A new digital technology-based treatment for chronic pain combining neuromodulation, computer-assisted training and telemonitoring (TechNoPAIN)
Progetto Chronic pain is a leading source of medical disability, healthcare expenses, and reduced mental well-being. Given mobility limitations, travel burden, and cost, accessibility to treatment can be problematic in patients suffering from this disease, thus boosting a recent shift toward delivering care via telehealth programs. Given the complex interrelation of physical and psychosocial aspects related to chronic pain condition, in this project we propose to validate and investigate the efficacy of new integrated healthcare interventions by combining transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) technique, complementary therapies and telemonitoring. We expect that this novel combined approach will provide a more effective strategy overcoming the classical barriers of pharmacological treatments and access to care due to poor mobility. To do so, we will rely on a previously developed integrated platform allowing effective delivery of non-pharmacological interventions and outcome evaluation.