzi, P Defilippi, J C. Meier, R Brambilla, E Turco, K Rosenblum, E E.Wanker, N E. Ziv, E Menna and M Matteoli, Reduced SNAP-25 increases PSD-95 mobility and impairs spine morphogenesis.
Cell Death & Differentiation. 2015 Feb 13. doi: 10.1038/cdd.2014.227.
19) Noemi Tonna, Fabio Bianco, Michela Matteoli, Cinzia Cagnoli, Flavia Antonucci, Paolo Ferruti, Amedea Manfredi, Nicolò Mauro and Elisabetta Ranucci, A soluble poly(amidoamine) as promoter of primary brain cell adhesion and cell culturing in vitro.
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials; 2014; Volume 15, Issue 4, 1 August 2014, Article number 045007;
20) Piccoli G, Onofri F, Cirnaru MD, Kaiser CJ, Jagtap P, Kastenmüller A, Pischedda F, Marte A, von Zweydorf F, Vogt A, Giesert F, Pan L, Antonucci F, Kiel C, Zhang M, Weinkauf S, Sattler M, Sala C, Matteoli M, Ueffing M, Gloeckner CJ, Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 binds to neuronal vesicles through protein interactions mediated by its C-terminal WD40 domain.
Molecular and Cellular Biology. 2014 Jun 15;34(12):2147-2161. Epub 2014 Mar 31;
21) Antonucci F, Corradini I, Morini R, Fossati G, Menna E, Pozzi D, Pacioni S, Verderio C, Bacci A and Matteoli M, Reduced SNAP-25 alters short-term plasticity at developing glutamatergic synapses.
EMBO Report. 2013 Jul;14(7):645-51;
22) Gelsomino G, Menna E, Antonucci F, Rodighiero S, Benfenati F, Valtorta F, Verderio C and Matteoli M, Kainate induces mobilization of synaptic vesicles at the growth cone through the activation of protein kinase A.
Cerebral Cortex. 2013 Mar;23(3):531-41.
23) Antonucci F, Alpár A, Kacza J, Caleo M, Verderio C, Giani A, Martens H, Chaudhry F A., Allegra M, Grosche J, Michalski D, Erck C, Hoffmann A, Harkany T, Matteoli M & Härtig W, Cracking down on inhibition: selective removal of GABAergic interneurons from hippocampal networks. Journal of Neuroscience. 2012 Feb 8;32(6):1989-2001.
24) Antonucci F, Turola E, Riganti L, Caleo M, Gabrielli M, Perrotta C, Novellino L, Clementi E, Giussani P, Viani P, Matteoli M, Verderio C. Microvesicles released from microglia stimulate synaptic activity via enhanced sphingolipid metabolism.
EMBO Journal. 2012 Mar 7;31(5):1231-40.
25) Corradini I*, Donzelli A*, Antonucci F, Welzl H, Loos M, Martucci M, De Astis S, Pattini L, Inverardi F, Wolfer D, Caleo M, Bozzi Y, Verderio C, Frassoni C, Braida D, Clerici M, Lipp HP, Sala M and Matteoli M, Epileptiform activity and cognitive deficits in SNAP-25(+/-) mice are normalized by antiepileptic drugs.
Cerebral Cortex. 2012 Oct 12.
26) Restani L, Antonucci F, Gianfranceschi L, Rossi C, Rossetto O, Caleo M, Evidence for anterograde transport and transcytosis of botulinum neurotoxin A (BoNT/A).
Journal of Neuroscience. 2011 Nov 2;31(44):15650;
27) Fumagalli M, Daniele S, Lecca D, Lee PR, Parravicini C, Fields RD, Rosa P, Antonucci F, Verderio C, Trincavelli ML, Bramanti P, Martini C, Abbracchio MP, Phenotypic changes, signaling pathway, and functional correlates of GPR17-expressing neural precursor cells during oligodendrocyte differentiation.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2011 Mar 25;286(12):10593-604. Epub 2011 Jan 5;
28) F. Antonucci, C. Cerri, J.F. Maya Vetencourt and M. Caleo. Acute neuroprotection by the synaptic blocker botulinum neurotoxin E in a rat model of focal cerebral ischaemia.
Neuroscience. 2010 Aug 11;169(1):395-401. Epub 2010 May 3;
29) Coremans V, Ahmed T, Balschun D, D'Hooge R, DeVriese A, Cremer J, Antonucci F, Moons M, Baekelandt V, Reumers V, Cremer H, Eisch A, Lagace D, Janssens T, Bozzi Y, Caleo M, Conway. Impaired neurogenesis, learning and memory and low seizure threshold associated with loss of neural precursor cell survivin.
BMC Neuroscience. 2010 Jan 5;11:2.
30) Antonucci F, Bozzi Y, Caleo M, Intrahippocampal infusion of botulinum neurotoxin E (BoNT/E) reduces spontaneous recurrent seizures in a mouse model of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.
Epilepsia. 2009 Apr;50(4):963-6. Epub 2009 Jan 21.
31) Caleo M, Antonucci F, Restani L, Mazzocchio R, A reappraisal of the central effects of botulinum neurotoxin type A: by what mechanism?
Journal of Neurochemistry. 2009 Apr;109(1):15-24. Epub 2009 Feb 11. Review.
32) Antonucci F, Rossi C, Gianfranceschi L, Rossetto O, Caleo M, Long-distance retrograde effects of botulinum neurotoxin A.
Journal of Neuroscience. 2008 Apr2;28(14):3689-96.
33) Antonucci F, Di Garbo A, Novelli E, Manno I, Sartucci F, Bozzi Y, Caleo M. Botulinum neurotoxin E (BoNT/E) reduces CA1 neuron loss and granule cell dispersion, with no effects on chronic seizures, in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy.
Experimental Neurology. 2008 Apr;210(2):388-401.
34) Grumelli C, Berghuis P, Pozzi D, Caleo M, Antonucci F, Bonanno G, Carmignoto G, Dobszay MB, Harkany T, Matteoli M, Verderio C, Calpain activity contributes to the control of SNAP-25 levels in neurons.
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience. 2008 Nov;39(3):314-23.
35) Manno I, Antonucci F, Caleo M, Bozzi Y, BoNT/E prevents seizure-induced activation of caspase 3 in the rat hippocampus.
Neuroreport. 2007 Apr 16;18(6):577-80.
36) F Antonucci, Y Bozzi, E Novelli, F Sartucci, M Caleo.
Boll Lega It Epil, 133/134; 2006 (Italian).
37) Bozzi Y, Costantin L, Antonucci F, Caleo M, Action of botulinum neurotoxins in the central nervous system: antiepileptic effects.
Neurotoxicity of Research. 2006, vol 9, pp 1.
38) Costantin L, Bozzi Y, Richichi C, Viegi A, Antonucci F, Funicello M, Gobbi M, Mennini T, Rossetto O, Montecucco C, Maffei L, Vezzani A, Caleo M, Antiepileptic effects of botulinum neurotoxin E.
Journal of Neuroscience. 2005 Feb 23;25(8):1943-51.
Source: Scopus (
h-index: 19 (December 2020)
Ai sensi dell’art.13 del decreto legislativo 30 giugno 2003, n.196, AUTORIZZO IL TRATTAMENTO dei miei dati personali forniti per le finalità di gestione del presente bando e per la successiva eventuale gestione del medesimo.
Date and Place of birth: Jan 4, 1980 - Taranto (Italy). Citizenship: Italian.
Education and Career
April 2019: Associate Professor of Pharmacology (SSD: Bio/14)
April 2016: Assistant Professor
July 2012: Researcher at University of Milan.
September 2008-February 2012: Post-doctoral fellow at University of Milan. Head of the lab: Prof. Michela Matteoli.
January 2005 - April 2008: PhD in Developmental Neuroscience. University of Pisa/Institute of Neuroscience at C.N.R., Pisa. Supervisors: Prof. Matteo Caleo; Prof. Yuri Bozzi.
December 2003: Professional qualification in Pharmacy
November 2003: Graduated with honours (summa cum laude) in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology, University of Pisa.
July 1998: Scientific High school diploma at “Liceo Scientifico U. Dini”, Pisa.
Honors and Awards
• Winner of the national Prize: “Young Researcher 2016” conferred by the Italian Society of Physiology (SIF).
• Regarding the paper: "Antonucci et al., EMBO Rep 2013", it has been published a "Hot off the Press" by Gaga Kochlamazashvili & Volker Haucke (EMBO Rep. 2013).
• Regarding the paper, "Antonucci et al, Journal of Neuroscience 2008", it has been published:
-1 Article in brief by the journal "Neurology today" entitled: Study Finds Botulinum Toxin Spreads to CNS Tissue in Mice, by Jamie Talan.
-1 Medical News & Perspectives by JAMA entitled: Studies, Reports Say Botulinum Toxins May Have Effects Beyond Injection Site, by Bridget M. Kuehn.
-1 News by NATURE entitled: Botox toxin gets into rat brains - Botulinum can travel along nerves and degrade proteins in the brain stem, by Kerri Smith.
-1 Article and Cover by the TIME - January 16, 2017 entitled: How Botox Became the Drug That’s Treating Everything.
• Scholarship Award of the University of Pisa. visiting scientist at "Life & Brain Center" University of Bonn - Germany; period: 09 / 2007-12 / 2007
Academic Duties:
• October 2021 - present: Departmental Delegated at “Gender Policy Committee - Carrier Development” - University of Milan
• January 2020 - present: Member of Joint Teaching Staff-Student Committee, at Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine (BIOMETRA) Department - University of Milan
• January 2019 to January 2021: Member of “Research Committee” for Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine (BIOMETRA) Department – University of Milan
Research Activity (in brief)
Since many years, I am interested in identifying cellular changes associated to neurological and psychiatric diseases produced by altered excitatory/inhibitory balance. I started my research activity assessing the potential therapeutic effects of Botulinum Neurotoxins (BoNTs) in neurological conditions such as epilepsy and ischemia (Antonucci et al 2008, Journal of Neuroscience; Antonucci et al 2008, Experimental Neurology; Antonucci et al 2009, Epilepsia; Antonucci et al 2010, Neuroscience). I also characterized, in collaboration with Tibor Harkany and Wolfgan Hartig, functional consequences associated to the selective elimination of GABAergic interneurons through the delivery of the saporin-conjugated anti-vesicular GABA transporter antibody (SAVA) (Antonucci et al 2012, Journal of Neuroscience). In a parallel study, I defined the role of microglia-derived microvescicles in altering neuronal communication (Antonucci et al 2012, EMBO Journal) and I also evaluated electrophysiological alterations occurred in neurons obtained by SNAP-25+/- mice, where the SNAP25 gene has been associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and schizophrenia (Antonucci et al. 2013, EMBO Rep).
Recently, I and my group demonstrated a new role of ATM protein in the control of neuronal development showing that its deficiency is associated to a higher inhibition, altered excitatory evoked transmission and unveiling its new involvement in autism spectrum disorders (Pizzamiglio et al, 2016; Pizzamiglio et al, 2020; Pizzamiglio et al, 2021; Focchi et al, in revision). These results highlight ATM as a new key protein able to modulate the neuronal development and function.
My main expertise consists in the in vivo and in vitro electrophysiology associated to behavioral, biochemical and histological techniques.
- Cambria C, Pizzamiglio L, Focchi E, Antonucci Flavia (2021). “Morfolino pirimidine per l’uso nella prevenzione e/o nel trattamento di stati di ipereccitabilità neuronale”. Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi (UIBM); n. 102021000021863 del 13 Agosto 2021.
- Costantin L., Bozzi Y., Richichi C., Viegi A., Antonucci F., Funicello, M., Gobbi M., Mennini T., Rossetto O., Montecucco C., Maffei L., Vezzani A., Caleo M. (2005). “Method and composition for the delivery of a botulinum neurotoxin for the prevention and treatment of epileptic seizures “. United States Patent Office n.11/324,056
Grant as Principal Investigator (PI or Co-PI)
• SEED 2019 - Bando Straordinario per Progetti Interdipartimentali (started in 2020) University of Milan - Title: Rheumaoid Arthritis and mental health: joint brain communication beyond the inflammatory hypothesis. Role: CUD (Head of Departmental Unit of Research).
• PRIN 2017 (started 2019) - Italian Ministry of University and Research - “Progetti di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale”: Title of the project “Early dysfunctions of intercellular signalling in brain disorders” Role: PI - Under 40 (senior PI: Prof. Fabio Mammano).
• AIRETT 2018 - ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA RETT O.N.L.U.S. 2018; “Characterization of the therapeutic potential of neurosteroids for CDKL5-disorder” (Co-PI Prof. Charlotte Kilstrup-Nielsen-Insubria University). Role: Co-PI (with Prof. Charlotte Kilstrup-Nielsen).
• Telethon Research Project 2016 (n. GGP16015): “Excitatory/ inhibitory unbalance in ataxia telangiectasia and perspectives for therapeutic interventions”. Role: PI
• FIRB – FUTURO IN RICERCA 2010/11 (started 2012) – Italian Ministry of Health - Title of the project: “Molecular determinant of neuronal excitability: role of presynaptic proteins in epilepsy”. Role: PI.
• Intramural Grant – “Piano di Sostegno alla Ricerca 2017-2018”, BIOMETRA Department– University of Milan; “Role of ATR in neuronal transmission and neuronal development”.
• Intramural Grant – “Sostegno alla Ricerca di base 2015-16”, BIOMETRA Department– University of Milan; “Analysis of ATM inhibition in hippocampal neurons”.
Reviewer Activity for International Agency
• Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation; Revision of the proposal number: Ref.: KR 5705/1-1
Scientific talks In National and International Meeting
- March 2021: Italian Congress of Pharmacology – (Sif); Milan - Italy, Title: “The pharmacological targeting of ATM to control functional deficits in autism”.
- September 2018: International Congress. Rett Syndrome Research, Towards the Future, Rome; Title: “Tuning of ATM activity to control the delayed GABA-development and neuronal hyper-excitability in neurodevelopmental disorders”.
- November 2018: International Congress. World Structural and Molecular Biology Conference, Rome; Title: “Role of ATM activity in neurodevelopmental disorders”.
- October 2017: Italian Congress of Pharmacology – (Sif); Rimini - Italy, Title: “ATM inhibition as innovative strategy to enhance KCC2 expression and promote GABAergic development”.
- September 2013: Retreat of Italian Neuroscience Institute - C.N.R. - Cagliari - Italy, Title: "REDUCED SNAP-25 ALTERS SHORT TERM PLASTICITY AT DEVELOPING GLUTAMATERGIC SYNAPSES"
- October, 2009: International Congress of the “Italian Society of Neuroscience”; Milano – Italy, Title: "LONG DISTANCE MECHANISM OF ACTION OF BONT/A"
- June, 2008: "31°National Meeting of LICE; Venezia-Mestre – Italy, Title: ENHANCED SEIZURE SUSCEPTIBILITY IN SURVIVIN CONDITIONAL KO MICE"
- March, 2007: PhD Student Meeting in Neuroscience; Torino – Italy, Title: TRAFFICKING OF BOTULINUM NEUROTOXINS IN THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM".
Scientific Seminar (invited)
- March, 2021: Seminar at “University of Insubria”, Title: “THE PHARMACOLOGICAL Tuning OF ATM Activity to Control FUNCTIONAL DEFECTS IN AUTISM
- November, 2012: Seminar at “Fondazione Filarete”- Milan, Title: "Intratechal injection of Saporin-conjugated anti-vGAT antibodies induces selective death of inhibitory neurons in rat brain: AN EXPERIMENTAL MODEL OF EPILEPSY"
- December, 2008: Seminar at Institute of Neuroscience - C.N.R.- Milan, Title: "ACTION OF BOTULINUM NEUROTOXINS IN THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM"
- February, 2008: Seminar at Prof. Anita Luthi’s Lab - University of Lausanne, Title: "ACTION OF BOTULINUM NEUROTOXINS IN THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM"
- November, 2007: Seminar at Prof. Heinz Beck’s Lab - University di Bonn, Title: "EFFECTS OF BoNT/A and BoNT/E IN THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM"
- Editorial Board:
Biomedicines (IF= 4.7)
Frontiers in Neurodegeneration (IF= 3.7)
Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience – Cellular Neurophysiology (IF= 4,55)
- Society:
SIF (since 2015 - present) - Italian Society of Pharmacology
SfN (2007-2010) - Society for Neuroscience
SINS (2007-2014) - Italian Society of Neuroscience
- Reviewer activity for peer reviewed scientific journals (ad hoc):
PNAS (if: >11)
Neural Regeneration Research (if. >5)
Neuropharmacology (if: >5)
Frontiers in Neurodegeneration (if: >4)
Frontiers in Neuroscience (if: >4)
Biomedicines (if: >4)
Neuroscience (if: >3)
Amino acid (if: >3)
Brain Research (if: >3)
Neuronal Plasticity (if: >3)
Biomed Research International (if: >3)
Organization of Scientific Meeting/Seminars
• March 2021: Organization of the Symposium session “New insights in Autism Spectrum Disorders: from basic science to novel therapeutic approaches”, Italian Congress of Pharmacology – (Sif); Digital Edition.
• October 2018: Organization of the Oral communications session “To Switch or Not to Switch: the role of excitatory and inhibitory GABA transmission in pathological and physiological conditions”, Italian Congress of Pharmacology – (Sif); Rimini - October 2017.
• March 2017: Co-organizer of: “1° Translational Meeting of the University of Milan Neuroscience group”. NEURONEST Group – Milan.
• 2014 - 2015: Co-organiser of inter-disciplinary Seminars at University of Milan: BIOMETRA SEMINARS 2014 - 2015: “New perspectives and new techniques in medical biotechnologies”, University of Milan/ Italy.
• 2015 - 2016: Co-organiser of inter-disciplinary Seminars at University of Milan: BIOMETRA SEMINARS 2015-2016: “New perspectives and new techniques in medical biotechnologies”, University of Milan/ Italy.
• 2015 - 2016: Co-organizer of scientific workshops for the Neuroscience Group – NEURONEST – University of Milan.
Original Article
1) Lara Pizzamiglio, Elisa Focchi, Clara Cambria, Luisa Ponzoni, Silvia Ferrara, Francesco Biari, Genni Desiato, Nicoletta Landsberger, Luca Murru, Maria Passafaro, Mariaelvina Sala, Michela Matteoli, Elisabetta Menna and Flavia Antonucci. The DNA repair protein ATM as target in autism spectrum disorder.
Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight, 2021 Feb 8;6(3):133654.
2) Longaretti A, Forastieri C, Toffolo E, Caffino L, Locarno A, Miseviciute I, Marchesi E, Battistin M, Ponzoni L, Madaschi L, Cambria C, Bonasoni P, Sala M, Perrone D, Fumagalli F, Bassani S, Antonucci F, Tonini R, Francolini M, Battaglioli E and Rusconi F. LSD1 is an environmental stress-sensitive negative modulator of the glutamatergic synapse.
Neurobiology of Stress, 2020 Nov 27;13:100280
3) Francesca Ingegnoli*, Massimiliano Buoli*, Flavia Antonucci*, Lavinia Coletto*, Cecilia Maria Esposito*, Roberto Caporali*. The brain-joint axis in rheumatoid arthritis: from bench to bedside.
Frontiers in Medicine, 2020 Dec 7;7:589079. Review
4) Lara Pizzamiglio, Elisa Focchi, and Flavia Antonucci. ATM Protein Kinase: Old and New Implications in Neuronal Pathways and Brain Circuitry.
Cells. 2020 Aug 26;9(9): E1969. Review
5) Pelucchi S, Vandermeulen L, Pizzamiglio L, Aksan B, Yan J, Konietzny A, Bonomi E, Borroni B, Padovani A, Rust MB, Di Marino D, Mikhaylova M, Mauceri D, Antonucci F, Edefonti V, Gardoni F, Di Luca M, Marcello E. Cyclase-associated protein 2 dimerization regulates cofilin in synaptic plasticity and Alzheimer's disease.
Brain Communication 2020 Jun 26;2(2): fcaa086.
6) Elena Marcello, Stefano Musardo, Lina Vandermeulen, Silvia Pelucchi, Fabrizio Gardoni, Nadia Santo, Flavia Antonucci, Monica Di Luca. Amyloid-β oligomers regulate ADAM10 synaptic localization through aberrant plasticity phenomena.
Molecular Neurobiology. 2019 Oct;56(10):7136-7143
7) Gandaglia A, Brivio E, Carli S, Palmieri M, Bedogni F, Stefanelli G, Bergo A, Leva B, Cattaneo C, Pizzamiglio L, Cicerone M, Bianchi V, Kilstrup-Nielsen C, D'Annessa I, Di Marino D, D'Adamo P, Antonucci F, Frasca A, Landsberger N. A Novel Mecp2Y120D Knock-in Model Displays Similar Behavioral Traits But Distinct Molecular Features Compared to the Mecp2-Null Mouse Implying Precision Medicine for the Treatment of Rett Syndrome.
Molecular Neurobiology. 2019 Jul;56(7):4838-4854
8) R Morini, S Ferrara, F Perrucci, S Zambetti, E Marcello, F Gardoni, F Antonucci, M Matteoli, E Menna. Lack of the actin capping protein, Eps8, affects NMDA-type glutamate receptor function and composition.
Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 2018 Sep 5;11:313. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2018.00313
9) Tramarin M*, Rusconi L*, Pizzamiglio L, Barbiero I, Peroni D, Scaramuzza L, Guilliams T, Cavalla D, Antonucci F, Kilstrup-Nielsen C. The antidepressant tianeptine reverts synaptic AMPA receptor defects caused by deficiency of CDKL5.
Human Molecular Genetics. 2018 Jun 15;27(12):2052-2063
10) Corradini I, Focchi E, Rasile M, Morini R, Desiato G, Tomasoni R, Lizier M, Ghirardini E, Fesce R, Morone D, Barajon I, Antonucci F, Pozzi D, Matteoli M. Maternal Immune Activation Delays Excitatory-to-Inhibitory Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Switch in Offspring.
Biological Psychiatry. 2018 Apr 15;83(8):680-691
11) Pizzamiglio Lara, Focchi Elisa, Murru Luca, Tamborini Matteo, Passafaro Maria, Menna Elisabetta, Matteoli Michela and Antonucci Flavia. New role of ATM in controlling GABAergic tone during development.
Cerebral Cortex. 2016 Oct;26(10):3879-88.
12) Emanuele M., Esposito A., Camerini S., Antonucci F., Ferrara S., Seghezza S., Catelani T., Crescenzi M., Marotta R., Canale C., Matteoli M, Menna E., Chieregatti E. Exogenous Alpha-Synuclein Alters Pre- and Post-Synaptic Activity by Fragmenting Lipid Rafts.
EBioMedicine. 2016 May; 7:191-204.
13) Flavia Antonucci, Irene Corradini, Giuliana Fossati, Romana Tomasoni, Elisabetta Menna and Michela Matteoli. SNAP-25, a known presynaptic protein with emerging postsynaptic functions
Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2016 REVIEW- 2016 Mar 24;8:7
14) L Riganti, F Antonucci, M Gabrielli, I Prada, P Giussani, P Viani, E Menna, M Matteoli, and C Verderio, Sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) impacts presynaptic function by regulating Synapsin I localization in the presynaptic compartment.
Journal of Neuroscience, 2016 Apr 20;36(16):4624-34.
15) Marianna Leonzino, Marta Busnelli, Flavia Antonucci, Claudia Verderio, Michele Mazzanti, Bice Chini. Regulation of the oxytocin-mediated GABA switch via KCC2 expression and phosphorylation
Cell Reports, 2016 Apr 5;15(1):96-103
16) G Fattorini, F Antonucci, E Menna, M Matteoli, and F Conti, vGlut1/vGAT co-expression sustains glutamate and GABA co-release and is regulated by activity.
Journal of Cell Science. 2015 Mar 6. pii: jcs.164210. Epub ahead of print;
17) M Gabrielli*, N Battista*, L Riganti, I Prada, F Antonucci, L Cantone, M Matteoli, M Maccarrone, Claudia Verderio, Active endocannabinoids are secreted on extracellular membrane vesicles.
EMBO Report 2015 Feb;16(2):213-20. Epub 2015 Jan;
18) Fossati, R Morini, I Corradini, F Antonucci, P Trepte, E Edry, V Sherma, A Papale, D Pozzi, P Defilippi, J C. Meier, R Brambilla, E Turco, K Rosenblum, E E.Wanker, N E. Ziv, E Menna and M Matteoli, Reduced SNAP-25 increases PSD-95 mobility and impairs spine morphogenesis.
Cell Death & Differentiation. 2015 Feb 13. doi: 10.1038/cdd.2014.227.
19) Noemi Tonna, Fabio Bianco, Michela Matteoli, Cinzia Cagnoli, Flavia Antonucci, Paolo Ferruti, Amedea Manfredi, Nicolò Mauro and Elisabetta Ranucci, A soluble poly(amidoamine) as promoter of primary brain cell adhesion and cell culturing in vitro.
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials; 2014; Volume 15, Issue 4, 1 August 2014, Article number 045007;
20) Piccoli G, Onofri F, Cirnaru MD, Kaiser CJ, Jagtap P, Kastenmüller A, Pischedda F, Marte A, von Zweydorf F, Vogt A, Giesert F, Pan L, Antonucci F, Kiel C, Zhang M, Weinkauf S, Sattler M, Sala C, Matteoli M, Ueffing M, Gloeckner CJ, Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 binds to neuronal vesicles through protein interactions mediated by its C-terminal WD40 domain.
Molecular and Cellular Biology. 2014 Jun 15;34(12):2147-2161. Epub 2014 Mar 31;
21) Antonucci F, Corradini I, Morini R, Fossati G, Menna E, Pozzi D, Pacioni S, Verderio C, Bacci A and Matteoli M, Reduced SNAP-25 alters short-term plasticity at developing glutamatergic synapses.
EMBO Report. 2013 Jul;14(7):645-51;
22) Gelsomino G, Menna E, Antonucci F, Rodighiero S, Benfenati F, Valtorta F, Verderio C and Matteoli M, Kainate induces mobilization of synaptic vesicles at the growth cone through the activation of protein kinase A.
Cerebral Cortex. 2013 Mar;23(3):531-41.
23) Antonucci F, Alpár A, Kacza J, Caleo M, Verderio C, Giani A, Martens H, Chaudhry F A., Allegra M, Grosche J, Michalski D, Erck C, Hoffmann A, Harkany T, Matteoli M & Härtig W, Cracking down on inhibition: selective removal of GABAergic interneurons from hippocampal networks. Journal of Neuroscience. 2012 Feb 8;32(6):1989-2001.
24) Antonucci F, Turola E, Riganti L, Caleo M, Gabrielli M, Perrotta C, Novellino L, Clementi E, Giussani P, Viani P, Matteoli M, Verderio C. Microvesicles released from microglia stimulate synaptic activity via enhanced sphingolipid metabolism.
EMBO Journal. 2012 Mar 7;31(5):1231-40.
25) Corradini I*, Donzelli A*, Antonucci F, Welzl H, Loos M, Martucci M, De Astis S, Pattini L, Inverardi F, Wolfer D, Caleo M, Bozzi Y, Verderio C, Frassoni C, Braida D, Clerici M, Lipp HP, Sala M and Matteoli M, Epileptiform activity and cognitive deficits in SNAP-25(+/-) mice are normalized by antiepileptic drugs.
Cerebral Cortex. 2012 Oct 12.
26) Restani L, Antonucci F, Gianfranceschi L, Rossi C, Rossetto O, Caleo M, Evidence for anterograde transport and transcytosis of botulinum neurotoxin A (BoNT/A).
Journal of Neuroscience. 2011 Nov 2;31(44):15650;
27) Fumagalli M, Daniele S, Lecca D, Lee PR, Parravicini C, Fields RD, Rosa P, Antonucci F, Verderio C, Trincavelli ML, Bramanti P, Martini C, Abbracchio MP, Phenotypic changes, signaling pathway, and functional correlates of GPR17-expressing neural precursor cells during oligodendrocyte differentiation.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2011 Mar 25;286(12):10593-604. Epub 2011 Jan 5;
28) F. Antonucci, C. Cerri, J.F. Maya Vetencourt and M. Caleo. Acute neuroprotection by the synaptic blocker botulinum neurotoxin E in a rat model of focal cerebral ischaemia.
Neuroscience. 2010 Aug 11;169(1):395-401. Epub 2010 May 3;
29) Coremans V, Ahmed T, Balschun D, D'Hooge R, DeVriese A, Cremer J, Antonucci F, Moons M, Baekelandt V, Reumers V, Cremer H, Eisch A, Lagace D, Janssens T, Bozzi Y, Caleo M, Conway. Impaired neurogenesis, learning and memory and low seizure threshold associated with loss of neural precursor cell survivin.
BMC Neuroscience. 2010 Jan 5;11:2.
30) Antonucci F, Bozzi Y, Caleo M, Intrahippocampal infusion of botulinum neurotoxin E (BoNT/E) reduces spontaneous recurrent seizures in a mouse model of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy.
Epilepsia. 2009 Apr;50(4):963-6. Epub 2009 Jan 21.
31) Caleo M, Antonucci F, Restani L, Mazzocchio R, A reappraisal of the central effects of botulinum neurotoxin type A: by what mechanism?
Journal of Neurochemistry. 2009 Apr;109(1):15-24. Epub 2009 Feb 11. Review.
32) Antonucci F, Rossi C, Gianfranceschi L, Rossetto O, Caleo M, Long-distance retrograde effects of botulinum neurotoxin A.
Journal of Neuroscience. 2008 Apr2;28(14):3689-96.
33) Antonucci F, Di Garbo A, Novelli E, Manno I, Sartucci F, Bozzi Y, Caleo M. Botulinum neurotoxin E (BoNT/E) reduces CA1 neuron loss and granule cell dispersion, with no effects on chronic seizures, in a mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy.
Experimental Neurology. 2008 Apr;210(2):388-401.
34) Grumelli C, Berghuis P, Pozzi D, Caleo M, Antonucci F, Bonanno G, Carmignoto G, Dobszay MB, Harkany T, Matteoli M, Verderio C, Calpain activity contributes to the control of SNAP-25 levels in neurons.
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience. 2008 Nov;39(3):314-23.
35) Manno I, Antonucci F, Caleo M, Bozzi Y, BoNT/E prevents seizure-induced activation of caspase 3 in the rat hippocampus.
Neuroreport. 2007 Apr 16;18(6):577-80.
36) F Antonucci, Y Bozzi, E Novelli, F Sartucci, M Caleo.
Boll Lega It Epil, 133/134; 2006 (Italian).
37) Bozzi Y, Costantin L, Antonucci F, Caleo M, Action of botulinum neurotoxins in the central nervous system: antiepileptic effects.
Neurotoxicity of Research. 2006, vol 9, pp 1.
38) Costantin L, Bozzi Y, Richichi C, Viegi A, Antonucci F, Funicello M, Gobbi M, Mennini T, Rossetto O, Montecucco C, Maffei L, Vezzani A, Caleo M, Antiepileptic effects of botulinum neurotoxin E.
Journal of Neuroscience. 2005 Feb 23;25(8):1943-51.
Source: Scopus (
h-index: 19 (December 2020)
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