Pubblicazioni (43)
Comitati editoriali
Membro del Comitato Editoriale - THE LAB'S QUARTERLY - ISSN: 2035-5548 - Pisa: Laboratorio di ricerca sociale (2020 - )
No Results Found
Ricerca e didattica presso enti (8)
Incarico svolto presso: Università degli Studi di MILANO
(27/12/2021 - 27/12/2024)20211227
Ricercatore a Tempo Determinato tipo B (SPS/08) presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche; docente di "Consumer Culture", Laurea Magistrale in Comunicazione Pubblica e d'Impresa presso: Università degli Studi di MILANO
(27/12/2021 - )20211227
Assistant Professor presso: EMLYON Business School
(01/09/2018 - )20180901
Big Data and Digital Methods, Comunicazione Pubblica e d'Impresa presso: Università degli Studi di MILANO
(24/10/2017 - 31/12/2017)20171024
Corso "Big Data and Digital Methods", Laurea Magistrale in Comunicazione Pubblica e d'Impresa presso: Università degli Studi di MILANO
(20/09/2017 - 31/12/2017)20170920
Assistant Professor, membro del Lifestyle Research Center e dell'AIM Research Center, docente di diversi corsi di laurea magistrale presso: EMLYON Business School
(01/09/2017 - 26/12/2021)20170901
Postdoc presso Lifestyle Research Center, Emlyon Business School presso: EMLYON Business School
(01/09/2017 - 31/08/2018)20170901
"Introduction to R", Incarico di insegnamento per l'A.A. 2016/2017, nell'ambito del Dottorato in Sociologia e Metodologia della Ricerca Sociale NASP presso: Università degli Studi di MILANO
(08/03/2017 - 10/03/2017)20170308
No Results Found
Collegi di dottorato (3)
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 40 - Anno: 2024
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 39 - Anno: 2023
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 38 - Anno: 2022
No Results Found
tutorship -
No Results Found
Public Engagement (4)
Partecipazioni attive a incontri pubblici organizzati da altri soggetti (Altro)
- Rischi, pregiudizi e opacità nella società dell’automazione - intervento presso Book City
Università degli Studi di Milano, via Festa del Perdono 7 (18/11/2022 - 18/11/2022) 20221118
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Pubblicazioni (cartacee e digitali) dedicate al pubblico non accademico (Organizzatore)
- Complessità e bias dell'intelligenza artificiale - articolo su THE CORPORATE COMMUNICATION MAGAZINE
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Pubblicazioni (cartacee e digitali) dedicate al pubblico non accademico (Organizzatore)
- Intervista su “Machine Habitus. Sociologia degli algoritmi” di Massimo Airoldi
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
Pubblicazioni (cartacee e digitali) dedicate al pubblico non accademico (Organizzatore)
- Perché le macchine hanno un habitus, e perché è importante
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche
No Results Found
Dec 2021 - Assistant Professor (RTD-B, SPS/08)
University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences.
Main teaching activities: “Consumer Culture” (MA in Communication)
Sep 2018 – Dec 2021 - Assistant Professor
emlyon business school. Main teaching activities: “Consumer Behaviour and Identity in a Digital World”, “Critical perspectives on digital culture”.
Sep 2017 – Aug 2018 - Postdoctoral Researcher
Lifestyle Research Center, emlyon business school,
Research and teaching activities
Sep 2017 – Dec 2017 - Adjunct Lecturer of Big Data and Digital Methods
MA in Communication, University of Milan
Teaching activities in English
Nov 2015 – Feb 2016 - Visiting PhD student
University of Amsterdam, Department of Sociology,
Developing and presenting PhD research project
Sep 2015 – Jul 2017 - Research member
Public Opinion and Media Lab (POMLAB), University of Milan
Qualitative and quantitative digital research, related teaching activities
Jan 2014 – Jul 2017 - PhD candidate in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research
NASP, University of Milan. Thesis title:
“Digital Distinction. Studying Musical Taste through Digital Methods”
May 2011 – Sep 2013 - Digital Data Analyst
Viralbeat, digital marketing agency,
Qualitative and quantitative digital consumer research
Jul 2018 - Summer School
PhD-level course on social theory
“Consumption Theory: A Canon of Classics 2018”, University of Southern Denmark
Jan 2014 – Jul 2017 - Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research, Network for the Advancement of Social and Political Studies (NASP), University of Milan
Jul 2016 - Summer School
Quantitative text analysis and machine learning
“EITM Europe 2016”, University of Mannheim
Jan 2016 - Winter School
Online data collection and analysis
“Digital Methods Winter School 2016”, University of Amsterdam, Department of Communication
Aug 2015 - Summer School
Quantitative text analysis with R
“Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis”, University of Essex
Sep 2010 – Dec 2012 - Master of Arts (110/110 cum laude)
Sociology (“Scienze Sociali per la Ricerca e le Istituzioni”, LM-88), University of Milan.
Sep 2007 – Mar 2010 - Bachelor’s Degree (110/110 cum laude)
Communication (“Comunicazione e Società”, L-20), University of Milan
Research affiliations:
AIM Value Research Center, emlyon business school ( Member, 01/09/2018 – 01/09/2021
Lifestyle Research Center, emlyon business school ( Member, 01/09/2017 – 26/12/2021
Public Opinion and Media Lab (POMLAB), University of Milan ( Member, 01/09/2015 – 20/07/2017
Centro Studi di Etnografia Digitale, University of Milan (https://www. Member, 01/05/2011 – 31/12/2016
- Airoldi, M. (2022). Machine Habitus. Toward a sociology of algorithms. Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Airoldi, M. (2021). The techno-social reproduction of taste boundaries on digital platforms: The case of music on YouTube. Poetics, 89: 1-13.
- Airoldi, M. (2021). Digital traces of taste: methodological pathways for consumer research. Consumption Markets & Culture, 24(1):97-117.
- Harju, L., Rokka, J., Raies, K., Lopes, M.M., Airoldi, M. (2021). Employee Well-Being Profiles During Covid-19 Lockdown: A Latent Profile Analysis of French and UK employees. Frontiers in Psychology, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.645300.
- Airoldi, M. (2021). Book review: Gabriella Paolucci (ed.) Bourdieu e Marx. Pratiche della Critica. The Lab’s Quarterly, doi: 10.13131/1724-451x.labsquarterly.axxiii.n1.7.
- Airoldi, M. (2020). Lo spettro dell’algoritmo e le scienze sociali. Prospettive critiche su macchine intelligenti e automazione delle disuguaglianze. Polis, 34: 111-128.
- Santoro, M., Airoldi, M., Riviera, E. (2019). Reading Wittgenstein Between the Texts. Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas, 16(8): 1-43.
- Barisione, M., Michailidou, A., Airoldi, M. (2019). Understanding a digital movement of opinion: the case of #RefugeesWelcome. Information, Communication & Society, 22(8): 1145-1164.
- Airoldi, M., Gambetta, D. (2018). On the myth of algorithmic neutrality. The Lab’s Quarterly, 20(4): 25-45.
- Molteni, F., Airoldi, M. (2018). Integrating survey and Big Data into Research practice. Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, 116: 103-115.
- Airoldi, M. (2018). L’output non calcolabile. Verso una cultura algoritmica. In D. Gambetta (Ed.) Datacrazia. Politica, cultural algoritmica e conflitti al tempo dei big data. Ladispoli: D Editore.
- Airoldi, M. (2018). Ethnography and the digital fields of social media. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 21(6): 661-673.
- Natale, P., Airoldi, M. (Eds.) (2017). Web & social media: le tecniche di analisi. Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli.
- Airoldi, M. (2017). Oltre il virtuale. Studiare la società attraverso i dati digitali. In: (a cura di) Natale, P.; Airoldi, M., Web & social media: le tecniche di analisi. p. 1-19, Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli.
- Airoldi, M. (2017). I metodi digitali. In M. Cardano, F. Ortalda (Eds.) Metodologia della ricerca psicosociale (pp. 329-343). Torino: UTET Università.
- Airoldi, M. (2016). Analyzing Social Media with Topic Models: Sanremo 2016 on Twitter. Studi Culturali, 13(3): 431-448.
- Airoldi, M., Beraldo, D., Gandini, A. (2016). Follow the algorithm: An exploratory investigation of music on YouTube. Poetics, 57: 1-13.
- Arvidsson, A., Caliandro, A., Airoldi, M., Barina, S. (2016). Crowds and Value Italian Directioners on Twitter. Information Communication & Society, 19(7): 921-39.
- Splendore, S., Caliandro, A., Airoldi, M. (2016). Twittare le news: giornalisti hard e testate soft. Uno studio di caso di tre redazioni. ComPol, 17(1): 87-106.
- Airoldi, M. (2015). You might also be interested in: recommender algorithms and social imaginary, the case of YouTube. IM@GO, 6: 132-50.
Selected conference presentations and invited seminars (past 5 years):
- “Interpretare la società digitale: per una sociologia degli algoritmi”. Invited seminar, Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Communication and Social Research. November 2021, 9.
- “Doing cultural sociology with digital traces”. Conference presentation, Internet Research Methods for the Social Sciences, ULB Brussels, October 2021, 8.
- “The Techno-Social Reproduction of Taste Boundaries on Digital Platforms: The case of music on YouTube”. Keynote speech, Capturing The Societal Values Of Culture: Towards Inclusive and Participatory European Cultural Policies INVENT conference, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. September 2021, 24.
- “Algorithms and Traces”. Chair of panel, What People Leave Behind Conference, Sapienza University of Rome. June 2021, 16.
- “Machines on my back. Platformized cultural circulation and the socialization of algorithms”. Conference presentation, Science & Technology Studies Conference, Trieste, Italy. June 2021, 18.
- "Sociology of AI”. Invited lecture, AIM Seminar Series in Value Creation, Artificial Intelligence in Management Institute, emlyon business school, France. May 2021, 20.
- “Digital Methods”. (with J. Rokka). Invited workshop, PhD Program in Management, Innsbruck University School of Management, Innsbruck, Austria. January 2021, 12-14.
- "Studying consumption and possession in the platform society". Invited lecture, Promotional Cultures & Communication Centre Seminar Series, Bournemouth University, UK. October 2020, 21.
- "The Moral Foundations of the Guns' Proselytism in Brazil" (with B. Rosenthal). Conference presentation, Virtual 2020 ACR Conference, The Association for Consumer Research, Paris, France. October 2020, 1-4.
- “Digital traces of taste”. Invited lecture, Digital cultures and communication research, MA in Communication, University of Milan, Nov 2019, 29.
- “Digital Logics of Distinction: a Field Analysis of Popular Music on YouTube”. Conference presentation, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, New York, USA. August 2019, 9-13.
- “Sociology of Algorithms”. Invited doctoral seminar, NASP, University of Milan. June 2018, 6.
- “Methodological innovation for studies in digital possession”. Roundtable, ICRW 2019, emlyon business school, France. May 2019, 10.
- “Algorithmic consumer cultures” (with J. Rokka). Conference presentation, ICRW 2019, emlyon business school, France. May 2019, 10.
- “Algorithmic life”. Invited lecture, Sociology of Media, IULM University, Milan. Dec 2018, 19.
- “Sunday Assemblies: From “Believing Without Belonging” to “Belonging Without Believing”? When Survey and Big Data Combine to Study an Under-Theorized Phenomenon” (with F. Molteni). Conference presentation, BigSurv18, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain. October 2018, 25-28.
- “Digital Consumer Culture Theory”. Roundtable, CCTC 2018, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark. June 2018, 29.
- “Digital Traces of Musical Taste”. Conference presentation, Taste Research Day, emlyon business school, France. April 2018, 25.
- “Doing Digital Sociology”. Invited doctoral seminar, NASP, University of Milan. April 2018, 13.
- “Music & Digital Platforms”. Invited lecture at Middlesex University, UK. March 2018, 12.
- “Making sense of digital data using Visual Network Analysis”. Invited seminar, Digital Research Methods Workshop, Lifestyle Research Center, emlyon business school, France. Dec 2017, 5.
- "Belonging without believing? A digital investigation of a Church without God" (with F. Molteni). Conference presentation, ISSR 2017, University of Lausanne, Switzerland. July 2017, 4-7.
- “Introduction to R”. Invited doctoral workshop, NASP, University of Milan. March 2017, 8-10.
Editorial and reviewing tasks:
- Member of the editorial board
The Lab’s Quarterly (ISSN: 1724-451X; scientific journal for Area
- Peer reviewer for Poetics; Information, Communication & Society; Social Media + Society; Social Indicators Research; Coumption, Markets & Culture; Marketing Theory; Social Movement Studies; Studi Culturali; Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa; Comunicazione Politica; Sociologia e ricerca sociale; Bristol University Press.
- External PhD reviewer, PhD program in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research, NASP, University of Milan.
- Reviewer, Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe (CHANSE) research funding network.
Selected press articles about my research:
- Sinow, C. (2020). How old, ambient Japanese music became a smash hit on YouTube. ArsTechnica.
- Jagota, V. (2020). How a Long-Lost Indian Disco Record Won Over Crate Diggers and Cracked the YouTube Algorithm. Pitchfork.
- Airoldi, M. (2018). Intolerance on social media: #refugeeswelcome and the Paris terrorist attacks. The Conversation.
- Rokka, J., Airoldi, M. (2018). Cambridge Analytica’s ‘secret’ psychographic tool is a ghost from the past. The Conversation.
- Murdoch, C. (2016). YouTube Users Are Reinventing The Way We Classify Music. Vocativ.
- Baer, D. (2016). It Sounds Like YouTube Is Changing the Way People Listen to Music. New York Magazine.
Dec 2021 - Assistant Professor (RTD-B, SPS/08)
University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences.
Main teaching activities: “Consumer Culture” (MA in Communication)
Sep 2018 – Dec 2021 - Assistant Professor
emlyon business school. Main teaching activities: “Consumer Behaviour and Identity in a Digital World”, “Critical perspectives on digital culture”.
Sep 2017 – Aug 2018 - Postdoctoral Researcher
Lifestyle Research Center, emlyon business school,
Research and teaching activities
Sep 2017 – Dec 2017 - Adjunct Lecturer of Big Data and Digital Methods
MA in Communication, University of Milan
Teaching activities in English
Nov 2015 – Feb 2016 - Visiting PhD student
University of Amsterdam, Department of Sociology,
Developing and presenting PhD research project
Sep 2015 – Jul 2017 - Research member
Public Opinion and Media Lab (POMLAB), University of Milan
Qualitative and quantitative digital research, related teaching activities
Jan 2014 – Jul 2017 - PhD candidate in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research
NASP, University of Milan. Thesis title:
“Digital Distinction. Studying Musical Taste through Digital Methods”
May 2011 – Sep 2013 - Digital Data Analyst
Viralbeat, digital marketing agency,
Qualitative and quantitative digital consumer research
Jul 2018 - Summer School
PhD-level course on social theory
“Consumption Theory: A Canon of Classics 2018”, University of Southern Denmark
Jan 2014 – Jul 2017 - Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research, Network for the Advancement of Social and Political Studies (NASP), University of Milan
Jul 2016 - Summer School
Quantitative text analysis and machine learning
“EITM Europe 2016”, University of Mannheim
Jan 2016 - Winter School
Online data collection and analysis
“Digital Methods Winter School 2016”, University of Amsterdam, Department of Communication
Aug 2015 - Summer School
Quantitative text analysis with R
“Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis”, University of Essex
Sep 2010 – Dec 2012 - Master of Arts (110/110 cum laude)
Sociology (“Scienze Sociali per la Ricerca e le Istituzioni”, LM-88), University of Milan.
Sep 2007 – Mar 2010 - Bachelor’s Degree (110/110 cum laude)
Communication (“Comunicazione e Società”, L-20), University of Milan
Research affiliations:
AIM Value Research Center, emlyon business school ( Member, 01/09/2018 – 01/09/2021
Lifestyle Research Center, emlyon business school ( Member, 01/09/2017 – 26/12/2021
Public Opinion and Media Lab (POMLAB), University of Milan ( Member, 01/09/2015 – 20/07/2017
Centro Studi di Etnografia Digitale, University of Milan (https://www. Member, 01/05/2011 – 31/12/2016
- Airoldi, M. (2022). Machine Habitus. Toward a sociology of algorithms. Cambridge: Polity Press.
- Airoldi, M. (2021). The techno-social reproduction of taste boundaries on digital platforms: The case of music on YouTube. Poetics, 89: 1-13.
- Airoldi, M. (2021). Digital traces of taste: methodological pathways for consumer research. Consumption Markets & Culture, 24(1):97-117.
- Harju, L., Rokka, J., Raies, K., Lopes, M.M., Airoldi, M. (2021). Employee Well-Being Profiles During Covid-19 Lockdown: A Latent Profile Analysis of French and UK employees. Frontiers in Psychology, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.645300.
- Airoldi, M. (2021). Book review: Gabriella Paolucci (ed.) Bourdieu e Marx. Pratiche della Critica. The Lab’s Quarterly, doi: 10.13131/1724-451x.labsquarterly.axxiii.n1.7.
- Airoldi, M. (2020). Lo spettro dell’algoritmo e le scienze sociali. Prospettive critiche su macchine intelligenti e automazione delle disuguaglianze. Polis, 34: 111-128.
- Santoro, M., Airoldi, M., Riviera, E. (2019). Reading Wittgenstein Between the Texts. Journal of Interdisciplinary History of Ideas, 16(8): 1-43.
- Barisione, M., Michailidou, A., Airoldi, M. (2019). Understanding a digital movement of opinion: the case of #RefugeesWelcome. Information, Communication & Society, 22(8): 1145-1164.
- Airoldi, M., Gambetta, D. (2018). On the myth of algorithmic neutrality. The Lab’s Quarterly, 20(4): 25-45.
- Molteni, F., Airoldi, M. (2018). Integrating survey and Big Data into Research practice. Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale, 116: 103-115.
- Airoldi, M. (2018). L’output non calcolabile. Verso una cultura algoritmica. In D. Gambetta (Ed.) Datacrazia. Politica, cultural algoritmica e conflitti al tempo dei big data. Ladispoli: D Editore.
- Airoldi, M. (2018). Ethnography and the digital fields of social media. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 21(6): 661-673.
- Natale, P., Airoldi, M. (Eds.) (2017). Web & social media: le tecniche di analisi. Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli.
- Airoldi, M. (2017). Oltre il virtuale. Studiare la società attraverso i dati digitali. In: (a cura di) Natale, P.; Airoldi, M., Web & social media: le tecniche di analisi. p. 1-19, Santarcangelo di Romagna: Maggioli.
- Airoldi, M. (2017). I metodi digitali. In M. Cardano, F. Ortalda (Eds.) Metodologia della ricerca psicosociale (pp. 329-343). Torino: UTET Università.
- Airoldi, M. (2016). Analyzing Social Media with Topic Models: Sanremo 2016 on Twitter. Studi Culturali, 13(3): 431-448.
- Airoldi, M., Beraldo, D., Gandini, A. (2016). Follow the algorithm: An exploratory investigation of music on YouTube. Poetics, 57: 1-13.
- Arvidsson, A., Caliandro, A., Airoldi, M., Barina, S. (2016). Crowds and Value Italian Directioners on Twitter. Information Communication & Society, 19(7): 921-39.
- Splendore, S., Caliandro, A., Airoldi, M. (2016). Twittare le news: giornalisti hard e testate soft. Uno studio di caso di tre redazioni. ComPol, 17(1): 87-106.
- Airoldi, M. (2015). You might also be interested in: recommender algorithms and social imaginary, the case of YouTube. IM@GO, 6: 132-50.
Selected conference presentations and invited seminars (past 5 years):
- “Interpretare la società digitale: per una sociologia degli algoritmi”. Invited seminar, Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Communication and Social Research. November 2021, 9.
- “Doing cultural sociology with digital traces”. Conference presentation, Internet Research Methods for the Social Sciences, ULB Brussels, October 2021, 8.
- “The Techno-Social Reproduction of Taste Boundaries on Digital Platforms: The case of music on YouTube”. Keynote speech, Capturing The Societal Values Of Culture: Towards Inclusive and Participatory European Cultural Policies INVENT conference, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands. September 2021, 24.
- “Algorithms and Traces”. Chair of panel, What People Leave Behind Conference, Sapienza University of Rome. June 2021, 16.
- “Machines on my back. Platformized cultural circulation and the socialization of algorithms”. Conference presentation, Science & Technology Studies Conference, Trieste, Italy. June 2021, 18.
- "Sociology of AI”. Invited lecture, AIM Seminar Series in Value Creation, Artificial Intelligence in Management Institute, emlyon business school, France. May 2021, 20.
- “Digital Methods”. (with J. Rokka). Invited workshop, PhD Program in Management, Innsbruck University School of Management, Innsbruck, Austria. January 2021, 12-14.
- "Studying consumption and possession in the platform society". Invited lecture, Promotional Cultures & Communication Centre Seminar Series, Bournemouth University, UK. October 2020, 21.
- "The Moral Foundations of the Guns' Proselytism in Brazil" (with B. Rosenthal). Conference presentation, Virtual 2020 ACR Conference, The Association for Consumer Research, Paris, France. October 2020, 1-4.
- “Digital traces of taste”. Invited lecture, Digital cultures and communication research, MA in Communication, University of Milan, Nov 2019, 29.
- “Digital Logics of Distinction: a Field Analysis of Popular Music on YouTube”. Conference presentation, American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, New York, USA. August 2019, 9-13.
- “Sociology of Algorithms”. Invited doctoral seminar, NASP, University of Milan. June 2018, 6.
- “Methodological innovation for studies in digital possession”. Roundtable, ICRW 2019, emlyon business school, France. May 2019, 10.
- “Algorithmic consumer cultures” (with J. Rokka). Conference presentation, ICRW 2019, emlyon business school, France. May 2019, 10.
- “Algorithmic life”. Invited lecture, Sociology of Media, IULM University, Milan. Dec 2018, 19.
- “Sunday Assemblies: From “Believing Without Belonging” to “Belonging Without Believing”? When Survey and Big Data Combine to Study an Under-Theorized Phenomenon” (with F. Molteni). Conference presentation, BigSurv18, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain. October 2018, 25-28.
- “Digital Consumer Culture Theory”. Roundtable, CCTC 2018, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark. June 2018, 29.
- “Digital Traces of Musical Taste”. Conference presentation, Taste Research Day, emlyon business school, France. April 2018, 25.
- “Doing Digital Sociology”. Invited doctoral seminar, NASP, University of Milan. April 2018, 13.
- “Music & Digital Platforms”. Invited lecture at Middlesex University, UK. March 2018, 12.
- “Making sense of digital data using Visual Network Analysis”. Invited seminar, Digital Research Methods Workshop, Lifestyle Research Center, emlyon business school, France. Dec 2017, 5.
- "Belonging without believing? A digital investigation of a Church without God" (with F. Molteni). Conference presentation, ISSR 2017, University of Lausanne, Switzerland. July 2017, 4-7.
- “Introduction to R”. Invited doctoral workshop, NASP, University of Milan. March 2017, 8-10.
Editorial and reviewing tasks:
- Member of the editorial board
The Lab’s Quarterly (ISSN: 1724-451X; scientific journal for Area
- Peer reviewer for Poetics; Information, Communication & Society; Social Media + Society; Social Indicators Research; Coumption, Markets & Culture; Marketing Theory; Social Movement Studies; Studi Culturali; Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa; Comunicazione Politica; Sociologia e ricerca sociale; Bristol University Press.
- External PhD reviewer, PhD program in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research, NASP, University of Milan.
- Reviewer, Collaboration of Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe (CHANSE) research funding network.
Selected press articles about my research:
- Sinow, C. (2020). How old, ambient Japanese music became a smash hit on YouTube. ArsTechnica.
- Jagota, V. (2020). How a Long-Lost Indian Disco Record Won Over Crate Diggers and Cracked the YouTube Algorithm. Pitchfork.
- Airoldi, M. (2018). Intolerance on social media: #refugeeswelcome and the Paris terrorist attacks. The Conversation.
- Rokka, J., Airoldi, M. (2018). Cambridge Analytica’s ‘secret’ psychographic tool is a ghost from the past. The Conversation.
- Murdoch, C. (2016). YouTube Users Are Reinventing The Way We Classify Music. Vocativ.
- Baer, D. (2016). It Sounds Like YouTube Is Changing the Way People Listen to Music. New York Magazine.