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From Schools to Labour Markets: Fostering Social Inclusion and Economic Integration of Migrants and Refugees
PRIN2022 - PRIN bando 2022
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Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 40 - Anno: 2024
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 39 - Anno: 2023
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 38 - Anno: 2022
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Francesco Fasani
March 2022
DEMM - Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods
University of Milan – “Statale”
Via Conservatorio 7 - 20122 Milan, Italy
Twitter: @fasani_f
Tel: +39 02503 21475
DEMM, University of Milan; Associate Professor: Sept 2021 - present
School of Economics and Finance, QMUL; Reader: Oct 2017 – Aug 2021
Department of Economics, Bocconi University; Visiting Scholar: Sept 2019 – June 2020
School of Economics and Finance, QMUL; Lecturer: Sept 2013 – Aug 2017
Barcelona Graduate School of Economics – Affiliated Professor: Oct 2010 – Aug 2013
Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC) – Post-Doc Researcher: Oct 2010 – Aug 2013
________________________________________University College London, Ph.D. Economics, 2011
University College London, M.Sc. Economics (Distinction), 2005
Bocconi University - Milan, B.Sc. Economics, 110/110 summa cum laude, 2003
________________________________________Labour Economics, Economics of Migration, Crime, Applied Microeconometrics
Google Scholar: 1854 citations; h-index: 18
IDEAS/Repec rankings: Top 5% Authors (Last 10 Years Publications): 1470 / 64000
JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS (PEER-REVIEWED)________________________________________
1. Media Exposure and Internal Migration - Evidence from Indonesia (with L.Farré), Journal of Development Economics (2013) 102, 48–61
2. Crime and immigration: Evidence from Large Immigrant Waves in the UK (with B.Bell and S.Machin), Review of Economics and Statistics (2013) 95(4), 1278-1290
3. Understanding the Role of Immigrants' Legal Status: Evidence from Policy Experiments, CESifo Economic Studies (2015) Vol. 61(3-4), pp 722-763
4. The Effect of Local Area Crime on Mental Health (with C. Dustmann) Economic Journal (2016) 126(593), 978-1017
5. L’immigrazione irregolare in tempo di crisi (with S.Cremaschi, C.Devillanova and T.Frattini), Economia & Lavoro, (2017) 2016-3, pp 115-132 (in Italian)
6. Illegal Migration and Consumption Behavior of Immigrant Households (with C. Dustmann and B. Speciale), Journal of European Economic Association (2017) 15 (3), 654–691
7. The Economics and Politics of Refugee Migration (with C.Dustmann, T.Frattini, L.Minale and U.Schoenberg), Economic Policy (2017) 32 (91), 497–550
8. Employment of Undocumented Immigrants and the Prospect of Legal Status: Evidence from an Amnesty Program (with C. Devillanova and T. Frattini), Industrial and Labor Relations Review (2018) 71 (4), 853-881
9. Immigrant Crime and Legal Status: Evidence from Repeated Amnesty Programs, Journal of Economic Geography (2018) 18 (4), 887–914
10. Feeling Useless: The Effect of Unemployment on Mental Health in the Great Recession (with L.Farré and H.Mueller) IZA Journal of Labor Economics (2018) 7(1), 1-34
11. The Economics of Migration: Labour Market Impacts and Migration Policies (with J.LLull and C.Tealdi) Labour Economics (2020) - Introduction to Special Issue – 67 (101929)
12. Lift the Ban? Labour Market Restrictions and Refugees’ Employment in Europe (with T.Frattini and L.Minale) –Journal of European Economic Association (2021) 19(5), 2803–2854
13. The (Struggle for) Labour Market Integration of Refugees: Evidence from European Countries (with T.Frattini and L.Minale) - Journal of Economic Geography (2022) (2022) 22(2), 351–393
14. Risk Aversion and Internal Migration in China (with C. Dustmann, X. Meng and L. Minale) Journal of Human Resources (forthcoming)
________________________________________Does Immigration Increase Crime? Migration Policy and the Creation of the Criminal Immigrant (2019) (with G. Mastrobuoni E. Owens and P.Pinotti), Cambridge University Press
________________________________________ “Refugees and Economic Migrants: Facts, policies and challenges” (2016) CEPR Press, eBook
WORKING PAPERS AND RESEARCH IN PROGRESS________________________________________
1. Being on the Frontline? Immigrant Workers in Europe and the COVID-19 Pandemic (with J.Mazza) - IZA DP No. 13963 – Revised & Resubmitted to ILR Review
2. Facing Displacement and a Global Pandemic: Evidence from a Failed State (with M. Di Maio, V. Leone Sciabolazza and V. Molini) - submitted
3. Border Policies and Unauthorized Flows: Evidence from the Refugee Crisis in Europe (with T.Frattini)
4. Gunboat Asylum Policy - Migration-Related Incidents and Naval Operations in the Central Mediterranean Sea (with R.Weisser)
5. The Politics of Asylum Seekers Allocation? Evidence from the UK (with S.Ferro, E.Pasini, A.Romarri)
6. When Non-Native Speakers Compete for Top Schools: Displacement and Peer Effects in Primary Education (with E.Facchetti, E.Pasini and B.Petrongolo)
7. Deporting Undocumented Immigrants: the Role of Labor Demand Shocks (permanent WP)
________________________________________Research Fellow CEPR: Political Economy; Research Affiliate CEPR: Labour Economics; Research Fellow: CReAM (UCL); IZA, Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti (frdb); Centro Studi Luca d’Agliano (LdA)
________________________________________2019: Fondazione Debenedetti “Diversion and Deterrence of Migration Flows”; with T.Frattini
2016: Nuffield Foundation “Asylum policies in Europe and the refugee crisis: new empirical evidence for better policy-making?” - £ 155,000 (P.I.)
2013: IADB “Evaluation of the Penitentiary Farms Policy in El Salvador”; with M. Manacorda - $40,000
2013: Fondazione Franceschi Young Professional Grant "Employment assimilation of undocumented immigrants: the role of segregation"; with C. Devillanova and T. Frattini – € 7,000
2013 Barcelona GSE Seeds Grant “Employment assimilation of (undocumented) immigrants” - € 4,500 (P.I.)
2012 Fondazione Debenedetti “Illegal Status and Criminal Behavior of Immigrants”; with P. Pinotti (P.I.)
2012: Recercaixa “Coping Strategies of Young People in the Midst of the Spanish Crisis"; with L. Farré and H.Muller (P.I.) - € 56,000
Feb 2022: Research Fellow CEPR: Political Economy
Sept 2021: Appointment as Associate Professor from Abroad (Chiamata Diretta dall’Estero) – Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research
Oct 2019: Italian National Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale); Full Professor: Econ. Policy (13/A1)
Sep 2019: Italian National Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale); Full Professor: Political Econ. (13/A2)
Apr 2019 - present: Elected member of the EALE (European Association of Labour Economists) Executive Committee
Sept 2015: Research Affiliate CEPR: Labour Economics
Jun 2015: Labour Economics – Excellence in Reviewing Certificate
May 2015: Best Lecturer Prize - School of Economics and Finance, QMUL
July 2014: IZA Research Fellow
Feb 2014: Italian National Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale); Associate Professor: Econ. Policy (13/A1)
Dec 2013: Italian National Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale); Associate Professor: Political Econ. (13/A2)
June 2012: UniCredit Best PhD Thesis Prize 2012
Feb. 2012: Economic Journal Referee Prize 2011
June 2009: Certificate of Excellence for Outstanding Teaching Assistantship – UCL
Sept 2008: IZA Research Affiliate
June 2008: Honourable Mention for outstanding Teaching Assistantship - UCL
2007–2008: Anglo German Foundation Scholarship
2006-2007: Departmental Scholarship, Department of Economics, UCL
2005–2006: Scholarship “Donato Menichella”, Bank of Italy
Sept. 2005: Departmental Prize for MSc dissertation, UCL
2004-2005: Scholarship: “Paolo Andreini - Efisio Piana”, Bank of Italy
2003: Gold Medal for Best Graduates, Bocconi University
________________________________________KEYNOTE SPEAKER: CReAM/RWI migration workshop, Essen; 2019: PhD workshop - NOVAFRICA Conference on Economic Development in Africa, Lisbon; 2016: 2nd PhD Workshop on the Economics of Migration – Frankfurt University
PUBLIC and POLICY LECTURES: 2020: ”Migration and Refugee Migration in Europe”, Malta Central Bank; “Do Immigration Increase Crime?”, nccr – on the move, University of Neuchatel.
INVITED SPEAKER: 2019: invited session on Migration, Annual Meeting of the Italian Economic Association – Palermo University; EALE 2019 conference - invited session: “Migration and Society”, Uppsala University; frdb XXI European Conference “Refugee Migration” – Reggio Calabria; Workshop: “Refugee Integration” - University of Copenhagen; 2018: AFSE (French Economic Association) Meeting - invited session: “Refugees”, Paris School of Economics.
SEMINARS: (scheduled) Dondena–Bocconi University; University of Sheffield; UC3M; Kiel University; 2021: wiiw – Vienna; 2020: University of Milan; 2019: Immigration Policy Lab - University of Zurich; EBRD (London); Frisch Centre – Oslo; NHH -FAIR, Bergen; 2018: London City, LSE; Munich University; CEPS-Brussels; USI-Lugano; ZEW–Mannheim, IEB-Barcelona 2017: Paris School of Economics; COMPAS – University of Oxford; 2016: COMPAS – University of Oxford; 2015: Padua University; Venice University; Manchester University; Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam. 2014: NIESR, London; Università Cattolica of Milan. 2013: Queen Mary University; Georgetown University; Queen’s College–CUNY; Gothenburg University; Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. 2012: CRED-FUNDP, University of Namur; University of Alicante. 2011: University of Milan – Bicocca; UPF. 2010: University of Sussex; RAND - Santa Monica; Erasmus University Rotterdam; ROA Maastricht University; UPF Uppsala University; IE Business School - Madrid; IAE-CSIC - Barcelona. 2009: UCL. 2008: MILLS Labour Lunch Seminar - University of Milan; UCL.
POLICY TALKS: 2021: “THAMM conference – Labour Migration and Covid-19”, IOM; ``Global Shifts: Migration and Covid-19”, Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania; 2020: frdb Workshop on Border Enforcement Policies – Bocconi University; 2017: UCL - Club Financiero Español, Brexit Conference; Unicef NextGen – London; 2016: Confindustria - Rome; 2015: noiseFromAmerika conference – Florence
CONFERENCES and WORKSHOPS: 2020: EBRD-King’s College London “Economics and Politics of Migration” workshop; 13th Migration and Development Conference, World Bank; EALE 2020 conference, Berlin; Ld’A workshop “Borders and Migration”, Turin University; 2019: Immigration in OECD countries – OECD, Paris; IV SIRACUSA ALUM CEPR Conference, Ortygia Business School; CEDI Conference , “The Economics of Crime”, Brunel University; Immigration in OECD countries – OECD, Paris; workshop “Political Economy of Migration” – ENS de Lyon; 2018: AIEL-INPS workshop on immigration (Rome); Barcelona GSE Summer Forum “Immigration”; 8th fRDB Fellows and Affiliates Workshop (Pavia); 2017: CReAM/RWI Workshop on the Economics of Migration; CEPR/IZA Annual Symposium in Labour Economics 2016: 28th EALE Annual Conference; 9th International Conference on Migration and Development (EUI); 13th IZA Annual Migration Meeting (Bonn); Workshop on Immigration, (Science Po). 2015: 17th IZA/CEPR ESSLE; Barcelona GSE Summer Forum “Immigration”. 2014: RES Conference. 2013: frdb XV European Conference “Legal and Illegal Careers” – Caserta; CESifo Conference on Migration (Munich); 25th EALE Conference (Turin); ICEEE-2013 (Genoa). 2012: Barcelona GSE Winter Workshop “Applied Economics and Social Policies” (UPF); INSIDE-MOVE, NORFACE, CReAM: VI Workshop on Migration and Labor Economics (IAE-CSIC); Workshop “Legal, Illegal and Criminal Migration” (Collegio Carlo Alberto); II fRDB workshop (Bocconi); Workshop on Advances in Labor, Migration and Public Economics (EUI). 2011: XXXVI SAEe (Malaga); RES Conference (Royal Holloway); NORFACE-CReAM conference “Migration: Economic Change, Social Challenge” (UCL); CREMed - II Workshop on "Economics of the Mediterranean” (UPF); 4th Migration and Development Conference (Harvard University); Transatlantic Workshop on the Economics of Crime (Collegio Carlo Alberto). 2010: fRDB Workshop "Processes of Immigrants' Assimilation", Bocconi University; Norface-World Bank-CReAM Conference "Migration, Development and Global Issues" (UCL); Luca D´Agliano Workshop "Illegal Migration" (University of Milan). 2009: VIII Brucchi Luchino Workshop (Rome); XXXIV SAEe - Valencia; 2nd International Conference on Migration and Development (World Bank); WPEG 2009 Conference (Nottingham); CASS-ESRC workshop on “Migration and Labour Markets: China and the UK” (Beijing); III INSIDE (IAE–CSIC) workshop (Barcelona); Metropolis – British Columbia workshop on the Economics of Migration (Vancouver); SOLE – 14th Annual Meeting (Boston); 2nd Conference of TOM Network – “Trans-nationality of migrants” (UCL - Louvaine-la-Neuve).
________________________________________Editorial work: Guest Managing Editor, Labour Economics, Special Issue on ``Economics of Migration: Labour Market Impacts and Migration Policies'', 2018-2019
Referee: A) Economics: Quarterly Journal of Economics, American Economic Review, American Economic Review -Insights, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of European Economic Association, Economic Journal, Review of Economics and Statistics, AEJ-Economic Policy, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Public Economics, European Economic Review, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Economic Policy, Economica, Labour Economics, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, European Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Health Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Journal of Population Economics, Health Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, Economic Letters, Journal of Regional Science, Regional Science and Urban Economics, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, World Development, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Review of Economics of the Household, Journal of African Economies, Journal of Economic Surveys, CESifo Economic Studies, Economics of Education Review, Journal of Human Capital, Economic Inquiry, Economic Modelling, Journal of Socio-Economics, SERIEs, Contemporary Economic Policy, Revista de Economía Aplicada; B) Other Disciplines: Science Advances, American Political Science Review, PLOS ONE, Demography, International Migration, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Review for Urban Studies.
Grant and publisher referee: US-NSF; US-Israel BSF; ESRC; Leverhulme Trust; Nuffield Foundation; H2020-EU; Italian Department of Education - PRIN grants, DFG - German Research Foundation; NWO - Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research; Ottilinger Habilitation – Vienna University; University of Chicago Press; Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO); Rockwool Foundation.
Current PhD students: E. Facchetti (main advisor); M.Mertz, A. Vikhanova (2nd advisor)
Past PhD students (graduation year; first appointment): M. Brum (2018; Universidad de la Republica - Uruguay); E. Pasini (2020; Alma Economics); S. Giardili (2020; University of Edinburgh)
PhD Examiner: 2020: T. Tsankova (Warwick University); 2019: E.Kuznetsova (City University London), E.Gentili (USI - Lugano); 2017: P.Jaupart (LSE); 2016: M.Sandi (Sussex), S.Orazbayev (UCL); 2015: T.Surovtseva (UPF), A.Conte (UAB); 2013: J.Naval (UAB); E.Adamopoulou (UC3M); 2012: C.Sajons (UPF); A.Tesei (UPF)
Conference program scientific committee: 2021: EEA, EALE, EBRD-King’s College London “Migration” workshop; 2020: EEA, EALE, SAEe; 2019: EEA, EALE, SAEe; 2018: EALE, AASLE, SAEe; 2017: AASLE, EALE; 2016: EALE; 2015: SOLE-EALE
Conferences and seminars organizer: 15th ECB/CEPR Labour Market Workshop (2-3 Dec 2019, Frankfurt); Conference on Forced Migration, 18-19 March 2019, QMUL; IAE-CSIC internal seminars; INSIDE-MOVE, NORFACE, CReAM: VI Workshop on Migration and Labor Economics, Barcelona (2012); RES 2011: special session on "Immigration and crime"; CReAM seminars, UCL; ESPE 2008 conference, UCL (local committee)
TEACHING EXPERIENCE________________________________________
2021-22 Advanced Labour Economics (MSc Human Resources) & Econometrics (undergrad - 2 modules), Univ. of Milan; Quantitative Methods with Policy Application (Apprenticeship MSc Economics), SEF-QMUL
2020-21 Applied Microeconometrics (MSc Economics); Quantitative Methods with Policy Application (Apprenticeship MSc Economics); Econometrics I (undergrad.) SEF-QMUL
2018-19 Applied Microeconometrics (MSc Economics) SEF-QMUL
2017-18 Applied Microeconometrics (MSc Economics) SEF – QMUL
2016-17 Applied Microeconometrics (MSc Economics) & Microeconomics II (undergraduate) SEF – QMUL
2015-16 Microeconomics II (undergraduate) SEF – QMUL; Policy Evaluation (MSc Public Policy) – Bocconi University
2014-15 Macroeconomics I and Microeconomics II (undergraduate) SEF – QMUL
2013-14 Microeconometrics (MSc International Trade, Finance and Development); Statistics (MSc Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Markets) Barcelona GSE
2012-13 Applied Microeconometrics (PhD program) UAB; Statistics (MSc Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Markets) Barcelona GSE; Migration in Europe (MSc Foreign Service; short course) Georgetown University
2011-12 Applied Microeconometrics (PhD program) UAB
________________________________________Nov 2015 – Dec 2018: World Bank – Refugee Crisis in the Mediterranean Sea (consultant)
Sept–Nov 2012: International Organization for Migration - LINET - Improving Access to Labour Market Information for Migrants and Employers - Country expert for Italy
May 2009–May 2010: UCL - RA for ESRC project “Crime and Mental Wellbeing” - F.Cornaglia (P.I.)
Jan–Sept 2008: ELIAMEP - Project: Clandestino - Undocumented Migration - Country expert for Italy
Sept 2006 – Sept 2010: CReAM - Research Officer
June 2003 – July 2004: Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti, Milan - Research Officer
________________________________________ Policy Reports:
• A Vulnerable Workforce: Migrant Workers in the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020) (with J. Mazza); European Commission, JRC - EUR 30225
• Immigrant Key Workers: Their Contribution to Europe's COVID-19 Response (with J. Mazza); European Commission Note JRC120537; IZA PP 155
• Cittadini Senza Diritti. Rapporto Naga 2018. Immigrazione e (in)sicurezza: la casa, il lavoro e la salute. (Italian) (with C.Devillanova and T.Frattini)
• Cittadini senza Diritti, Rapporto Naga 2014. Stanno tutti bene (Italian) (with S.Cremaschi, C.Devillanova and T.Frattini)
• Immigration Policy and Crime (2013) (with P.Pinotti, L.Gazzé and M.Tonello) - XV European Conference of the Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti
• Improving access to Labour Market Information for Migrants and Employers - Italy (chapter 7) (2013) in "Improving access to Labour Market Information for Migrants and Employers" (edited by M.V. Desiderio and A.Schuster), IOM-LINET and DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission
• Cittadini senza diritti – Rapporto Naga 2009 (Italian) (with C.Devillanova and T.Frattini)
• Undocumented migration in Italy – CLANDESTINO project - Counting the Uncountable. Data and Trends Across Europe (2009) – 6th FP EC
• Cittadini senza diritti: abitare e lavorare a Milano da clandestini (2007), Econpubbblica WP 125, Bocconi University (Italian) (with C.Devillanova and T.Frattini)
Book Chapters:
• Legal Status and Migrants’ Outcomes: Some Lessons from Amnesty Programs, in J. Vázquez-Grenno (edited by) Legalization of Undocumented Immigrants: What Do We Know?, IEB Report 3/2020
• Immigrant key workers in Europe: The COVID-19 response that comes from abroad, in Bénassy-Quéré A. and Weder di Mauro B. (edited by) Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR VoxEU e-book (22 May 2020)
• The quest for “La Dolce Vita”? Undocumented migration in Italy (2010), in Triandafyllidou A. (edited by) Irregular Migration in Europe: Myths and Realities, Ashgate
• Le rimesse degli immigrati residenti in Italia (2008), in Fondazione ISMU (edited by) “Quattordicesimo rapporto sulle migrazioni 2008”, FrancoAngeli (Italian) (with B.Speciale)
• Consumption, saving and remittance behaviour of undocumented migrants in Italy (2008), in Di Comite L. et al. (edited by) “Sviluppo demografico ed economico nel mediterraneo”, Cacucci Editore (with G.C.Blangiardo and B.Speciale)
• Il lavoro degli immigrati e le politiche dell’immigrazione in Italia (2004) in Mauri G., Visconti L.M. (edited by) “Diversity management and lavoratori immigrati: teorie e prassi”, FrancoAngeli (with T.Boeri)
• Immigrati e assistenza sociale in Italia (2004) in Guerra M.C., Zanardi A. (edited by) “La Finanza Pubblica Italiana. Rapporto 2004”, il Mulino, 2004 (with T.Boeri and D.Tabasso)
• Dalla “Maastricht delle pensioni” alle pensioni senza Maastricht (2004) in Colombo A., Ronzitti N.(edited by) “L’Italia e la Politica Internazionale – Annuario ISPI–IAI”, Il Mulino (with T.Boeri)
TV and Radio interviews: France24News, France; SkyTG24, Italy; Radio Ciudad Buenos Aires, Argentina
Research featured in: The Washington Post, The Economist, Financial Times, Newsweek, The Observer, Daily Mirror, El Pais, LaVanguardia, Il Sole 24ORE, la Repubblica, Corriere della Sera, Internazionale, LaStampa, Avvenire.
Op-Eds:,, The Conversation
________________________________________Italian (native), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent)
March 2022
DEMM - Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods
University of Milan – “Statale”
Via Conservatorio 7 - 20122 Milan, Italy
Twitter: @fasani_f
Tel: +39 02503 21475
DEMM, University of Milan; Associate Professor: Sept 2021 - present
School of Economics and Finance, QMUL; Reader: Oct 2017 – Aug 2021
Department of Economics, Bocconi University; Visiting Scholar: Sept 2019 – June 2020
School of Economics and Finance, QMUL; Lecturer: Sept 2013 – Aug 2017
Barcelona Graduate School of Economics – Affiliated Professor: Oct 2010 – Aug 2013
Institute for Economic Analysis (IAE-CSIC) – Post-Doc Researcher: Oct 2010 – Aug 2013
________________________________________University College London, Ph.D. Economics, 2011
University College London, M.Sc. Economics (Distinction), 2005
Bocconi University - Milan, B.Sc. Economics, 110/110 summa cum laude, 2003
________________________________________Labour Economics, Economics of Migration, Crime, Applied Microeconometrics
Google Scholar: 1854 citations; h-index: 18
IDEAS/Repec rankings: Top 5% Authors (Last 10 Years Publications): 1470 / 64000
JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS (PEER-REVIEWED)________________________________________
1. Media Exposure and Internal Migration - Evidence from Indonesia (with L.Farré), Journal of Development Economics (2013) 102, 48–61
2. Crime and immigration: Evidence from Large Immigrant Waves in the UK (with B.Bell and S.Machin), Review of Economics and Statistics (2013) 95(4), 1278-1290
3. Understanding the Role of Immigrants' Legal Status: Evidence from Policy Experiments, CESifo Economic Studies (2015) Vol. 61(3-4), pp 722-763
4. The Effect of Local Area Crime on Mental Health (with C. Dustmann) Economic Journal (2016) 126(593), 978-1017
5. L’immigrazione irregolare in tempo di crisi (with S.Cremaschi, C.Devillanova and T.Frattini), Economia & Lavoro, (2017) 2016-3, pp 115-132 (in Italian)
6. Illegal Migration and Consumption Behavior of Immigrant Households (with C. Dustmann and B. Speciale), Journal of European Economic Association (2017) 15 (3), 654–691
7. The Economics and Politics of Refugee Migration (with C.Dustmann, T.Frattini, L.Minale and U.Schoenberg), Economic Policy (2017) 32 (91), 497–550
8. Employment of Undocumented Immigrants and the Prospect of Legal Status: Evidence from an Amnesty Program (with C. Devillanova and T. Frattini), Industrial and Labor Relations Review (2018) 71 (4), 853-881
9. Immigrant Crime and Legal Status: Evidence from Repeated Amnesty Programs, Journal of Economic Geography (2018) 18 (4), 887–914
10. Feeling Useless: The Effect of Unemployment on Mental Health in the Great Recession (with L.Farré and H.Mueller) IZA Journal of Labor Economics (2018) 7(1), 1-34
11. The Economics of Migration: Labour Market Impacts and Migration Policies (with J.LLull and C.Tealdi) Labour Economics (2020) - Introduction to Special Issue – 67 (101929)
12. Lift the Ban? Labour Market Restrictions and Refugees’ Employment in Europe (with T.Frattini and L.Minale) –Journal of European Economic Association (2021) 19(5), 2803–2854
13. The (Struggle for) Labour Market Integration of Refugees: Evidence from European Countries (with T.Frattini and L.Minale) - Journal of Economic Geography (2022) (2022) 22(2), 351–393
14. Risk Aversion and Internal Migration in China (with C. Dustmann, X. Meng and L. Minale) Journal of Human Resources (forthcoming)
________________________________________Does Immigration Increase Crime? Migration Policy and the Creation of the Criminal Immigrant (2019) (with G. Mastrobuoni E. Owens and P.Pinotti), Cambridge University Press
________________________________________ “Refugees and Economic Migrants: Facts, policies and challenges” (2016) CEPR Press, eBook
WORKING PAPERS AND RESEARCH IN PROGRESS________________________________________
1. Being on the Frontline? Immigrant Workers in Europe and the COVID-19 Pandemic (with J.Mazza) - IZA DP No. 13963 – Revised & Resubmitted to ILR Review
2. Facing Displacement and a Global Pandemic: Evidence from a Failed State (with M. Di Maio, V. Leone Sciabolazza and V. Molini) - submitted
3. Border Policies and Unauthorized Flows: Evidence from the Refugee Crisis in Europe (with T.Frattini)
4. Gunboat Asylum Policy - Migration-Related Incidents and Naval Operations in the Central Mediterranean Sea (with R.Weisser)
5. The Politics of Asylum Seekers Allocation? Evidence from the UK (with S.Ferro, E.Pasini, A.Romarri)
6. When Non-Native Speakers Compete for Top Schools: Displacement and Peer Effects in Primary Education (with E.Facchetti, E.Pasini and B.Petrongolo)
7. Deporting Undocumented Immigrants: the Role of Labor Demand Shocks (permanent WP)
________________________________________Research Fellow CEPR: Political Economy; Research Affiliate CEPR: Labour Economics; Research Fellow: CReAM (UCL); IZA, Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti (frdb); Centro Studi Luca d’Agliano (LdA)
________________________________________2019: Fondazione Debenedetti “Diversion and Deterrence of Migration Flows”; with T.Frattini
2016: Nuffield Foundation “Asylum policies in Europe and the refugee crisis: new empirical evidence for better policy-making?” - £ 155,000 (P.I.)
2013: IADB “Evaluation of the Penitentiary Farms Policy in El Salvador”; with M. Manacorda - $40,000
2013: Fondazione Franceschi Young Professional Grant "Employment assimilation of undocumented immigrants: the role of segregation"; with C. Devillanova and T. Frattini – € 7,000
2013 Barcelona GSE Seeds Grant “Employment assimilation of (undocumented) immigrants” - € 4,500 (P.I.)
2012 Fondazione Debenedetti “Illegal Status and Criminal Behavior of Immigrants”; with P. Pinotti (P.I.)
2012: Recercaixa “Coping Strategies of Young People in the Midst of the Spanish Crisis"; with L. Farré and H.Muller (P.I.) - € 56,000
Feb 2022: Research Fellow CEPR: Political Economy
Sept 2021: Appointment as Associate Professor from Abroad (Chiamata Diretta dall’Estero) – Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research
Oct 2019: Italian National Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale); Full Professor: Econ. Policy (13/A1)
Sep 2019: Italian National Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale); Full Professor: Political Econ. (13/A2)
Apr 2019 - present: Elected member of the EALE (European Association of Labour Economists) Executive Committee
Sept 2015: Research Affiliate CEPR: Labour Economics
Jun 2015: Labour Economics – Excellence in Reviewing Certificate
May 2015: Best Lecturer Prize - School of Economics and Finance, QMUL
July 2014: IZA Research Fellow
Feb 2014: Italian National Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale); Associate Professor: Econ. Policy (13/A1)
Dec 2013: Italian National Qualification (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale); Associate Professor: Political Econ. (13/A2)
June 2012: UniCredit Best PhD Thesis Prize 2012
Feb. 2012: Economic Journal Referee Prize 2011
June 2009: Certificate of Excellence for Outstanding Teaching Assistantship – UCL
Sept 2008: IZA Research Affiliate
June 2008: Honourable Mention for outstanding Teaching Assistantship - UCL
2007–2008: Anglo German Foundation Scholarship
2006-2007: Departmental Scholarship, Department of Economics, UCL
2005–2006: Scholarship “Donato Menichella”, Bank of Italy
Sept. 2005: Departmental Prize for MSc dissertation, UCL
2004-2005: Scholarship: “Paolo Andreini - Efisio Piana”, Bank of Italy
2003: Gold Medal for Best Graduates, Bocconi University
________________________________________KEYNOTE SPEAKER: CReAM/RWI migration workshop, Essen; 2019: PhD workshop - NOVAFRICA Conference on Economic Development in Africa, Lisbon; 2016: 2nd PhD Workshop on the Economics of Migration – Frankfurt University
PUBLIC and POLICY LECTURES: 2020: ”Migration and Refugee Migration in Europe”, Malta Central Bank; “Do Immigration Increase Crime?”, nccr – on the move, University of Neuchatel.
INVITED SPEAKER: 2019: invited session on Migration, Annual Meeting of the Italian Economic Association – Palermo University; EALE 2019 conference - invited session: “Migration and Society”, Uppsala University; frdb XXI European Conference “Refugee Migration” – Reggio Calabria; Workshop: “Refugee Integration” - University of Copenhagen; 2018: AFSE (French Economic Association) Meeting - invited session: “Refugees”, Paris School of Economics.
SEMINARS: (scheduled) Dondena–Bocconi University; University of Sheffield; UC3M; Kiel University; 2021: wiiw – Vienna; 2020: University of Milan; 2019: Immigration Policy Lab - University of Zurich; EBRD (London); Frisch Centre – Oslo; NHH -FAIR, Bergen; 2018: London City, LSE; Munich University; CEPS-Brussels; USI-Lugano; ZEW–Mannheim, IEB-Barcelona 2017: Paris School of Economics; COMPAS – University of Oxford; 2016: COMPAS – University of Oxford; 2015: Padua University; Venice University; Manchester University; Tinbergen Institute, Amsterdam. 2014: NIESR, London; Università Cattolica of Milan. 2013: Queen Mary University; Georgetown University; Queen’s College–CUNY; Gothenburg University; Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. 2012: CRED-FUNDP, University of Namur; University of Alicante. 2011: University of Milan – Bicocca; UPF. 2010: University of Sussex; RAND - Santa Monica; Erasmus University Rotterdam; ROA Maastricht University; UPF Uppsala University; IE Business School - Madrid; IAE-CSIC - Barcelona. 2009: UCL. 2008: MILLS Labour Lunch Seminar - University of Milan; UCL.
POLICY TALKS: 2021: “THAMM conference – Labour Migration and Covid-19”, IOM; ``Global Shifts: Migration and Covid-19”, Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania; 2020: frdb Workshop on Border Enforcement Policies – Bocconi University; 2017: UCL - Club Financiero Español, Brexit Conference; Unicef NextGen – London; 2016: Confindustria - Rome; 2015: noiseFromAmerika conference – Florence
CONFERENCES and WORKSHOPS: 2020: EBRD-King’s College London “Economics and Politics of Migration” workshop; 13th Migration and Development Conference, World Bank; EALE 2020 conference, Berlin; Ld’A workshop “Borders and Migration”, Turin University; 2019: Immigration in OECD countries – OECD, Paris; IV SIRACUSA ALUM CEPR Conference, Ortygia Business School; CEDI Conference , “The Economics of Crime”, Brunel University; Immigration in OECD countries – OECD, Paris; workshop “Political Economy of Migration” – ENS de Lyon; 2018: AIEL-INPS workshop on immigration (Rome); Barcelona GSE Summer Forum “Immigration”; 8th fRDB Fellows and Affiliates Workshop (Pavia); 2017: CReAM/RWI Workshop on the Economics of Migration; CEPR/IZA Annual Symposium in Labour Economics 2016: 28th EALE Annual Conference; 9th International Conference on Migration and Development (EUI); 13th IZA Annual Migration Meeting (Bonn); Workshop on Immigration, (Science Po). 2015: 17th IZA/CEPR ESSLE; Barcelona GSE Summer Forum “Immigration”. 2014: RES Conference. 2013: frdb XV European Conference “Legal and Illegal Careers” – Caserta; CESifo Conference on Migration (Munich); 25th EALE Conference (Turin); ICEEE-2013 (Genoa). 2012: Barcelona GSE Winter Workshop “Applied Economics and Social Policies” (UPF); INSIDE-MOVE, NORFACE, CReAM: VI Workshop on Migration and Labor Economics (IAE-CSIC); Workshop “Legal, Illegal and Criminal Migration” (Collegio Carlo Alberto); II fRDB workshop (Bocconi); Workshop on Advances in Labor, Migration and Public Economics (EUI). 2011: XXXVI SAEe (Malaga); RES Conference (Royal Holloway); NORFACE-CReAM conference “Migration: Economic Change, Social Challenge” (UCL); CREMed - II Workshop on "Economics of the Mediterranean” (UPF); 4th Migration and Development Conference (Harvard University); Transatlantic Workshop on the Economics of Crime (Collegio Carlo Alberto). 2010: fRDB Workshop "Processes of Immigrants' Assimilation", Bocconi University; Norface-World Bank-CReAM Conference "Migration, Development and Global Issues" (UCL); Luca D´Agliano Workshop "Illegal Migration" (University of Milan). 2009: VIII Brucchi Luchino Workshop (Rome); XXXIV SAEe - Valencia; 2nd International Conference on Migration and Development (World Bank); WPEG 2009 Conference (Nottingham); CASS-ESRC workshop on “Migration and Labour Markets: China and the UK” (Beijing); III INSIDE (IAE–CSIC) workshop (Barcelona); Metropolis – British Columbia workshop on the Economics of Migration (Vancouver); SOLE – 14th Annual Meeting (Boston); 2nd Conference of TOM Network – “Trans-nationality of migrants” (UCL - Louvaine-la-Neuve).
________________________________________Editorial work: Guest Managing Editor, Labour Economics, Special Issue on ``Economics of Migration: Labour Market Impacts and Migration Policies'', 2018-2019
Referee: A) Economics: Quarterly Journal of Economics, American Economic Review, American Economic Review -Insights, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of European Economic Association, Economic Journal, Review of Economics and Statistics, AEJ-Economic Policy, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Public Economics, European Economic Review, Journal of Human Resources, Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Economic Geography, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Economic Policy, Economica, Labour Economics, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, European Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Health Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Journal of Population Economics, Health Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, Economic Letters, Journal of Regional Science, Regional Science and Urban Economics, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, World Development, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Review of Economics of the Household, Journal of African Economies, Journal of Economic Surveys, CESifo Economic Studies, Economics of Education Review, Journal of Human Capital, Economic Inquiry, Economic Modelling, Journal of Socio-Economics, SERIEs, Contemporary Economic Policy, Revista de Economía Aplicada; B) Other Disciplines: Science Advances, American Political Science Review, PLOS ONE, Demography, International Migration, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Review for Urban Studies.
Grant and publisher referee: US-NSF; US-Israel BSF; ESRC; Leverhulme Trust; Nuffield Foundation; H2020-EU; Italian Department of Education - PRIN grants, DFG - German Research Foundation; NWO - Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research; Ottilinger Habilitation – Vienna University; University of Chicago Press; Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO); Rockwool Foundation.
Current PhD students: E. Facchetti (main advisor); M.Mertz, A. Vikhanova (2nd advisor)
Past PhD students (graduation year; first appointment): M. Brum (2018; Universidad de la Republica - Uruguay); E. Pasini (2020; Alma Economics); S. Giardili (2020; University of Edinburgh)
PhD Examiner: 2020: T. Tsankova (Warwick University); 2019: E.Kuznetsova (City University London), E.Gentili (USI - Lugano); 2017: P.Jaupart (LSE); 2016: M.Sandi (Sussex), S.Orazbayev (UCL); 2015: T.Surovtseva (UPF), A.Conte (UAB); 2013: J.Naval (UAB); E.Adamopoulou (UC3M); 2012: C.Sajons (UPF); A.Tesei (UPF)
Conference program scientific committee: 2021: EEA, EALE, EBRD-King’s College London “Migration” workshop; 2020: EEA, EALE, SAEe; 2019: EEA, EALE, SAEe; 2018: EALE, AASLE, SAEe; 2017: AASLE, EALE; 2016: EALE; 2015: SOLE-EALE
Conferences and seminars organizer: 15th ECB/CEPR Labour Market Workshop (2-3 Dec 2019, Frankfurt); Conference on Forced Migration, 18-19 March 2019, QMUL; IAE-CSIC internal seminars; INSIDE-MOVE, NORFACE, CReAM: VI Workshop on Migration and Labor Economics, Barcelona (2012); RES 2011: special session on "Immigration and crime"; CReAM seminars, UCL; ESPE 2008 conference, UCL (local committee)
TEACHING EXPERIENCE________________________________________
2021-22 Advanced Labour Economics (MSc Human Resources) & Econometrics (undergrad - 2 modules), Univ. of Milan; Quantitative Methods with Policy Application (Apprenticeship MSc Economics), SEF-QMUL
2020-21 Applied Microeconometrics (MSc Economics); Quantitative Methods with Policy Application (Apprenticeship MSc Economics); Econometrics I (undergrad.) SEF-QMUL
2018-19 Applied Microeconometrics (MSc Economics) SEF-QMUL
2017-18 Applied Microeconometrics (MSc Economics) SEF – QMUL
2016-17 Applied Microeconometrics (MSc Economics) & Microeconomics II (undergraduate) SEF – QMUL
2015-16 Microeconomics II (undergraduate) SEF – QMUL; Policy Evaluation (MSc Public Policy) – Bocconi University
2014-15 Macroeconomics I and Microeconomics II (undergraduate) SEF – QMUL
2013-14 Microeconometrics (MSc International Trade, Finance and Development); Statistics (MSc Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Markets) Barcelona GSE
2012-13 Applied Microeconometrics (PhD program) UAB; Statistics (MSc Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Markets) Barcelona GSE; Migration in Europe (MSc Foreign Service; short course) Georgetown University
2011-12 Applied Microeconometrics (PhD program) UAB
________________________________________Nov 2015 – Dec 2018: World Bank – Refugee Crisis in the Mediterranean Sea (consultant)
Sept–Nov 2012: International Organization for Migration - LINET - Improving Access to Labour Market Information for Migrants and Employers - Country expert for Italy
May 2009–May 2010: UCL - RA for ESRC project “Crime and Mental Wellbeing” - F.Cornaglia (P.I.)
Jan–Sept 2008: ELIAMEP - Project: Clandestino - Undocumented Migration - Country expert for Italy
Sept 2006 – Sept 2010: CReAM - Research Officer
June 2003 – July 2004: Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti, Milan - Research Officer
________________________________________ Policy Reports:
• A Vulnerable Workforce: Migrant Workers in the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020) (with J. Mazza); European Commission, JRC - EUR 30225
• Immigrant Key Workers: Their Contribution to Europe's COVID-19 Response (with J. Mazza); European Commission Note JRC120537; IZA PP 155
• Cittadini Senza Diritti. Rapporto Naga 2018. Immigrazione e (in)sicurezza: la casa, il lavoro e la salute. (Italian) (with C.Devillanova and T.Frattini)
• Cittadini senza Diritti, Rapporto Naga 2014. Stanno tutti bene (Italian) (with S.Cremaschi, C.Devillanova and T.Frattini)
• Immigration Policy and Crime (2013) (with P.Pinotti, L.Gazzé and M.Tonello) - XV European Conference of the Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti
• Improving access to Labour Market Information for Migrants and Employers - Italy (chapter 7) (2013) in "Improving access to Labour Market Information for Migrants and Employers" (edited by M.V. Desiderio and A.Schuster), IOM-LINET and DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion of the European Commission
• Cittadini senza diritti – Rapporto Naga 2009 (Italian) (with C.Devillanova and T.Frattini)
• Undocumented migration in Italy – CLANDESTINO project - Counting the Uncountable. Data and Trends Across Europe (2009) – 6th FP EC
• Cittadini senza diritti: abitare e lavorare a Milano da clandestini (2007), Econpubbblica WP 125, Bocconi University (Italian) (with C.Devillanova and T.Frattini)
Book Chapters:
• Legal Status and Migrants’ Outcomes: Some Lessons from Amnesty Programs, in J. Vázquez-Grenno (edited by) Legalization of Undocumented Immigrants: What Do We Know?, IEB Report 3/2020
• Immigrant key workers in Europe: The COVID-19 response that comes from abroad, in Bénassy-Quéré A. and Weder di Mauro B. (edited by) Europe in the Time of Covid-19, CEPR VoxEU e-book (22 May 2020)
• The quest for “La Dolce Vita”? Undocumented migration in Italy (2010), in Triandafyllidou A. (edited by) Irregular Migration in Europe: Myths and Realities, Ashgate
• Le rimesse degli immigrati residenti in Italia (2008), in Fondazione ISMU (edited by) “Quattordicesimo rapporto sulle migrazioni 2008”, FrancoAngeli (Italian) (with B.Speciale)
• Consumption, saving and remittance behaviour of undocumented migrants in Italy (2008), in Di Comite L. et al. (edited by) “Sviluppo demografico ed economico nel mediterraneo”, Cacucci Editore (with G.C.Blangiardo and B.Speciale)
• Il lavoro degli immigrati e le politiche dell’immigrazione in Italia (2004) in Mauri G., Visconti L.M. (edited by) “Diversity management and lavoratori immigrati: teorie e prassi”, FrancoAngeli (with T.Boeri)
• Immigrati e assistenza sociale in Italia (2004) in Guerra M.C., Zanardi A. (edited by) “La Finanza Pubblica Italiana. Rapporto 2004”, il Mulino, 2004 (with T.Boeri and D.Tabasso)
• Dalla “Maastricht delle pensioni” alle pensioni senza Maastricht (2004) in Colombo A., Ronzitti N.(edited by) “L’Italia e la Politica Internazionale – Annuario ISPI–IAI”, Il Mulino (with T.Boeri)
TV and Radio interviews: France24News, France; SkyTG24, Italy; Radio Ciudad Buenos Aires, Argentina
Research featured in: The Washington Post, The Economist, Financial Times, Newsweek, The Observer, Daily Mirror, El Pais, LaVanguardia, Il Sole 24ORE, la Repubblica, Corriere della Sera, Internazionale, LaStampa, Avvenire.
Op-Eds:,, The Conversation
________________________________________Italian (native), English (fluent), Spanish (fluent)