Progetto ~~
The research aim is to reconstruct the phenomenology, the impact and the potential of very different individual and collective forms of action, by which people are trying to make use of the available social, cultural and economic capitals (with different entities) in order to produce economic support, identity re-composition and to be socially active in a society characterized by deep transformations and by a fragmentation of the cultural and institutional references.
This research is characterized by two types of innovative outlines:
1 Considering social inclusion as the result of daily life practices where, individually and/or by means of different support networks, people activate their self to reconstruct in their everyday life economic resources, fullness of sense and identity, participation to public life. In this perspective public policies are perceived by people as answers/incentive/support to a bottom-up social involvement and not as an a priori framework to which they adjust their life paths. Including children of immigrants in the study ensures that the sample reflects the nature of the chosen age cohorts; in fact in North-West Italy it would be unrealistic to mark children of migrants off as a separate object of study, as the conventional academic division of labour tends to do.
2. Considering as sectors of social activity expression those sectors where, according to recent knowledge, the mainstream market economy has produced the major effects in terms of environmental impact (nutrition, energy, mobility) and cultural impact (creative industries), thus creating unsustainable consumption, waste and resource depletion, standardization and consumerism.
The research aims at verifying the reparative and regenerative potential - from an economic, cultural, social and environmental standpoint - in the daily life integration practices that experiment innovative participation, production and consumption paths. In a word, the contribution of this potential to more sustainable life forms in the
contemporary Italian society.
Secondly, the research plans to identify the main indicators of security/insecurity stemming from the reconstruction of biographical trajectories and life projects of
adolescents and young adults from different social class exposed to varied ties, resources, risks and expectations which condition - in a way that is unpredictable with
the traditional analytical instruments - the balance between perceived security and real security.
The research aim is to reconstruct the phenomenology, the impact and the potential of very different individual and collective forms of action, by which people are trying to make use of the available social, cultural and economic capitals (with different entities) in order to produce economic support, identity re-composition and to be socially active in a society characterized by deep transformations and by a fragmentation of the cultural and institutional references.
This research is characterized by two types of innovative outlines:
1 Considering social inclusion as the result of daily life practices where, individually and/or by means of different support networks, people activate their self to reconstruct in their everyday life economic resources, fullness of sense and identity, participation to public life. In this perspective public policies are perceived by people as answers/incentive/support to a bottom-up social involvement and not as an a priori framework to which they adjust their life paths. Including children of immigrants in the study ensures that the sample reflects the nature of the chosen age cohorts; in fact in North-West Italy it would be unrealistic to mark children of migrants off as a separate object of study, as the conventional academic division of labour tends to do.
2. Considering as sectors of social activity expression those sectors where, according to recent knowledge, the mainstream market economy has produced the major effects in terms of environmental impact (nutrition, energy, mobility) and cultural impact (creative industries), thus creating unsustainable consumption, waste and resource depletion, standardization and consumerism.
The research aims at verifying the reparative and regenerative potential - from an economic, cultural, social and environmental standpoint - in the daily life integration practices that experiment innovative participation, production and consumption paths. In a word, the contribution of this potential to more sustainable life forms in the
contemporary Italian society.
Secondly, the research plans to identify the main indicators of security/insecurity stemming from the reconstruction of biographical trajectories and life projects of
adolescents and young adults from different social class exposed to varied ties, resources, risks and expectations which condition - in a way that is unpredictable with
the traditional analytical instruments - the balance between perceived security and real security.