Online print media coverage of a parliamentary select committee's investigations into allegations of doping in British cycling
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Data di Pubblicazione:
Online print media coverage of a parliamentary select committee's investigations into allegations of doping in British cycling / D.B. Heaney - In: Worlds of words : complexity, creativity, and conventionality in English language, literature and culture. 1: Language / [a cura di] V. Bonsignori, G. Cappelli, E. Mattiello. - Prima edizione. - Pisa : Pisa university press, 2019. - ISBN 9788833392448. - pp. 77-81
This paper presents a case study of online mainstream print media accounts of the sensitive issue of doping within sport. Specifically, it investigates press coverage of the enquiry of the Parliamentary Select Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee on Combating Doping in Sport (House of Parliament 2006-2018). Adopting a discourse analytical approach, the analysis entails comparison of two data sets, one comprising the transcripts of the Select Committee hearings; the other composed of news print media coverage of the committee’s proceedings. The purpose is to gain insights into the prevailing discursive strategies involved in the recontextualization of institutional face-to-face interactions in the form of mainstream online print news about this charged and controversial issue.
Tipologia IRIS:
03 - Contributo in volume
mainstream print media; parliamentary select committee; coverage; doping; keyword analysis
Elenco autori:
D.B. Heaney
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Titolo del libro:
Worlds of words : complexity, creativity, and conventionality in English language, literature and culture. 1: Language