Data di Pubblicazione:
Age-Specific Issues. Language, Spaces, Technologies / [a cura di] K. Grego, A. Vicentini, V. Ylanne. - Bern : Peter Lang, 2023. - ISBN 978-3-0343-4411-1. (LINGUISTIC INSIGHTS) (( [10.3726/b20398].
This volume is a collection of studies dealing with age or, rather, ages, mainly from a linguistic viewpoint, but also accommodating inputs from other disciplinary perspectives. It focuses on the linguistic, social, economic and ethical aspects of social groups defined in terms of age – which clearly includes seniors but is, of course, not limited to that. In a global setting where spaces are constantly being redefined, new technologies and phenomena like the COVID-19 pandemic exert a substantial influence on how ages are perceived, seen and constructed. Within such a complex and multi-layered context, the chapters of this book provide attempts at showcasing realities connected with language, ages and, in general, the discourses surrounding them.
Tipologia IRIS:
06 - Curatela di volume
Elenco autori:
K. Grego, A. Vicentini, V. Ylanne
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