Ricerca finanziata
Cargo-towing Highly enantioselective Electro-pumps: unconventional asymmetrIc Readout and transmission of chiral information (CHEIR)
Horizon Europe - European Research Council (ERC)
Responsabile scientifico
60 mesi
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Pubblicazioni (198)
Brevetti (2)
Premi e riconoscimenti (20)
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Partecipazioni scientifiche (3)
Componente del Comitato Scientifico
- ESEAC (Germania)
(2023 - )
Socio effettivo o corrispondente
- Società Chimica Italiana (Italia)
(2012 - )
Socio effettivo o corrispondente
- International society of electrochemistry (Svizzera)
(2012 - )
No Results Found
Comitati editoriali (4)
Guest Editor di rivista o collana editoriale - CURRENT OPINION IN ELECTROCHEMISTRY - ISSN: 2451-9103 - Elsevier B.V. (2024 - )
Membro del Comitato Editoriale - ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA - ISSN: 0013-4686 - Elsevier Science Limited:Oxford Fulfillment Center, PO Box 800, Kidlington Oxford OX5 1DX United Kingdom:011 44 1865 843000, 011 44 1865 843699, EMAIL:,, INTERNET:,, Fax: 011 44 1865 843010 (2024 - )
Guest Editor di rivista o collana editoriale - APPLIED SCIENCES - ISSN: 2076-3417 - Basel: MDPI AG, 2011- (2020 - )
Guest Editor di rivista o collana editoriale - MOLECULES - ISSN: 1420-3049 - Basel: MDPI
Berlin: Springer, 1996- (2019 - )
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Ricerca e didattica presso enti (4)
Incarico svolto presso: Università degli Studi di MILANO
(01/04/2022 - )20220401
Incarico svolto presso: Università degli Studi di MILANO
(01/04/2021 - )20210401
Incarico svolto presso: Università degli Studi di MILANO
(01/02/2021 - 31/10/2022)20210201
Incarico svolto presso: Università degli Studi di MILANO
(01/11/2020 - )20201101
No Results Found
Congressi (3)
Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - SNSC School (Scuola Nazionale Sensori Chimici) (17/10/2022 - 19/10/2022) 20221017
Partecipazione al comitato organizzativo - 71° Conference of the International Society of Electrochemistry "Online Belgrade ISE 2020 (30/08/2020 - 04/09/2020) 20200830
Program committee (membro del comitato scientifico) - XII ECHEMS 2017 “Electrochemistry in... ingenious molecules, surfaces and devices“ (06/06/2017 - 09/06/2017) 20170606
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Network di ricerca
Scientific collaboration with NSYSA group University of Bordeaux
- Contract of 5 years for a scientific collaboration
(01/06/2022 - )20220601
No Results Found
Collegi di dottorato
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 39 - Anno: 2023
No Results Found
Tutoraggio (5)
tutorship -
tutorship -
tutorship -
tutorship -
tutorship -
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Gestione accordi scientifici
Public Engagement
Partecipazioni attive a incontri pubblici organizzati da altri soggetti (Partecipante)
- Partecipazione a Focus Live 2022
Dipartimento di Chimica
No Results Found
Since the beginning of my PhD studies my research was dedicated to chiral electrochemistry, including enantioselective electroanalysis and enantioselective electrosynthesis, a quite unexplored area, but with a huge applicative potential yet to be studied. Considering that chirality can make electrochemical processes smarter and applicable to issues of much higher added value I focused my attention on the characterization of new classes of inherently chiral materials. Inherent chirality is an intrinsic property of a molecule, propagating in the 2D and 3D space, conferring specific characteristic to the resulting material obtained after depositing it on an electrode surface or after adding it as a chiral additive in a solution. Employing such molecules in enantioselective analysis, I obtained for the first time a separation between the enantiomers of chiral probes (even drugs in complex matrix) in terms of peak potential values, testing also racemic mixtures of the enantiomers, evaluating the enantiomeric excesses. Starting from this point, by the optimization of the set-ups and the experimental conditions, several inherently chiral compounds were synthetized with chemically different atropoisomeric scaffold and stereogenic elements, and characterized to be exploited in different fields (i.e. chiral electroanalysis, spintronics, bipolar electrochemistry). This work gave me the opportunity to establish several national and international collaborations. After brief internships in the laboratories of Professor Sabine Ludwigs, an expert in conducting polymers at University of Stuttgart, where I gained expertise in solid-state electrochemical characterization methods (in-situ electrochemical-conductance and spectroelectrochemical techniques), and in the ones of Doctor Roberto Cirilli at Instituto Superiore di Sanità, where I learnt chiral HPLC techniques; I went for a period of six month as a visiting scientist from Università degli Studi di Milano to the laboratories of Professor Alexander Kuhn at University of Bordeaux, France. Here I started to study bipolar electrochemistry using inherently chiral compounds for developing on-off sensors able to absolutely discriminate the enantiomers of chiral analytes present in a solution. After the promising results and the correspondent publications (one in Analytical Chemistry and one in Chemistry of Materials), I was hired as a postdoctoral researcher of one year by Professor A. Kuhn. In this period, I developed a new type of self-propelled microswimmer, constituted by inherently chiral compounds, in which the trajectories are influenced by the diastereomeric interactions between the oligomeric compounds and chiral probes in solutions, a successful approach published in Nature Chemistry. This last work was particularly inspirational for my future achievements including the ERC StG Project “CHEIR” just started in June 2022, in which I am the principal investigator (five postdoctoral fellowships, master and bachelor students). The project regards essentially chiral cargo-towing systems for transporting chiral analytes through biological fluids. These objects are triggered by the synergy between chirality, bipolar electrochemistry and magnetic field.The collaboration with the group of Professor Kuhn was so fruitful that we decided to extent it for five additional years, planning to extend different concepts beyond the ERC project, concerning enzymatic actuators, valves for microfluidics and synthetic swimmers. I have shown my work in form of oral presentation at many conferences (39), even as an invited speaker in Seville during the 6th Euchems Chemistry Congress, in Sestriere in the frame of the Congress GEI 2018 and in seminars at the University of Rennes, University of Bordeaux and University of Stuttgart. I was recently invited in Warsaw to give a Dream Chemistry Lecture dedicated to excellent science carried out by promising researchers at an early career stage. I was awarded several different prizes e.g. International Dropsens Award for the best research work in applied electroanalytical chemistry, Bath, UK. All my results were published in high impact factor journals like i.e. Chemical Science, Angewandte Chemie and Nature Chemistry. Moreover, I am co-author of 52 publications in international peer-reviewed journals (20 as first author and 10 as a corresponding author), with a total citation number of 762 and with an h-index of 15 (source: Scopus). The independence of my research is well demonstrated because I am an ERC StG grantee leading a research group with different postdoctoral researchers and master/bachelor students. In addition, I wrote several reviews, focused on different topics ranging from chiral conventional and unconventional electrochemistry to bipolar electrochemistry of conducting polymers, which reflects my multidisciplinary background. I am currently a Researcher at the Department of Chemistry, University of Milano and since the 1st of November 2022 I am Associate Professor in the same University.