
Ricerca finanziata (5)
Amplification Strategies for the Labeling and Detection of Infectious Agents
PRIN2020 - PRIN bando 2020
Responsabile scientifico
36 mesi
Bio-inspired and bionic materials for enhanced photosynthesis (BEEP)
H20MCITNIF - Horizon 2020_Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions-Innovative Training Network (ITN)/Individual Fellowships (IF)
Responsabile scientifico
42 mesi
ElectroChemiLuminescence doctoral network for early sepsis diagnosis (ECLectic)
Horizon Europe - Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions - Doctoral Networks (DN)
Responsabile scientifico
48 mesi
Hybrid Nanostructured Oligonucleotide Platforms for Biomedical Applications (Nano-OligoMed)
H20MC_RISE - Horizon 2020_Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions-International and inter-sectoral cooperation through the Research and Innovation Staff Exchanges (RISE)
Responsabile scientifico
25 mesi
Three-dimensional matrices and engineered nanoparticles for locoregional treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (ManoHCC)
Progetti PNRR - Bandi a Cascata
Responsabile scientifico
15 mesi
No Results Found
Pubblicazioni (358)
Brevetti (28)
Premi e riconoscimenti (3)
The Izatt–Christensen Award in Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry,
conferito da IBC and ISMSC - 2019
No Results Found
Partecipazioni scientifiche (3)
Componente dell'Advisory Board
- CIBER-BNN (Spagna)
(2019 - 2023)
Socio effettivo o corrispondente
- Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere (Italia)
(2019 - )
- 8th EuChemS Chemistry Congress (Portogallo)
(2018 - 2021)
No Results Found
Collegi di dottorato (11)
(ciclo: 40 - Anno: 2024
Università degli Studi di PERUGIA -
(ciclo: 40 - Anno: 2024
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 40 - Anno: 2024
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 39 - Anno: 2023
Università degli Studi di PERUGIA -
(ciclo: 39 - Anno: 2023
(ciclo: 39 - Anno: 2023
(ciclo: 38 - Anno: 2022
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 38 - Anno: 2022
Università degli Studi di PERUGIA -
(ciclo: 38 - Anno: 2022
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 37 - Anno: 2021
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 36 - Anno: 2020
No Results Found
Tutoraggio (5)
tutorship -
tutorship -
tutorship -
tutorship -
tutorship -
No Results Found
Name: Luisa De Cola Nationality: Italian
Position: since 1 November 2020 Professor at the University of Milano and Director of the Materials for Health Laboratory at the Mario Negri, Milano (Italy). She is also adjunct Scientist since 2013 at the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany, and since 2019 she is also Honorary Professor at Tianjin University, China.
Scientific Career
1978 - 1983 Laurea in Chemistry summa cum laude, University of Messina (Italy),
supervisor Prof. Raffaello Romeo.
1984 -1986 Postdoctoral fellow (National Institute of Health fellowship) at the Virginia
Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA (supervisor: Prof. Lidia M. Vallarino).
1986-1990 Researcher at the National Research Council, CNR, Instituto F.R.A.E, Bologna (group leader Prof. Vincenzo Balzani).
1990-1998 Assistant Professor University of Bologna (Italy).
1998-2004 Full Professor, University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands), Chair of Molecular
Photonic Materials
2004-2012 Full Professor (C4) in Physics and Chemistry, University of Münster (Germany),
Chair of Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics.
2006 - 2012 Part-time Professor Department of Chemistry University of Twente, NL
2012 – 2020 Full Professor (Class Exceptionnelle), AXA chair of Supra-molecular and Biomaterial Chemistry, at ISIS, University of Strasbourg and CNRS, France
Awards and Professional Appointments
1986 Prize for Chemistry "Fondazione U. Bonino e M.S. Pulejo”
1993 Prize for Chemistry of the "Accademia di Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche di Napoli".
1995 Federchimica National Prize " per un futuro intelligente (for a smart future)".
1995 International Prize of the European Photochemistry Association "Grammaticakis-
2004 Finalist of the Descartes Prize 2004
2003-2007 Member of the Advisory Board for the Chemistry Department, Imperial College of
2009 European Research Council, ERC Advanced Grant Award
2010-2015. Member of the evaluation panel of the ERC starting grant.
2010 Distinguished lecture, Atlanta, USA
2011 IUPAC prize for the most distinguished women in the field of chemistry and chemical
2011 Member of the International Advisory Panel of AMADEus, LabEx of the University of
Bordeaux, France
2012 Gutenberg Chair Award
2013 Member of the Academia Europeae
2013 President of the Bürgenstock Conference 2013
2014 Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur appointed by the President of the Republic of
France, François Hollande
2014 Member of the German Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina
2014 International Prize for Chemistry from the Academia dei Lincei, Tartufari Prize, given by the President of the Republic of Italy, Giorgio Napolitano
2014 Luigi Sacconi lecture award, Firenze, Italy
2014 Sigma Aldrich Material Science lecture award, EPFL, Switzerland
2015- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of ICN2 (Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia, Spain)
2015 International Prize Catalán -Sabatier given by the Real Sociedad Española de
2015 Elected as a ChemPubSoc Europe Fellow
2015 Sir Jesse Boot lecture award, Nottingham, UK
2016 Weber Prize from Rotary Club, Italy
2016 Member of the Akademie der Wissenschaften un der Literatur of Mainz
2016 Elected member of the “Institut Universitaire de France”, IUF
2016 Distinguished lecture “Haddadin symposium” Beirut, Lebanon
2017-2020 Member of the Committee for the Rey Jaime I Prize, Spain (together with 16 Nobel
2017-2021 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Department Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
2018- 2022 Member of the International Advisory Board of Tianjin University, Health Science
Platform (Tianjin, China)
2018- 2022 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Adolphe Merkle Institute (CH)
2019-2022 Member of the Scientific Council of the Italian CNR, section Chemical Sciences and Materials Technology
2019-2022 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board CIBER-BNN, Spain
2019- Member of the Centre for Endoscopic Research Therapeutics and Training - CERTT
2019 Melville distinguished lecturer, University of Cambridge, UK
2019 Honorary Professor (Peyiang Professor) Tianjin University, China
2019 The Izatt–Christensen Award in Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry
2019 Medal from the University of Messina
2019 She is one of the 39 selected women chemists, from all times, at the Science
Museum of Valencia (Ciutat de les Arts y de les Ciencies), Spain.
2019 Elected member of the Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere
2019 Prize Anassilaos Arte Cultura Economia e Scienze
2019-2022 Member of the advisory board of CIBER-BNN, Spain
2020 Gold Medal “Giulio Natta” from the Italian Chemical Society
2022 President of the 8th EuChemS Chemistry Congress, Lisbon, Portugal
Supervision of Graduate students and post-doctoral fellows
2012 – today 21 Post-docs/19 PhD/26 Master Students at ISIS UMR 7006, Université de Strasbourg, France and and 5 post-docs and 2 PhDs in KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany
2004 – 2012 27 Postdocs/ 15 PhD/ more than 20 Master Students Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics Laboratory, University of Münster, Germany
1998 – 2004 12 Postdocs/ 12 PhD/ about 10 Master Students University of Amsterdam.
1996 – 1998 co-supervision of 2 PhD and 2 post-docs University of Bologna.
Organization of international meetings
1999 - 1st BINPHOS (Belgium, Italy, The Netherlands Photochemistry Symposium), Noordwijk,
2002- ESF Meeting, “Supramolecular Chemistry: Molecular rods, wires and switches”(Spain)
2003 - EPA Summer School on Photochemistry (The Netherland).
2008, 2009, 2011 - CeNTech Day conferences.
2011- International Conference on the Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds, 19th ISPPCC, Strasbourg.
2013 - President of the 48th Bürgenstock Conference, Brunnen, Switzerland.
2015 - 10th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry, ISMSC-10 Strasbourg.
2015 - 13th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, ECME, Strasbourg, France.
2016 - 6th EuCheMS Chemistry Conference, organizer of the Theme E, Materials, Devices
and Nanochemistry, Sevilla, Spain, September 2016.
2019 - Minisymposium: Chemistry meets Medicine, Strasbourg
2022 - 8th EuChemS Chemistry Conference, President, Lisbon August 2020.
Member of important evaluation panels
2007-2008 President of the Evaluation Committee for the Department of Chemistry University of Padova
(Italy) and member of the Evaluation Committee for the Department of Chemistry Université
Louis Pasteur and of the ISIS, Strasbourg, France.
2010-2014 Member of the board of the Physical Chemistry, section photochemistry and photophysics, of
the German Chemical Society (GDCh).
2010-2014 Review panel member for the ERC starting grant
2010-2015 Member of the International Advisory Panel of AMADEus, LabEx of the
University of Bordeaux, France
2013-2014 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of l’Ecole Normal Superior, Paris
2014 Review panel member for the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Starting Grants
2015-2018 Review panel member for the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) for the
NCCR Molecular Systems Engineering
2018-2023 Review panel member for the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) for chemistry
2018-2021 Member of the Board of the Health Department, Tianjin University
Editorial Activities
2001-2004 Member of the editorial board of Inorganic Chemistry (ACS)
2002-2006 Member of the editorial board of Chemistry of Materials (ACS)
2011- 2019 Member of the editorial board of ChemPhysChem (Wiley) and ChemPlusChem (Wiley)2013-2016-2019 Member of the editorial board of Material Horizons (RSC)
2019-2023 Member of the editorial board of Angewandte Chemie (Wiley)
2020-2024 Member of the editorial board of Materials Today Bio (Elsevier)
Member of the American Chemical Society, German Chemical Society, Italian Chemical Society and French Chemical Society. Fellow of the Royal Chemical Society
Scientific Output
Prof. Luisa De Cola is working in 2 main research areas: a) luminescent and electro-luminescent assemblies and supramolecular structures; b) responsive nanomaterials and soft matrices for imaging, diagnostics and therapy. She has published 380 papers (including Nature, Nature Chemistry, Nature Communications) and filed 38 international patents. She has a H-index = 77 and more than 22000 citations (from google scholars).
She has been invited to more than 250 conferences as plenary or as invited speaker (Gordon Conferences, ESF, Solvay Conference 2011, Accademia dei Lincei, distinguished lecture 2010 Georgia Tech, Bürgenstock Conference 2012, E-MRS 2012, ACS 2015, MRS 2016, MRS 2017, ICCC 2018, Nanomedicine, ICOMM, EuCheMs…) and she has delivered more than 300 seminars/talks all over the world.
She has been visiting professor in Japan, USA, France, Italy and Belgium.
She has completed 50 PhD thesis, supervised more that 80 post-docs and several Master students.
Prof. De Cola is a member of the German Chemical Society (GDCh), the Italian Chemical Society, the French Chemical Society and the American Chemical Society. She is fellow of the Royal Chemical Society.
She is also a member of several international boards and evaluation committee including the ERC, SNSF, NCCR. She has organized several international conferences, schools and workshops.
She has been a devoted teacher and she has received several recognitions for her excellent student supervision and for the encouragement she gives to her coworkers. Her group has been awarded with several poster prizes, E-MRS award for the best PhD presentation (F. Fiorini 2015), Wissenshaft Prise (Nanoscience Award 2011 for C. Strassert and in 2008 for Z. Popovic), DSM Science and Technology award (finalist Z. Popovic 2008) Elsevier award 2011 (M. Tsotsalas) and the best PhD thesis awards 2015 (A. Aliprandi), 2017 (S. Sinn), and electrochemical society 2017 S. Carrara, just to cite some of them.
Finally she enjoys to give talk to general public, (EXPO Milano, Berzelius lecture Sweden, TV shows, several interviews, Settimo Torinese festival della scienza and AXA funding ambassador).
Position: since 1 November 2020 Professor at the University of Milano and Director of the Materials for Health Laboratory at the Mario Negri, Milano (Italy). She is also adjunct Scientist since 2013 at the Karlsruher Institut für Technologie, Germany, and since 2019 she is also Honorary Professor at Tianjin University, China.
Scientific Career
1978 - 1983 Laurea in Chemistry summa cum laude, University of Messina (Italy),
supervisor Prof. Raffaello Romeo.
1984 -1986 Postdoctoral fellow (National Institute of Health fellowship) at the Virginia
Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA (supervisor: Prof. Lidia M. Vallarino).
1986-1990 Researcher at the National Research Council, CNR, Instituto F.R.A.E, Bologna (group leader Prof. Vincenzo Balzani).
1990-1998 Assistant Professor University of Bologna (Italy).
1998-2004 Full Professor, University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands), Chair of Molecular
Photonic Materials
2004-2012 Full Professor (C4) in Physics and Chemistry, University of Münster (Germany),
Chair of Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics.
2006 - 2012 Part-time Professor Department of Chemistry University of Twente, NL
2012 – 2020 Full Professor (Class Exceptionnelle), AXA chair of Supra-molecular and Biomaterial Chemistry, at ISIS, University of Strasbourg and CNRS, France
Awards and Professional Appointments
1986 Prize for Chemistry "Fondazione U. Bonino e M.S. Pulejo”
1993 Prize for Chemistry of the "Accademia di Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche di Napoli".
1995 Federchimica National Prize " per un futuro intelligente (for a smart future)".
1995 International Prize of the European Photochemistry Association "Grammaticakis-
2004 Finalist of the Descartes Prize 2004
2003-2007 Member of the Advisory Board for the Chemistry Department, Imperial College of
2009 European Research Council, ERC Advanced Grant Award
2010-2015. Member of the evaluation panel of the ERC starting grant.
2010 Distinguished lecture, Atlanta, USA
2011 IUPAC prize for the most distinguished women in the field of chemistry and chemical
2011 Member of the International Advisory Panel of AMADEus, LabEx of the University of
Bordeaux, France
2012 Gutenberg Chair Award
2013 Member of the Academia Europeae
2013 President of the Bürgenstock Conference 2013
2014 Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur appointed by the President of the Republic of
France, François Hollande
2014 Member of the German Academy of Sciences, Leopoldina
2014 International Prize for Chemistry from the Academia dei Lincei, Tartufari Prize, given by the President of the Republic of Italy, Giorgio Napolitano
2014 Luigi Sacconi lecture award, Firenze, Italy
2014 Sigma Aldrich Material Science lecture award, EPFL, Switzerland
2015- Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of ICN2 (Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia, Spain)
2015 International Prize Catalán -Sabatier given by the Real Sociedad Española de
2015 Elected as a ChemPubSoc Europe Fellow
2015 Sir Jesse Boot lecture award, Nottingham, UK
2016 Weber Prize from Rotary Club, Italy
2016 Member of the Akademie der Wissenschaften un der Literatur of Mainz
2016 Elected member of the “Institut Universitaire de France”, IUF
2016 Distinguished lecture “Haddadin symposium” Beirut, Lebanon
2017-2020 Member of the Committee for the Rey Jaime I Prize, Spain (together with 16 Nobel
2017-2021 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Department Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
2018- 2022 Member of the International Advisory Board of Tianjin University, Health Science
Platform (Tianjin, China)
2018- 2022 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Adolphe Merkle Institute (CH)
2019-2022 Member of the Scientific Council of the Italian CNR, section Chemical Sciences and Materials Technology
2019-2022 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board CIBER-BNN, Spain
2019- Member of the Centre for Endoscopic Research Therapeutics and Training - CERTT
2019 Melville distinguished lecturer, University of Cambridge, UK
2019 Honorary Professor (Peyiang Professor) Tianjin University, China
2019 The Izatt–Christensen Award in Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry
2019 Medal from the University of Messina
2019 She is one of the 39 selected women chemists, from all times, at the Science
Museum of Valencia (Ciutat de les Arts y de les Ciencies), Spain.
2019 Elected member of the Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere
2019 Prize Anassilaos Arte Cultura Economia e Scienze
2019-2022 Member of the advisory board of CIBER-BNN, Spain
2020 Gold Medal “Giulio Natta” from the Italian Chemical Society
2022 President of the 8th EuChemS Chemistry Congress, Lisbon, Portugal
Supervision of Graduate students and post-doctoral fellows
2012 – today 21 Post-docs/19 PhD/26 Master Students at ISIS UMR 7006, Université de Strasbourg, France and and 5 post-docs and 2 PhDs in KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany
2004 – 2012 27 Postdocs/ 15 PhD/ more than 20 Master Students Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics Laboratory, University of Münster, Germany
1998 – 2004 12 Postdocs/ 12 PhD/ about 10 Master Students University of Amsterdam.
1996 – 1998 co-supervision of 2 PhD and 2 post-docs University of Bologna.
Organization of international meetings
1999 - 1st BINPHOS (Belgium, Italy, The Netherlands Photochemistry Symposium), Noordwijk,
2002- ESF Meeting, “Supramolecular Chemistry: Molecular rods, wires and switches”(Spain)
2003 - EPA Summer School on Photochemistry (The Netherland).
2008, 2009, 2011 - CeNTech Day conferences.
2011- International Conference on the Photochemistry and Photophysics of Coordination Compounds, 19th ISPPCC, Strasbourg.
2013 - President of the 48th Bürgenstock Conference, Brunnen, Switzerland.
2015 - 10th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry, ISMSC-10 Strasbourg.
2015 - 13th European Conference on Molecular Electronics, ECME, Strasbourg, France.
2016 - 6th EuCheMS Chemistry Conference, organizer of the Theme E, Materials, Devices
and Nanochemistry, Sevilla, Spain, September 2016.
2019 - Minisymposium: Chemistry meets Medicine, Strasbourg
2022 - 8th EuChemS Chemistry Conference, President, Lisbon August 2020.
Member of important evaluation panels
2007-2008 President of the Evaluation Committee for the Department of Chemistry University of Padova
(Italy) and member of the Evaluation Committee for the Department of Chemistry Université
Louis Pasteur and of the ISIS, Strasbourg, France.
2010-2014 Member of the board of the Physical Chemistry, section photochemistry and photophysics, of
the German Chemical Society (GDCh).
2010-2014 Review panel member for the ERC starting grant
2010-2015 Member of the International Advisory Panel of AMADEus, LabEx of the
University of Bordeaux, France
2013-2014 Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of l’Ecole Normal Superior, Paris
2014 Review panel member for the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Starting Grants
2015-2018 Review panel member for the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) for the
NCCR Molecular Systems Engineering
2018-2023 Review panel member for the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) for chemistry
2018-2021 Member of the Board of the Health Department, Tianjin University
Editorial Activities
2001-2004 Member of the editorial board of Inorganic Chemistry (ACS)
2002-2006 Member of the editorial board of Chemistry of Materials (ACS)
2011- 2019 Member of the editorial board of ChemPhysChem (Wiley) and ChemPlusChem (Wiley)2013-2016-2019 Member of the editorial board of Material Horizons (RSC)
2019-2023 Member of the editorial board of Angewandte Chemie (Wiley)
2020-2024 Member of the editorial board of Materials Today Bio (Elsevier)
Member of the American Chemical Society, German Chemical Society, Italian Chemical Society and French Chemical Society. Fellow of the Royal Chemical Society
Scientific Output
Prof. Luisa De Cola is working in 2 main research areas: a) luminescent and electro-luminescent assemblies and supramolecular structures; b) responsive nanomaterials and soft matrices for imaging, diagnostics and therapy. She has published 380 papers (including Nature, Nature Chemistry, Nature Communications) and filed 38 international patents. She has a H-index = 77 and more than 22000 citations (from google scholars).
She has been invited to more than 250 conferences as plenary or as invited speaker (Gordon Conferences, ESF, Solvay Conference 2011, Accademia dei Lincei, distinguished lecture 2010 Georgia Tech, Bürgenstock Conference 2012, E-MRS 2012, ACS 2015, MRS 2016, MRS 2017, ICCC 2018, Nanomedicine, ICOMM, EuCheMs…) and she has delivered more than 300 seminars/talks all over the world.
She has been visiting professor in Japan, USA, France, Italy and Belgium.
She has completed 50 PhD thesis, supervised more that 80 post-docs and several Master students.
Prof. De Cola is a member of the German Chemical Society (GDCh), the Italian Chemical Society, the French Chemical Society and the American Chemical Society. She is fellow of the Royal Chemical Society.
She is also a member of several international boards and evaluation committee including the ERC, SNSF, NCCR. She has organized several international conferences, schools and workshops.
She has been a devoted teacher and she has received several recognitions for her excellent student supervision and for the encouragement she gives to her coworkers. Her group has been awarded with several poster prizes, E-MRS award for the best PhD presentation (F. Fiorini 2015), Wissenshaft Prise (Nanoscience Award 2011 for C. Strassert and in 2008 for Z. Popovic), DSM Science and Technology award (finalist Z. Popovic 2008) Elsevier award 2011 (M. Tsotsalas) and the best PhD thesis awards 2015 (A. Aliprandi), 2017 (S. Sinn), and electrochemical society 2017 S. Carrara, just to cite some of them.
Finally she enjoys to give talk to general public, (EXPO Milano, Berzelius lecture Sweden, TV shows, several interviews, Settimo Torinese festival della scienza and AXA funding ambassador).