
Ricerca finanziata
SLudge (and other residues) Recovery in agriculture: environment and health Protection (SLURP)
CAR_RIC - Bandi Fondazione Cariplo
Responsabile scientifico
30 mesi
No Results Found
Pubblicazioni (78)
Collegi di dottorato (7)
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 40 - Anno: 2024
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 39 - Anno: 2023
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 38 - Anno: 2022
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 37 - Anno: 2021
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 36 - Anno: 2020
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 35 - Anno: 2019
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 34 - Anno: 2018
No Results Found
tutorship -
No Results Found
Public Engagement (3)
Partecipazioni attive a incontri pubblici organizzati da altri soggetti (Altro)
- Partecipazione alla gara podistica non competitiva “Unibs-Run for Climate”
Università Degli Studi di Brescia (01/10/2023 - 01/10/2023) 20231001
Dipartimento di Bioscienze
Organizzazione di iniziative di valorizzazione, consultazione e condivisione della ricerca (Organizzatore)
- Partecipazione al workshop di apertura del progetto SLURP con intervento “Valutazione ecotossicologica di diverse matrici destinate al riutilizzo in ambito agricolo utilizzando embrioni di zebrafish"
evento virtuale piattaforma microsoft teams (03/12/2021 - 03/12/2021) 20211203
Dipartimento di Bioscienze
Organizzazione di iniziative di valorizzazione, consultazione e condivisione della ricerca (Altro)
- Partecipazione all'evento di divulgazione "Waterday2019"
Sala Napoleonica Università degli Studi di Milano (18/12/2019 - 18/12/2019) 20191218
Dipartimento di Bioscienze
No Results Found
2008 Doctor Europaeus PhD in Environmental Sciences at the University of Siena according to European University Association, with a dissertation entitled: “Interactions of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) with biotransformation and steroidogenesis pathways and effects on gill morphology in the European eel Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758) exposed in vivo”.
2001 Master Degree in Biological Sciences at University of Milano.
Associate Professor in Ecology, SSD BIO/07 Department of Biosciences, University of Milan (RTDB)
Previous positions
2017-2020 Tenure track Senior Researcher (RTDB) in Ecology at the Department of Biosciences, University of Milan
2016 Post-doc researcher at National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology
2014-2016 Post-doc researcher at the Department of Bioscience, University of Milan
2009-2014 Post-doc researcher at the Department of Physical Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Siena
2005-2008 PhD student Department of Physical Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Siena
2002-2005 Researcher at ICRAM (Central Institute for Marine Research now ISPRA) in Rome.
Winner of the “Luigi and Francesca Brusarosco” award founded by Italian Ecology Society, for research stays abroad in the field of environmental sciences for the year 2011
Travel grant for attendance to 14th PRIMO (Pollutants Responses in Marine Organisms) meeting. Florianopolis, 6-9 May 2007.
2012 4 months Placement at Scripps Institution of Oceanography California University San Diego, La Jolla CA
2009 1 month Visiting researcher at Laboratory of Molecular Ecotoxicology Division for Marine and Environmental Research RudjerBoskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
2007 4 months Placement at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.
Cariplo Foundation. SLUdge (and other residues) Recovery in agriculture: environment and health Protection (SLURP) (2021-2023). Head of Unit, founded 53,235 Euros
Bando Straordinario per Progetti Interdipartimentali (SEED 2019), University of Milan. Microplastics in Mediterranean fish: towards undErstanDing their transfer from Water system to edible parts as a criticAl issue for food safetY (MEDWAY) (2020-2021). Head of Unit, founded 9,500 Euros
Piano di sostegno alla ricerca, University of Milan. Surviving in a changing ocean. Are polychaetes adapted to ocean acidification more resistant to pollution? (2020). PI, founded 8,000 Euro
Piano di sostegno alla ricerca, University of Milan. Influence of natural functionalization on the toxicity of Cerium dioxide nanoparticles in a freshwater biological model (2019). PI, founded 9,000 Euros.
COST Action CONFREMUS Conservation of Freshwater Mussels OC-2018-2-23587 (2019-2023)
CIPAIS (International Commission for the Protection of Italian-Switzerland waters). Surveys on DDTs and priority pollutants in the Lake Maggiore Ecosystem. (2016-2024)
Cariplo Foundation. Milano e le microplastiche, scienza e conoscenza (2019-2021)
POR FESR 2014-2020. Tuscany Region. NANOBOND (Nanomaterials for environmental remediation associated to dewatering) (2016-2018)
Cariplo Foundation. Costituzione di un centro di eccellenza per lo studio dei nano- e micro-materiali (2018-2019)
Cariplo Foundation. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of the benzo(α)pyrene contribution to carbon nanoparticle toxicity. (2014-2016)
POR CRO FSE 2007-2013 Tuscany Region. NanoRemEco (Testing Eco-friendly Nanoparticles for sediment and marine waters Remediation) (2013-2015)
RITMARE. Italian Research for the sea. Flagship project. SP2_WP4_AZ3_UO04. Welfare and safety of aquaculture products (2012-2015)
PRIN: Marine ecotoxicology of nanomaterials: toxicity and bioaccumulation of nano titaniun dioxide in edible species in the presence of metals and dioxin (2011-2013)
INTERREG CISM Italy-Albania Asse III – Economic development and occupation. Misura 3.1 – Development and quality of agriculture and sea (2006-2008)
PRIN: Emerging contaminants in aquatic environment: eco-physiological study for evaluating the effects of synthetic musks in fish (2009-2011)
POR Sicily 2000-2006 SFOP-Asse IV, Misura 4.17 – Azione di sostegno per la pesca e l’acquacoltura (SFOP). Sottomisura 4.17b – Assessment of impact of environmental contaminants in fishery resources: an innovative model for protecting marine ecosystem (2007)
FISR: Innovation model for integrative management of fish farming for safety and quality of products and the environment (Allittima) (2005-2009)
PON: Identification and experimental treatment in situ of contaminated marine sediment and tests of environmental compatibility (SEMACO) (2003-2006)
REDCOD Research on Environmental Damage caused by Chemical Ordnance Dumped at Sea (2004-2005)
My field of research is aquatic ecotoxicology. The main objective of my research is to look at mechanisms of action and toxicity of emerging pollutants -specifically nanoparticles and microplastics- and other stressors in aquatic species under both laboratory and natural exposure conditions. The effects are studied at different levels of biological complexity from the first molecular interactions to the effects at organism level, through the application of a wide range of analytical tools. Specifically: application of omics techniques for evaluating changes in the protein and metabolome pattern in response to stress. Enzyme assays for evaluating the activity of proteins involved in the metabolism/detoxification of contaminants, cyto-genotoxicity, oxidative stress and neurotoxicity biomarkers, and behavioural and reproductive enpoints. Over the last years, my research has focused on studying the mechanisms of tolerance to ocean acidification in polychaetes species.
Authored and co-authored 60 papers in peer-reviewed journals. Scopus H-index 26. Total citations 2065.
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Environmental Toxicology And Pharmacology
Review Editor of the Aquatic Physiology and Marine Pollution sections of the journals Frontiers in Marine Science and Frontiers in Physiology
Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Biological models for the study of Ocean Acidification: from molecules to the ecosystem” for the journal Frontiers in Marine Science
Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Rare earth elements in the aquatic environment: current knowledge and future perspectives” for the journal Science of the Total Environment
Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Challenges in Environmental Emerging Contaminants 2019 (CEEC19)” for the journal Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Guest Editor of the Special Issue “BECOME 2016” for the journal Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.
Reviewer for 11 international peer-reviewed journals.
Member of the Scientific commetee of the conference “9th Euromal Conference” virtual 5-9 September 2021.
Member of the Scientific cometee of the conference "8a edizione Giornate di Studio: Ricerca e applicazione di metodologie ecotossicologiche” Livorno 26-28 November 2018
Member of the Scientific cometee of the conference "7a edizione Giornate di Studio: Ricerca e applicazione di metodologie ecotossicologiche” Livorno 22-24 November 2016
Member of the Scientific cometee of 1st International Workshop "Ecofriendly Nanotechnologies: State-of-the-art, future perspectives and ecotoxicological evaluation of nano-remediation applied to contaminated sediments", Livorno 24 November 2016.
9th Euromal Conference. Keynote Presentation: Bivalve ecotoxicology: from biomonitoring of legacy pollutants to recent advances to assess the impacts of contaminants on aquatic ecosystems. Virtual conference 5-9 September 2021.
Ecology Day 2020. Presentation: Investigating the interactive effects of nanomaterials and pollutants in water ecosystem: A case study with Carbon-based nanomaterials and Benzo(⍺)pyrene. Virtual conference 14 September 2020
Water Day 2019. Presentation: Implicazioni ambientali dei nanomateriali: le nuove frontiere per l’indagine nano-ecotossicologica. Milano 18 December 2019
4th Italy-Japan Bilateral meeting “Physical and Chemical Impacts of Marine Organisms for the Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainability”. Presentation: Oil pollution impact on marine ecosystem: an integrated ecotoxicological approach. Nagoya, 24-27 October 2010
3rd Italy-Japan Bilateral meeting “Physical and Chemical Impacts on Marine Organisms - Seeking Sustainability and Postgenomics”. Presentation: Unexploded ordnance at sea: 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene as a novel and emerging environmental issue of concern. Nagoya, 24-28 November 2008
Workshop “Human Environmental Health Protection” Organised by Master and Mates Union of Greek Merchant Marine. Presentation Chemical Weapons and Benthic Assemblages, the effect of chemical weapons and explosive dumped at sea. Pireo, 10-13 September 2002.
Since 2018 tutor of 11 master students at University of Milan. Since 2014 co-tutor of 6 master students at University of Milan. From 2009 to 2013 co-tutor of 10 master and bachelor students at University of Siena.
Present: Communities and Ecosystems. Second level degree in Biodiversity and Biological Evolution University of Milan
Marine Biology and Ecology. Second level degree in Biodiversity and Biological Evolution University of Milan
Laboratory of Ecotoxicology. Graduate School in Biological Sciences, University of Milan
Since 2018 Member of the Board of the PhD School in Environmental Sciences, University of Milan.
2008 Doctor Europaeus PhD in Environmental Sciences at the University of Siena according to European University Association, with a dissertation entitled: “Interactions of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) with biotransformation and steroidogenesis pathways and effects on gill morphology in the European eel Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758) exposed in vivo”.
2001 Master Degree in Biological Sciences at University of Milano.
Associate Professor in Ecology, SSD BIO/07 Department of Biosciences, University of Milan (RTDB)
Previous positions
2017-2020 Tenure track Senior Researcher (RTDB) in Ecology at the Department of Biosciences, University of Milan
2016 Post-doc researcher at National Interuniversity Consortium of Materials Science and Technology
2014-2016 Post-doc researcher at the Department of Bioscience, University of Milan
2009-2014 Post-doc researcher at the Department of Physical Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Siena
2005-2008 PhD student Department of Physical Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Siena
2002-2005 Researcher at ICRAM (Central Institute for Marine Research now ISPRA) in Rome.
Winner of the “Luigi and Francesca Brusarosco” award founded by Italian Ecology Society, for research stays abroad in the field of environmental sciences for the year 2011
Travel grant for attendance to 14th PRIMO (Pollutants Responses in Marine Organisms) meeting. Florianopolis, 6-9 May 2007.
2012 4 months Placement at Scripps Institution of Oceanography California University San Diego, La Jolla CA
2009 1 month Visiting researcher at Laboratory of Molecular Ecotoxicology Division for Marine and Environmental Research RudjerBoskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia
2007 4 months Placement at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.
Cariplo Foundation. SLUdge (and other residues) Recovery in agriculture: environment and health Protection (SLURP) (2021-2023). Head of Unit, founded 53,235 Euros
Bando Straordinario per Progetti Interdipartimentali (SEED 2019), University of Milan. Microplastics in Mediterranean fish: towards undErstanDing their transfer from Water system to edible parts as a criticAl issue for food safetY (MEDWAY) (2020-2021). Head of Unit, founded 9,500 Euros
Piano di sostegno alla ricerca, University of Milan. Surviving in a changing ocean. Are polychaetes adapted to ocean acidification more resistant to pollution? (2020). PI, founded 8,000 Euro
Piano di sostegno alla ricerca, University of Milan. Influence of natural functionalization on the toxicity of Cerium dioxide nanoparticles in a freshwater biological model (2019). PI, founded 9,000 Euros.
COST Action CONFREMUS Conservation of Freshwater Mussels OC-2018-2-23587 (2019-2023)
CIPAIS (International Commission for the Protection of Italian-Switzerland waters). Surveys on DDTs and priority pollutants in the Lake Maggiore Ecosystem. (2016-2024)
Cariplo Foundation. Milano e le microplastiche, scienza e conoscenza (2019-2021)
POR FESR 2014-2020. Tuscany Region. NANOBOND (Nanomaterials for environmental remediation associated to dewatering) (2016-2018)
Cariplo Foundation. Costituzione di un centro di eccellenza per lo studio dei nano- e micro-materiali (2018-2019)
Cariplo Foundation. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of the benzo(α)pyrene contribution to carbon nanoparticle toxicity. (2014-2016)
POR CRO FSE 2007-2013 Tuscany Region. NanoRemEco (Testing Eco-friendly Nanoparticles for sediment and marine waters Remediation) (2013-2015)
RITMARE. Italian Research for the sea. Flagship project. SP2_WP4_AZ3_UO04. Welfare and safety of aquaculture products (2012-2015)
PRIN: Marine ecotoxicology of nanomaterials: toxicity and bioaccumulation of nano titaniun dioxide in edible species in the presence of metals and dioxin (2011-2013)
INTERREG CISM Italy-Albania Asse III – Economic development and occupation. Misura 3.1 – Development and quality of agriculture and sea (2006-2008)
PRIN: Emerging contaminants in aquatic environment: eco-physiological study for evaluating the effects of synthetic musks in fish (2009-2011)
POR Sicily 2000-2006 SFOP-Asse IV, Misura 4.17 – Azione di sostegno per la pesca e l’acquacoltura (SFOP). Sottomisura 4.17b – Assessment of impact of environmental contaminants in fishery resources: an innovative model for protecting marine ecosystem (2007)
FISR: Innovation model for integrative management of fish farming for safety and quality of products and the environment (Allittima) (2005-2009)
PON: Identification and experimental treatment in situ of contaminated marine sediment and tests of environmental compatibility (SEMACO) (2003-2006)
REDCOD Research on Environmental Damage caused by Chemical Ordnance Dumped at Sea (2004-2005)
My field of research is aquatic ecotoxicology. The main objective of my research is to look at mechanisms of action and toxicity of emerging pollutants -specifically nanoparticles and microplastics- and other stressors in aquatic species under both laboratory and natural exposure conditions. The effects are studied at different levels of biological complexity from the first molecular interactions to the effects at organism level, through the application of a wide range of analytical tools. Specifically: application of omics techniques for evaluating changes in the protein and metabolome pattern in response to stress. Enzyme assays for evaluating the activity of proteins involved in the metabolism/detoxification of contaminants, cyto-genotoxicity, oxidative stress and neurotoxicity biomarkers, and behavioural and reproductive enpoints. Over the last years, my research has focused on studying the mechanisms of tolerance to ocean acidification in polychaetes species.
Authored and co-authored 60 papers in peer-reviewed journals. Scopus H-index 26. Total citations 2065.
Member of the Editorial Board of the journal Environmental Toxicology And Pharmacology
Review Editor of the Aquatic Physiology and Marine Pollution sections of the journals Frontiers in Marine Science and Frontiers in Physiology
Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Biological models for the study of Ocean Acidification: from molecules to the ecosystem” for the journal Frontiers in Marine Science
Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Rare earth elements in the aquatic environment: current knowledge and future perspectives” for the journal Science of the Total Environment
Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Challenges in Environmental Emerging Contaminants 2019 (CEEC19)” for the journal Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Guest Editor of the Special Issue “BECOME 2016” for the journal Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.
Reviewer for 11 international peer-reviewed journals.
Member of the Scientific commetee of the conference “9th Euromal Conference” virtual 5-9 September 2021.
Member of the Scientific cometee of the conference "8a edizione Giornate di Studio: Ricerca e applicazione di metodologie ecotossicologiche” Livorno 26-28 November 2018
Member of the Scientific cometee of the conference "7a edizione Giornate di Studio: Ricerca e applicazione di metodologie ecotossicologiche” Livorno 22-24 November 2016
Member of the Scientific cometee of 1st International Workshop "Ecofriendly Nanotechnologies: State-of-the-art, future perspectives and ecotoxicological evaluation of nano-remediation applied to contaminated sediments", Livorno 24 November 2016.
9th Euromal Conference. Keynote Presentation: Bivalve ecotoxicology: from biomonitoring of legacy pollutants to recent advances to assess the impacts of contaminants on aquatic ecosystems. Virtual conference 5-9 September 2021.
Ecology Day 2020. Presentation: Investigating the interactive effects of nanomaterials and pollutants in water ecosystem: A case study with Carbon-based nanomaterials and Benzo(⍺)pyrene. Virtual conference 14 September 2020
Water Day 2019. Presentation: Implicazioni ambientali dei nanomateriali: le nuove frontiere per l’indagine nano-ecotossicologica. Milano 18 December 2019
4th Italy-Japan Bilateral meeting “Physical and Chemical Impacts of Marine Organisms for the Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainability”. Presentation: Oil pollution impact on marine ecosystem: an integrated ecotoxicological approach. Nagoya, 24-27 October 2010
3rd Italy-Japan Bilateral meeting “Physical and Chemical Impacts on Marine Organisms - Seeking Sustainability and Postgenomics”. Presentation: Unexploded ordnance at sea: 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene as a novel and emerging environmental issue of concern. Nagoya, 24-28 November 2008
Workshop “Human Environmental Health Protection” Organised by Master and Mates Union of Greek Merchant Marine. Presentation Chemical Weapons and Benthic Assemblages, the effect of chemical weapons and explosive dumped at sea. Pireo, 10-13 September 2002.
Since 2018 tutor of 11 master students at University of Milan. Since 2014 co-tutor of 6 master students at University of Milan. From 2009 to 2013 co-tutor of 10 master and bachelor students at University of Siena.
Present: Communities and Ecosystems. Second level degree in Biodiversity and Biological Evolution University of Milan
Marine Biology and Ecology. Second level degree in Biodiversity and Biological Evolution University of Milan
Laboratory of Ecotoxicology. Graduate School in Biological Sciences, University of Milan
Since 2018 Member of the Board of the PhD School in Environmental Sciences, University of Milan.