In the last years the novel, potentially revolutionary, possibilities offered by quantum mechanical systems have been deeply explored giving rise to a whole spectrum of Quantum Technologies, which are expected to have a big impact on the everyday life of future generations. Quantum metrology represents one of the most promising of these second generation quantum technologies: its aim is to exploit quantum mechanics to perform ultra-precise measurement not achievable by means of classical approaches.
Yet, a major obstacle still stands in the way of their full exploitation: preserving quantum coherence, the necessary ingredient for quantum protocols to outperform their classical counterparts, is a very difficult task. As it happens in "classical technologies", where the effect of noise is neutralized by monitoring and controlling the signal and its environment, quantum control is going to play a fundamental role for the development of noise-resilient protocols based on quantum mechanics.
The main goal of this fellowship is to develop a more general framework for noisy quantum metrology, encompassing quantum control techniques based on time-continuous measurements and real-time feedback, and considering more general non-Markovian noisy evolutions. Beside answering fundamental questions, we will also design protocols for specific physical systems, with a particular attention for quantum opto-mechanical setups.