This network of excellence themed on biomedical sciences will explore the how the fundamental principles of how central nervous systems cells and circuits can be understood and functionally translated into mechanisms that can later be abstracted for devices.
Through a collaboration of multiple teams, we will use an interdisciplinary approach to investigate using mathematical models, neuronal and circuit functions in the cerebellum, basal ganglia and spinal cord networks, which play a critical role in sensorimotor control and probably also in higher cognitive functions. Such an effort requires an integrative approach spanning from cellular, integrative and systems neuroscience, which will be achieved through a research network of excellence proposal. This Indo-Italy network of excellence will promote inter-sectorial and translational research. All partners are at the forefront of scientific research and technological development, are (or have been) already collaborating on common projects and have a considerable experience in student training.
As a technical outcome, the teams will model circuits and population signals critical to understand brain function and dysfunction. Both focal coordinators will extend our ongoing collaborations past 13 years into scaling a network of excellence to understand brain function and disorders.