A 3 year "Coordination and Support Action" project led by UK Research and Innovation (UK) in partnership with Universita degli Studi di Milano, (Italy), ATHENA Research and Innovation Centre, (Greece), the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic) and German Aerospace Center, DLR (Germany). The goal of StR-ESFRI2 is to provide support to reinforce the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) under the guidance of its Chair, by providing additional resources, tools and expertise for performing its activities and supporting its structures. The main objectives of this project are; to provide support to the ESFRI Chair in all ESFRI related activities, to support the implementation of ESFRI activities, including the development and publishing of the ESFRI Roadmap, to support the effective review and monitoring of research infrastructures on the ESFRI Roadmap through appropriate analytical tools, to support the ESFRI communication, dissemination and engagement strategy, to foster cooperation between ESFRI and e-Infrastructures in the area of data management, and to foster cooperation, exchange of experiences and good practices between research infrastructures, their managers and stakeholders.