The standard cosmological model states that 95% of the total mass-energy content of the Universe is made of dark matter and dark energy. Ambitious theoretical, technical, and observational efforts, within Europe, currently aim at shedding light on the nature and properties of these, still highly mysterious, components. As state-of-the-art experiments become more precise, some tension between measurements has arisen pointing to underlying biases or a call for new physics. It is then crucial to further explore and develop other independent and complementary cosmological probes today. The aim of the project is to perform pRecision cOsmography with Strong lEnsing gAlaxy clUsters (ROSEAU) by carrying out a complementary analysis using state-of-the-art observations and simulations.
The objectives of ROSEAU are to 1) assess the impact of modelling uncertainties for precision cosmography within parametric algorithms with simulations, 2) examine the recovery of cosmological parameters by combining galaxy clusters over a wide range of redshifts, and 3) combine, for the first time, constraints from individual observed clusters at different redshifts to improve the precision on the estimation of the cosmological parameters. ROSEAU is an innovative project built to impact several areas within the cosmology and strong lensing fields. The project will be completed at the University of Milan, in a leading multi-disciplinary and collaborative environment. I will bring extensive experience in the strong lensing modelling and some unique expertise on the cosmography technique. This will facilitate the research in the group and the transfer of knowledge, and expand my observational and modelling experience, transferable skills, and professional networks. Carrying out ROSEAU within a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship will enhance the development of my career as a complete and independent leading researcher, with a reinforced position within the strong lensing and cosmology fields.