Settori (3)
Descrizione linee ricerca
Sociologia delle migrazioni; Sociologia della famiglia; Sociologia delle relazioni di genere ed intergenerazionali (2013 - )
No Results Found
Ricerca finanziata (5)
Decision making of aspiring (re)migrants to and within the EU: the case of labour market-leading migrations from Asia
Horizon Europe Global Challenge-RIA/IA/CSA
Responsabile scientifico
36 mesi
17 mesi
Strategie di consumo e risparmio delle famiglie transnazionali a Milano.
PUR20062008 - PUR 2006-2008
Volunteering across Crises: a comparative and longitudinal analysis of social innovation potential [VolACRoss]
PRIN2022 - PRIN bando 2022
Responsabile scientifico
24 mesi
No Results Found
Pubblicazioni (75)
Ricerca e didattica presso enti
Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipo A presso: Università degli Studi di MILANO
(01/12/2012 - 30/11/2015)20121201
No Results Found
Collegi di dottorato (10)
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 40 - Anno: 2024
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 39 - Anno: 2023
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 38 - Anno: 2022
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 37 - Anno: 2021
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 36 - Anno: 2020
Università degli Studi di TORINO -
(ciclo: 35 - Anno: 2019
Università degli Studi di TORINO -
(ciclo: 34 - Anno: 2018
Università degli Studi di TORINO -
(ciclo: 33 - Anno: 2017
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 30 - Anno: 2014
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 29 - Anno: 2013
No Results Found
Tutoraggio (2)
tutorship -
tutorship -
No Results Found
Public Engagement (17)
Partecipazioni attive a incontri pubblici organizzati da altri soggetti (Organizzatore)
- Partecipazione ad About a City 2024 - Migrant City. Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli.
Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli, Viale Pasubio 5, Milano (26/11/2024 - ) 20241126
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Organizzazione di iniziative di valorizzazione, consultazione e condivisione della ricerca (Organizzatore)
- Tra volontariato e cura
CSV Milano (21/06/2024 - 21/06/2024) 20240621
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Organizzazione di concerti, spettacoli teatrali, rassegne cinematografiche, eventi sportivi, mostre, esposizioni e altri eventi di pubblica utilità aperti alla comunità (Organizzatore)
- Alla ricerca dei migranti desaparecidos
università degli studi di milano (13/02/2020 - 13/02/2020) 20200213
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Dipartimento di Studi Internazionali, Giuridici e Storico - Politici
Partecipazioni attive a incontri pubblici organizzati da altri soggetti (Altro)
- La Milano che verrà. Dialogo al futuro su città e migrazione
Comune di Milano (04/12/2019 - 04/12/2019) 20191204
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Partecipazioni attive a incontri pubblici organizzati da altri soggetti (Organizzatore)
- Partecipazione al ciclo di incontri "Migrazioni femminili dagli anni Cinquanta a oggi"
Spazio Unione Femminile nazionale, Corso di Porta nuova 32 (31/01/2019 - 31/01/2019) 20190131
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Organizzazione di iniziative di valorizzazione, consultazione e condivisione della ricerca (Organizzatore)
- Evento Bookcity - Sognatori solidali: migrazioni, asilo e società civile
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Iniziative di co-produzione di conoscenza (Organizzatore)
- I veri numeri del decreto flussi: un sistema che continua a creare irregolarità
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Altre iniziative di Public Engagement (Organizzatore)
- Partecipazione al Festival ConVivere, dialogo con Don Virginio Colmegna su “Dimensione pubblica e politica della cura”, Carrara.
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Produzione di programmi radiofonici e televisivi (Organizzatore)
- Podcast Intervistautori
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Produzione di programmi radiofonici e televisivi (Organizzatore)
- Podcast Project Aspire
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Organizzazione di iniziative di valorizzazione, consultazione e condivisione della ricerca (Organizzatore)
- Presentazione del numero della rivista Il Mulino - L’Italia dei divari, presso l’Auditorium MAST di Bologna, con Azzurra Rinaldi ed Alessandro Rosina, febbraio 2023
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Organizzazione di iniziative di valorizzazione, consultazione e condivisione della ricerca (Organizzatore)
- Presentazione del volume - "Impegnati ad Accogliere" organizzato dall'associaizone Cultureando presso la casa delle associazioni del Municipio 6 (Comune di Milano)
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Produzione di programmi radiofonici e televisivi (Organizzatore)
- Ricongiungimenti, l'ultima stretta "Cosi' si separano intere famiglie" - Paola Bonizzoni (D.Motta)
Avvenire pag.7 · 06-12-2024
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Organizzazione di iniziative di valorizzazione, consultazione e condivisione della ricerca (Organizzatore)
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Iniziative di co-produzione di conoscenza (Organizzatore)
- Tra volontariato e attivismo: volontariato e (de)politicizzazione
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Iniziative di co-produzione di conoscenza (Organizzatore)
- Una nuova forma di volontariato: i tutori di Minori Stranieri Non Accompagnati
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Iniziative di co-produzione di conoscenza (Organizzatore)
- Voci migranti ai tempi del coronavirus
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
No Results Found
Paola Bonizzoni
Researcher unique identifier(s):
Date of birth: 26/09/79
PhD in Sociology (2008), Graduate School of Social, Economic and Political Sciences, University of Milan. Dissertation entitled “Crossing frontiers. Transnational life and reunification processes of migrant families in Milan”. Supervised by Prof. Luisa Leonini and Prof. Maurizio Ambrosini.
BA and MA (Laurea Vecchio Ordinamento) in Educational Sciences, University of Milano-Bicocca (110 cum laude, 2004). Dissertation entitled “Tourists and beggars. Dynamics of uncertainty on the Lampedusa Island”. Supervised by Prof. Marcello Maneri.
Summer School in Social Research Methods and Techniques (2009), ECPR/University of Ljubljana. Courses “Organizing and analyzing focus groups”; “Ethnographic observation and in-depth interviewing”.
Summer School “Immigration in Europe” (2006), ESA/University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences.
Current Position
Associate Professor, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan (April 2017-present)
Previous Positions
Assistant Professor in Sociology (RTDa), University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences (2012/2015).
Teaching Activities
Undergraduate Courses “Sociology and Social Change” (2012-present), “Globalization, diversity and inequality” (2017-present), BA in Social Sciences for Globalization, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan.
Undergraduate Course “Applied Social Research” (Qualitative Research Module), BA in Political Sciences, University of Milan (2017-present).
Stanford University - Bing Overseas Studies Program, Florence. Courses entitled "Globalization and Social Divisions" (2020/21) and "Sociology of Migrations" course (co-led, 2018/19)
Teacher and Faculty Member of the Summer School in “Sociology of Migration” organized by University of Genoa/Centro Studi Medì. (2010-present).
Institutional Responsibilities
(2017-present) Member of the Faculty Committee of the PhD Programme in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan.
(2020-present) Coordinator of the BA-level course in Social Sciences for Globalization, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan.
(2017-present) Coordinator (year 2019/20) and Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the post-graduate Master in “Immigration Management”, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan.
(2017-2020) Erasmus Program coordinator for the Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan.
Fellowships, Scholarships and Grants
(2020) Unimi Transition Grant - Linea 5 PRIN 2017. Grant awarded to PRIN Research Project “Re-CIT - Reinventing citizenship” not funded while having received an evaluation above threshold (90/100).
(2012) Research fellowship for the proposed project “An experimental approach to the study of ethnic discriminations in the labour market: three case studies”, Department of Sociology, University of Milano-Bicocca.
Research fellowship for the proposed project “Migrant families separating and reuniting across frontiers”, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan (2008/2012).
Post-doctoral Research Fellow on the Project “Frontiering economic cultures: migrants’ family solidarity and immigrant youth’s consumption styles” funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, University of Milan (2007/2008).
Participation to national and international research groups (selected)
(2019-present) Migration governance and Asylum crises (MAGYC) project (H2020-SC6-MIGRATION-2018 EU Horizon 2020, Grant Agreement No. 822806, overall budget € 3.175.263,70). Principal Investigator (PI): François Gemenne (The Hugo Observatory, Université de Lièges). Activities and role in the project: planning, participation in the research group coordinated by Maurizio Ambrosini.
(2018-present) Enhancing Social Innovation in Elderly Care: values, practices and policies (InnovaCare) project, funded by the Cariplo Foundation (Call for Social Research on Aging 2017, € 197,925. PI: Prof. Antonio Maria Chiesi). Activities and role in the project: planning, fieldwork coordination and reporting, dissemination.
(2017) Project “Religions, families and social relations. Churches and resources for the intergenerational and interethnic aggregation of migrant families ". Research assignment funded by the Confronti Studies Center (scientific managers: Claudio Paravati and Paolo Naso): elaboration of the research design, fieldwork, publications, dissemination.
(2014-15) Member of the local research unit coordinated by Serena Vicari, as part of the PRIN project "Small municipalities and social cohesion: urban policies and practices for the social and spatial inclusion of immigrants" coordinated by Marcello Balbo.
(2012) Design and research for the project "Reunited wives and mothers: controversial protagonists of the integration processes of migrant families" funded by the Regional Observatory on Integration and Multi-ethnicity. Scientific supervisor: Maurizio Ambrosini.
(2011) Design, team coordination and research activities for the project "Foreign families and integration paths between the housing dimension, sociality and neighborhood relations" funded by the Regional Observatory on Integration and Multi-ethnicity. Scientific supervisor: Maurizio Ambrosini. Members of the research team: Marta Cordini, Patrizio Ponti, Vera Lomazzi, Sonia Pozzi.
(2010) National expert for the FRIM research project "Fundamental rights situation of irregular immigrants in the EU", commissioned by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights to the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), coordinated by Anna Triandafyllidou. Research group composed of researchers from 10 different European countries.
(2010) Design, team coordination and research activities for the project "Friendly networks and meeting places for young people of foreign origin in Lombardy" funded by the Regional Observatory on Integration and Multi-ethnicity. Scientific supervisor: Maurizio Ambrosini.
Participation in editorial committees
(2010-present) Journal Mondi Migranti Magazine (from issue 2 of 2010)
(2019-present) Journal Migration Politics
Scientific conferences
Organization of Sessions and Panels
Panel "Contested Rights: Minorities and Justice", Seventh Annual Conference of Ethnography and Qualitative Research (2018). With Alberta Giorgi. University of Bergamo.
Panel "The reunification of refugee families across Europe: rights, practices and experiences" (with Milena Belloni), 15th IMISCOE Conference, Barcelona (2018).
Session "Transformations of citizenship between the legal sphere, political activism and daily practices: access to rights, representation, belonging" at the Annual Conference of ESPAnet Italia, Turin (September 2014). With Maurizio Ambrosini.
Invited talks
“Meeting elderly care needs: managing ambivalences in Italian migration and care regimes”, Virginia Tech, Center for European Studies (Riva San Vitale, CH), (April 2018).
“Regulating and accessing family reunification: towards increasingly earned and stratified rights?”, University of Antwerp, Seminar Cycle of the Department of Sociology, (February 2018).
“Ambivalent categorizations. The management of asylum seekers in Italy between work and vulnerability ", University of Lund, Seminar Cycle of the Department of Sociology, (December 2017).
"Italians and foreigners in the labor market: formal equality and substantial inequality", thematic workshop on domestic work, ASGI-Charlemagne Foundation, (November 2017).
"Families and borders: when integration becomes a filter", conference "Living and managing borders", University of Turin (December 2016).
"Gender and asylum: what links?" as part of the initiative "Refugee women and asylum seekers in the European Union" organized by the Information Office of the European Parliament in Milan (March 2015).
"Defining the family, regulating dependency: Italian family migration policies and the experience of Latin American migrants" at the closing conference of the project "Transnational Child Raising Arrangements between Africa and The Netherlands", Amsterdam (June 2014).
"Migrant women and Italian women: united by the dilemmas of care": first national assembly of women FILCAMS-CGIL, Rome (November 2014).
“Reuniting between families. Plurality of experiences, needs and intervention models "as part of the conference" Immigration today: work, gender, families "organized by the Milan Metropolitan Chamber of Labor (June 2014).
Paper presentation
"Substituting, complementing, denouncing: exploring avenues and dilemmas of volunteers’ engagement in the emerging Italian refugees ’reception system", IV SISEC Conference, University of Turin, (February 2020)
"Membership intermediaries: a study of legal intermediation and brokerage in Milan" workshop Brokerage in a diverse Europe: Intermediaries, go-betweens and bridges, The Open University, London (February 2018).
“The border (s) within. Formal and informal processes of status production, negotiation and contestation in a migratory context "at the study day" Retour des frontières ou "Global Seam"? Une réflexion sur la solidarité transnationale, les droits, et la citoyenneté au temps de la crise migratoire en Europe ", Menton (June 2017).
Reviewer for:
Ethnic and Racial Studies, International Migration, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, Journal of Family Issues, Journal of Family Studies, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Migration Studies, Journal of European Social Policy The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Time & Society, Global Networks, Sociology, Mondi Migranti, Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, About Gender, Autonomie Locali e Servizi Sociali.
Bibliometric indicators
Citations: 768 Indice H: 15; i10-index: 22 (Google Scholar, January 2021).
Researcher unique identifier(s):
Date of birth: 26/09/79
PhD in Sociology (2008), Graduate School of Social, Economic and Political Sciences, University of Milan. Dissertation entitled “Crossing frontiers. Transnational life and reunification processes of migrant families in Milan”. Supervised by Prof. Luisa Leonini and Prof. Maurizio Ambrosini.
BA and MA (Laurea Vecchio Ordinamento) in Educational Sciences, University of Milano-Bicocca (110 cum laude, 2004). Dissertation entitled “Tourists and beggars. Dynamics of uncertainty on the Lampedusa Island”. Supervised by Prof. Marcello Maneri.
Summer School in Social Research Methods and Techniques (2009), ECPR/University of Ljubljana. Courses “Organizing and analyzing focus groups”; “Ethnographic observation and in-depth interviewing”.
Summer School “Immigration in Europe” (2006), ESA/University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences.
Current Position
Associate Professor, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan (April 2017-present)
Previous Positions
Assistant Professor in Sociology (RTDa), University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences (2012/2015).
Teaching Activities
Undergraduate Courses “Sociology and Social Change” (2012-present), “Globalization, diversity and inequality” (2017-present), BA in Social Sciences for Globalization, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan.
Undergraduate Course “Applied Social Research” (Qualitative Research Module), BA in Political Sciences, University of Milan (2017-present).
Stanford University - Bing Overseas Studies Program, Florence. Courses entitled "Globalization and Social Divisions" (2020/21) and "Sociology of Migrations" course (co-led, 2018/19)
Teacher and Faculty Member of the Summer School in “Sociology of Migration” organized by University of Genoa/Centro Studi Medì. (2010-present).
Institutional Responsibilities
(2017-present) Member of the Faculty Committee of the PhD Programme in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan.
(2020-present) Coordinator of the BA-level course in Social Sciences for Globalization, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan.
(2017-present) Coordinator (year 2019/20) and Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the post-graduate Master in “Immigration Management”, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan.
(2017-2020) Erasmus Program coordinator for the Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan.
Fellowships, Scholarships and Grants
(2020) Unimi Transition Grant - Linea 5 PRIN 2017. Grant awarded to PRIN Research Project “Re-CIT - Reinventing citizenship” not funded while having received an evaluation above threshold (90/100).
(2012) Research fellowship for the proposed project “An experimental approach to the study of ethnic discriminations in the labour market: three case studies”, Department of Sociology, University of Milano-Bicocca.
Research fellowship for the proposed project “Migrant families separating and reuniting across frontiers”, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan (2008/2012).
Post-doctoral Research Fellow on the Project “Frontiering economic cultures: migrants’ family solidarity and immigrant youth’s consumption styles” funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, University of Milan (2007/2008).
Participation to national and international research groups (selected)
(2019-present) Migration governance and Asylum crises (MAGYC) project (H2020-SC6-MIGRATION-2018 EU Horizon 2020, Grant Agreement No. 822806, overall budget € 3.175.263,70). Principal Investigator (PI): François Gemenne (The Hugo Observatory, Université de Lièges). Activities and role in the project: planning, participation in the research group coordinated by Maurizio Ambrosini.
(2018-present) Enhancing Social Innovation in Elderly Care: values, practices and policies (InnovaCare) project, funded by the Cariplo Foundation (Call for Social Research on Aging 2017, € 197,925. PI: Prof. Antonio Maria Chiesi). Activities and role in the project: planning, fieldwork coordination and reporting, dissemination.
(2017) Project “Religions, families and social relations. Churches and resources for the intergenerational and interethnic aggregation of migrant families ". Research assignment funded by the Confronti Studies Center (scientific managers: Claudio Paravati and Paolo Naso): elaboration of the research design, fieldwork, publications, dissemination.
(2014-15) Member of the local research unit coordinated by Serena Vicari, as part of the PRIN project "Small municipalities and social cohesion: urban policies and practices for the social and spatial inclusion of immigrants" coordinated by Marcello Balbo.
(2012) Design and research for the project "Reunited wives and mothers: controversial protagonists of the integration processes of migrant families" funded by the Regional Observatory on Integration and Multi-ethnicity. Scientific supervisor: Maurizio Ambrosini.
(2011) Design, team coordination and research activities for the project "Foreign families and integration paths between the housing dimension, sociality and neighborhood relations" funded by the Regional Observatory on Integration and Multi-ethnicity. Scientific supervisor: Maurizio Ambrosini. Members of the research team: Marta Cordini, Patrizio Ponti, Vera Lomazzi, Sonia Pozzi.
(2010) National expert for the FRIM research project "Fundamental rights situation of irregular immigrants in the EU", commissioned by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights to the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), coordinated by Anna Triandafyllidou. Research group composed of researchers from 10 different European countries.
(2010) Design, team coordination and research activities for the project "Friendly networks and meeting places for young people of foreign origin in Lombardy" funded by the Regional Observatory on Integration and Multi-ethnicity. Scientific supervisor: Maurizio Ambrosini.
Participation in editorial committees
(2010-present) Journal Mondi Migranti Magazine (from issue 2 of 2010)
(2019-present) Journal Migration Politics
Scientific conferences
Organization of Sessions and Panels
Panel "Contested Rights: Minorities and Justice", Seventh Annual Conference of Ethnography and Qualitative Research (2018). With Alberta Giorgi. University of Bergamo.
Panel "The reunification of refugee families across Europe: rights, practices and experiences" (with Milena Belloni), 15th IMISCOE Conference, Barcelona (2018).
Session "Transformations of citizenship between the legal sphere, political activism and daily practices: access to rights, representation, belonging" at the Annual Conference of ESPAnet Italia, Turin (September 2014). With Maurizio Ambrosini.
Invited talks
“Meeting elderly care needs: managing ambivalences in Italian migration and care regimes”, Virginia Tech, Center for European Studies (Riva San Vitale, CH), (April 2018).
“Regulating and accessing family reunification: towards increasingly earned and stratified rights?”, University of Antwerp, Seminar Cycle of the Department of Sociology, (February 2018).
“Ambivalent categorizations. The management of asylum seekers in Italy between work and vulnerability ", University of Lund, Seminar Cycle of the Department of Sociology, (December 2017).
"Italians and foreigners in the labor market: formal equality and substantial inequality", thematic workshop on domestic work, ASGI-Charlemagne Foundation, (November 2017).
"Families and borders: when integration becomes a filter", conference "Living and managing borders", University of Turin (December 2016).
"Gender and asylum: what links?" as part of the initiative "Refugee women and asylum seekers in the European Union" organized by the Information Office of the European Parliament in Milan (March 2015).
"Defining the family, regulating dependency: Italian family migration policies and the experience of Latin American migrants" at the closing conference of the project "Transnational Child Raising Arrangements between Africa and The Netherlands", Amsterdam (June 2014).
"Migrant women and Italian women: united by the dilemmas of care": first national assembly of women FILCAMS-CGIL, Rome (November 2014).
“Reuniting between families. Plurality of experiences, needs and intervention models "as part of the conference" Immigration today: work, gender, families "organized by the Milan Metropolitan Chamber of Labor (June 2014).
Paper presentation
"Substituting, complementing, denouncing: exploring avenues and dilemmas of volunteers’ engagement in the emerging Italian refugees ’reception system", IV SISEC Conference, University of Turin, (February 2020)
"Membership intermediaries: a study of legal intermediation and brokerage in Milan" workshop Brokerage in a diverse Europe: Intermediaries, go-betweens and bridges, The Open University, London (February 2018).
“The border (s) within. Formal and informal processes of status production, negotiation and contestation in a migratory context "at the study day" Retour des frontières ou "Global Seam"? Une réflexion sur la solidarité transnationale, les droits, et la citoyenneté au temps de la crise migratoire en Europe ", Menton (June 2017).
Reviewer for:
Ethnic and Racial Studies, International Migration, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, Journal of Family Issues, Journal of Family Studies, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Migration Studies, Journal of European Social Policy The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Time & Society, Global Networks, Sociology, Mondi Migranti, Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, About Gender, Autonomie Locali e Servizi Sociali.
Bibliometric indicators
Citations: 768 Indice H: 15; i10-index: 22 (Google Scholar, January 2021).