Ricerca finanziata
a HUMan resources ANalytics Dashboard to support post-emergency Workforce policy design, Industry continuity, and System resilience (HUMANWISE)
FISR - Fondo integrativo speciale per la ricerca
6 mesi
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Pubblicazioni (75)
Premi e riconoscimenti
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Ricerca e didattica presso enti
Politecnico di Milano presso: Politecnico di MILANO
(01/12/2008 - 31/12/2009)20081201
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Collegi di dottorato (12)
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 39 - Anno: 2023
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 38 - Anno: 2022
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 37 - Anno: 2021
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 36 - Anno: 2020
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 35 - Anno: 2019
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 34 - Anno: 2018
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 33 - Anno: 2017
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 32 - Anno: 2016
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 31 - Anno: 2015
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 30 - Anno: 2014
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 29 - Anno: 2013
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 28 - Anno: 2012
No Results Found
Tutoraggio (7)
tutorship -
(01/10/2021 - )
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(01/10/2017 - 02/02/2022)
tutorship -
(01/10/2017 - 01/04/2021)
tutorship -
(01/11/2014 - 07/06/2018)
tutorship -
(01/01/2014 - 22/06/2017)
tutorship -
(01/01/2014 - 22/06/2017)
tutorship -
(01/10/2012 - 26/04/2016)
No Results Found
2015 – Full Professor in Organization Studies and Human Resource Management; Department of Social and Political Sciences (, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
2023 – Scientific coordinator of the PHD program in Economic Sociology Organization and Labor (ESOL) within Network for the Advancement of Social and Political Studies (NASP: founded by the Department of Social and Political Sciences of Università degli Studi di Milano
2016 – Lecturer in Organization Studies, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland
2010 - Lecturer and coordinator of Post-Lauream training offer on Human Resource Management; Scientific Director of the Executive Master on Human Resource Management; Graduate School of Management (, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
2019 - Lecturer on Human Resource Management; ESCP Business School, (
2011–15 Adjunct Professor in Organization Studies and Human Resource Management; Department of Social and Political Sciences, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
2008–11 Research Fellow in Organization Studies and Human Resource Management; Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
2021 - Associate Editor of Human Resource Management Journal (ABS 4*)
2020 - Member of the Editorial Board of Human Relations (ABS 4)
2019 - Guest editor of Human Resource Management Journal (ABS 4*) of the Special Issue “Relevant, rigorous and reflective knowledge creation in HRM through scholar-stakeholder collaborative research”
2019 - Associate editor of Studi Organizzativi, the most important Italian academic journal in the field of Organization Studies and HRM.
2017 – 19 Associate Editor of Human Resource Management (ABS 4 ) for the Special Section "Scholar-Practitioner Collaborations and Engaged Scholarship in HRM"
2013 – Reviewer for more than 17 highly ranked journals, among which: Journal of Management Studies (ABS 4), Human Resource Management (ABS 4), Human Resource Management Journal (ABS 4), Journal of Business Ethics (ABS 4), Journal of Business Research (ABS 4), British Journal of Management (ABS 4), Journal of Product Innovation Management (ABS 4), Journal of Cleaner Production (ABS 4), International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 4), European Management Review (ABS 4), Journal of Vocational Behavior (ABS 4).
2007- Project Manager of several Mode 2 research projects developed in collaboration with relevant Italian and European practice representatives, such as: Confindustria (the most representative Italian Employer Association), GIDP (Italian Association of HR Managers), AIDP (Italian Association of HR Managers), EAPM (European Association of HR Managers), EASP (European Association of Sustainability Professionals), AILOG (Italian Association of Supply Chain Managers), ENEL, Innowatio, IdeaFimit, Mantero Seta (multinational Italian companies respectively), Parks (employer association of LBGT-friendly companies). Those research projects lead to more than 20 academic international publications.
ENGAGED SCHOLARSHIP EXPERIENCE (i.e. period spent in one single organization with a formal organizational responsibility on collaborative research projects)
2013-15 Scientific Director of the Global Research Unit of GI Group ( global private employment agency. I had the responsibility of the management of 5 senior researchers (all with PHD). This research experience has led to 5 academic international publications.
2020 The paper entitled “How are professionals recruited by external agents in misconduct projects? The infiltration of organized crime in a university” which co-authored with Radaelli, G., Cabras, F., and Dalla Chiesa was nominated paper of the year 2019 by Human Relations (ABS 4).
2017 Winner of the best paper Award (among more than 130 submitted papers) of the 10th Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network on an international call about "Sustainable HRM". Award given by Dutch HRM Network (
2012 Winner of the Giorgio Rota best paper Award (among more than 50 submitted papers) on an international call about "Contemporary Economics and the Ethical Imperative". Award given by Centro Luigi Einaudi (
2010 – Member of Academy of Management (HR Division), for which I organized: (i) the Caucus “People and Sustainability” included in the 2012 Academy of Management Annual Conference; (ii) the Symposium “It’s Relevant! Action Research and HRM" included in the 2016 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (iii) the Symposium “Sustainable HRM: The Emerging Future of HRM for Corporate Sustainability” included in the 2019 Academy of Management Annual Meeting; (iv) the PDW “Developing Practically Relevant and Scientifically Sound HRM Knowledge: Exploring the role of Mode 2 Research” included in the 2019 Academy of Management Annual Meeting; (v) the PDW “The AMO Model: Broadening Our Sight To New Avenues For Research” included in the 2019 Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
2017 - Member of Assioa; in 2020 I was a member of the organizing committee of the 2020 Annual Meeting in Milan.
Shaba E., Guerci M., Canterino F., Gilardi S., Cagliano R., Bartezzaghi E., (2023), Adopting an Ecosystem Approach to Digitalization-driven Organizational Change ? Actionable Knowledge from a Collaborative Project. Systemic Practice and Action Research (ABS 2), in press.
Canterino, F., Guerci, M., Cirella, S., Shani, A. B. (2022). The intertwined effect of HRM practices and transformational leadership on employees’ attitudes in an M&A context: Evidence from a collaborative and mixed-methods study. European Management Journal (ABS 2), in press.
Pulcher, S., Guerci, M., Kollen, T. (2022). When stakeholders claim differently for diversity management: Adopting lesbian, gay and bisexual-inclusive practices in Italy. British Journal of Industrial Relations (ABS 4), 69(4), 815-840.
Guerci, M., Hauff, S., Panichella, N., Radaelli, G. (2022). Sustainable HRM and class-based inequality. Personnel Review (ABS 2).
Colombo, M. G., Guerci, M., & Rovelli, P. (2022). The effects of firm financialization on human resource management: How financialization affects the design of managerial jobs. Human Resource Management Journal (ABS 4*), 32(3), 647-633.
Guerci, M., Sferrazzo, R., Cabras, F., & Radaelli, G. (2022). Organized Crime and Employment Relations: A Personal Story of ‘Ndrangheta Control on Employment Relations Management Practices in Southern Italy. Work, Employment and Society (ABS 4), 36(4), 758-768.
Nedkovski, V., & Guerci, M. (2021). When homophilous ties matter: Social network brokerage and individuals’ innovative behavior. European Management Journal (ABS 2), 39(6), 755-767.
Hauff, S., Guerci, M., & Gilardi, S. (2020). Well-being-oriented HRM configurations: diffusion, contingencies and outcomes. Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship (ABS 2), 2020, 8(3), 253–271.
Guerci, M., Canterino, F., Carollo, L., Dorigatti, L., & Mori, A. (2021). ‘Grand challenge’or ‘not an issue’? The discourses on income inequality of compensation managers and consultants. The International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 3), 32(20), 4363–4391.
Guerci, M., Hauff, S., & Gilardi, S. (2022). High performance work practices and their associations with health, happiness and relational well-being: are there any tradeoffs?. The International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 3) , 33(2), 329-359.
Carollo, L., Guerci, M., & Parisi, N. (2020). ‘There’s a Price to Pay in Order Not to Have a Price’: Whistleblowing and the Employment Relationship. Work, Employment and Society (ABS 4), 34(4), 726–736.
Pulcher, S., Guerci, M., & Köllen, T. (2020). Unions as institutional entrepreneurs. Journal of Organizational Change Management (ABS 2), 33(3), 477–490.
Pinzone, M., Guerci, M., Lettieri, E., & Huisingh, D. (2019). Effects of ‘green’training on pro-environmental behaviors and job satisfaction: evidence from the Italian healthcare sector. Journal of cleaner production, 226, 221-232.
Hauff, S., Guerci, M., Dul, J., & van Rhee, H. (2021). Exploring necessary conditions in HRM research: Fundamental issues and methodological implications. Human Resource Management Journal (ABS 4*), 31(1), 18–36.
Guerci, M., Radaelli, G., & Shani, A. B. (2019). Conducting Mode 2 research in HRM: A phase‐based framework. Human Resource Management (ABS 4), 58(1), 5-20.
Radaelli, G., Guerci, M., Cabras, F., & Dalla Chiesa, N. (2019). How are professionals recruited by external agents in misconduct projects? The infiltration of organized crime in a university. Human Relations (ABS 4), 72(9), 1407-1435.
Guerci, M., Decramer, A., Van Waeyenberg, T., & Aust, I. (2019). Moving beyond the link between HRM and economic performance: A study on the individual reactions of HR managers and professionals to sustainable HRM. Journal of Business Ethics (ABS 3), 160(3), 783-800.
Carollo, L., & Guerci, M. (2018). ‘Activists in a suit’: Paradoxes and metaphors in sustainability managers’ identity work. Journal of Business Ethics (ABS 3), 148(2), 249-268.
Carollo, L., & Guerci, M. (2018). Between continuity and change: CSR managers’ occupational rhetorics. Journal of Organizational Change Management (ABS 2), 30(4), 632-646.
Longoni, A., Luzzini, D. & Guerci M., (2018). Deploying environmental management across functions: The relationship between green human resource management and green supply chain management. Journal of Business Ethics (ABS 3), 151(4), 1081-1095.
Colombo, S., Guerci, M., & Miandar, T. (2019). What Do Unions and Employers Negotiate Under the Umbrella of Corporate Social Responsibility? Comparative Evidence from the Italian Metal and Chemical Industries. Journal of Business Ethics (ABS 3), 155(2), 445-462.
Guerci, M., Radaelli, G., De Battisti, & F., Siletti, E. (2017). Empirical insights on the nature of sunergies among HRM policies – An analysis of the ethics-oriented HRM system. Journal of Business Research (ABS 3), 71, 66-73.
Nedkovski V., Guerci, M., De Battisti, & F., Siletti, E. (2017). Organizational ethical climates and employees’ trust in colleagues, the supervisor, and the organization. Journal of Business Research (ABS 3), 71, 19-26.
Cirella, S., Canterino, F., Guerci, M., & Shani, A. B. (R). (2016). Organizational Learning Mechanisms and Creative Climate: Insights from an Italian Fashion Design Company. Creativity and Innovation Management (ABS 2), 25, 211–222.
Guerci M., & Carollo, L. (2016). A paradox view on green human resource management: insights from the Italian context. International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 3), 27, 211-238.
Guerci, M., Montanari, F., Scapolan, A., & Epifanio, A. (2016). Green and non-green recruitment practices for attracting job applicants: exploring independent and interactive effects. International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 3), 27, 129-150.
Guerci, M., Longoni, A., & Luzzini. D. (2016). Translating stakeholder pressures into environmental performance–the mediating role of green HRM practices. International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 3), 27, 262-289.
Pinzone, M., Guerci M., Lettieri, E. & Redman, T. (2015). Progressing in the change journey towards sustainability in healthcare: the role of ‘Green’ HRM. Journal of Cleaner Production, 122, 201-211.
Guerci, M., & Shani, A. B. R. (2014), Stakeholder involvement in Human Resource Management practices: Evidence from Italy. Management Revue. Socio-economic Studies, 25(2), 80-102.
Guerci, M., Radaelli, G., Siletti, E., Shani, A.B., & Cirella, S. (2014). The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices and Corporate Sustainability on Organizational Ethical Climates: An Employee Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics (ABS 3), 126(2), 325-342.
Guerci M., & Pedrini, M. (2014), The consensus between Italian HR and sustainability managers on HR management for sustainability-driven change – towards a ‘strong' HR management system. International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 3), 25(13), 1787-1814.
Riccò, R. Guerci, M. (2014). Diversity challenge: An integrated process to bridge the ‘implementation gap’. Business Horizons (ABS 2), 57(2), 235-245.
Radaelli G., Guerci M., Cirella S., Shani A.B. (2014). Intervention Research as Management Research in Practice: Learning from a Case in the Fashion Design Industry. British Journal of Management (ABS 4), 25(2), 335-351.
Canterino, F., Cirella, S., Guerci, M., Shani, A.B., & Brunelli, M. (2013). Leading transformation in a family-owned business: insights from an Italian company. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (ABS 2), 17, 54-83.
Guerci M., & Shani A.B. (2013). Moving toward stakeholder-based HRM: a perspective of Italian HR managers. International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 3, Rivista Fascia A Anvur GEV 13), 24 (6), 1130-1150.
Cirella S., Guerci M., & Shani, A.B. (2012). A process model of collaborative management research. System practice and action research, 25, 281-300.
Guerci M., & Solari L. (2012). Talent Management practices in Italy – Implications for Human Resource Development. Human Resource Development International (ABS 2), 15 (1), 25-41.
Guerci M., & Vinante M. (2011). Training Evaluation: an analysis of the stakeholders’ evaluation needs. European Journal of Industrial Training (ABS 2), 3 (35), 385-410.
Guerci M., Bartezzaghi E., & Solari L. (2010). Training Evaluation in Italian Corporate Universities: a stakeholder based analysis. International Journal of Training and Development (ABS 2), 14 (4), 291-308.
Carollo, L., Guerci, M. (2018). Employee control, ethics and politics–GHRM in context. Contemporary Developments, In Renwick, D. (Editor), Green Human Resource Management Research: Towards Sustainability in Action?. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Guerci M., Shani A.B., Solari L. (2014), Sustainable Human Resource Management from a stakeholder perspective: Literature review and a research agenda, In Ehnert I., Harry W., Zink K.J (Eds), Handbook of Sustainability and Human Resource Management.
Shani A.B., Brunelli M. S., Cirella S., Guerci M., Leading company turnaround within the luxury industry during a down turn economy, in Warrik D.D., Muller J. (Eds), Lessons in leading change, New Zealand: Rossismith, 2012.
Pulcher, G., Guerci, M., Iacci, P., L’impresa inclusiva – Popolazione LGBT e lavoro, Guerini, 2018, Milano.
Shani, A.B., Guerci, M., Cirella, S., Collaborative Management Research: Le nuove frontiere per il cambiamento possibile, Cortina, 2014, Milano.
Guerci M., La gestione delle risorse umane per la sostenibilità dell’impresa, Milano, F. Angeli, 2011.
Bartezzaghi, E., Guerci, M., & Vinante M., La valutazione stakeholder based della formazione continua – modelli, processi, strumenti, F. Angeli, 2010.
Bartezzaghi, E., Cagliano, R., Canterino, F., Gilardi, S., Guerci, M., & Shaba, E. (2020). Progettazione organizzativa 4.0: verso una rivisitazione dei principi sociotecnici. Studi Organizzativi, published-ahead-of-print.
Shaba, E., Guerci, M., Gilardi S., Bartezzaghi, E. (2019). Industry 4.0 technologies and organizational design – Evidence from 15 Italian cases. Studi Organizzativi, published-ahead-of-print.
Cavasin, S., Guerci, M., Crippa, V., (2016). La gestione delle risorse umane in contesti di cambiamento – una proposta metodologica. Sviluppo e Organizzazione.
Bertolini, S., Carollo, L., Guerci, M., Pedrini, M. (2015). I CSR manager si raccontano: Vissuti personali, retoriche ed aspirazioni a confronto. Notizie di Politeia, 31(117), 48-64.
Boldizzoni D., Guerci M., Quaratino L. (2011), Human Resource Management: evoluzione o involuzione?, Economia & Management, 2, 85-102.
Boldizzoni D., Guerci M., Quaratino L. (2010), La gestione delle risorse umane in italia: bilancio di un decennio, Quaderni di Management, n. 48, 74-88.
Guerci M., Solari L., Santinello E. (2010), La Direzione delle Risorse Umane e la sostenibilita’ aziendale: verso uno stakeholder based hrm?, Studi Organizzativi, 1, 2010, 35-69.
Bartezzaghi E., Guerci M., Vinante M. (2009), La valutazione stakeholder based della formazione: un’analisi dei fabbisogni valutativi degli stakeholder, Studi Organizzativi, 2, 13-39.
Bartezzaghi E., Guerci M. (2008), La valutazione della formazione: un’analisi di sei Corporate Universities italiane, Sviluppo & Organizzazione, 228, 72-84.
Bartezzaghi E., Guerci M., Paoletti F. (2008), L’outsourcing dei processi di gestione del personale, Sviluppo & Organizzazione, 226, 30-43.
Bartezzaghi E., Guerci M., Vinante M. (2007), Costruire disegni di valutazione sulla base dei fabbisogni degli stakeholder: presupposti teorici e condizioni di applicazione ai sistemi formativi aziendali, Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione, 38, 49-76.
Guerci M., Serio L. (2007), La gestione delle risorse umane per competenze, Sviluppo & Organizzazione, 220, 35-54.
Guerci M. Il profilo di competenza del CSR manager. In Pedrini M., Rossi F., La sostenibilità come professione, EGEA, 2020.
Pulcher S., Guerci M. La sfida del Diversity Management. In Frigelli U. HR Le nuove frontiere, Franco Angeli, 2020.
Guerci M. Incrociare i principi della filosofia lean e la formazione. In Nacamulli R., Lazzazzara A., L’ecosistema della formazione, EGEA, 2019.
Guerci M., Lovison, M., HR Outsourcing aspetti concettuali e teorici, in Ferrari R., Frigelli U., Tronconi C., HR Outsourcing, Milano, Guerini, 2012.
Guerci M., La gestione delle risorse umane nelle piccole e medie imprese: un’analisi critica, in Boldizzoni D. e Serio L., Il management delle risorse umane nelle PMI - Persone e organizzazioni nelle economie senza confini, Laterza, 2011, 19-26.
Guerci, M., Pratiche di Gestione delle Risorse Umane, in E. Bartezzaghi, L’organizzazione dell’impresa, ETAS 2010, pp. 459-494.
Bartezzaghi, E., Guerci, M., Principi di Gestione delle Risorse Umane, in E. Bartezzaghi, L’organizzazione dell’impresa, ETAS 2010, pp. 495-522.
Guerci, M., Vinante, M., La formazione continua nelle strategie di lifelong learning, in Fondazione Istud, “Fare formazione a Milano”, F. Angeli, Milano, 2009, pp. 23-54.
2009 – More than 50 paper presentations in the following academic international competitive conferences: Egos Colloquium, Academy of Management Annual Conference, European Academy of Management Conference, EIASM Strategic HRM Workshop, Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, Biennial International Workshop HRM, European Workshop in Industrial Relations, Society for Business Ethics Annual Conference, Critical Management Studies Conference, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics SASE Conference
2015 – Full Professor in Organization Studies and Human Resource Management; Department of Social and Political Sciences (, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
2023 – Scientific coordinator of the PHD program in Economic Sociology Organization and Labor (ESOL) within Network for the Advancement of Social and Political Studies (NASP: founded by the Department of Social and Political Sciences of Università degli Studi di Milano
2016 – Lecturer in Organization Studies, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland
2010 - Lecturer and coordinator of Post-Lauream training offer on Human Resource Management; Scientific Director of the Executive Master on Human Resource Management; Graduate School of Management (, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
2019 - Lecturer on Human Resource Management; ESCP Business School, (
2011–15 Adjunct Professor in Organization Studies and Human Resource Management; Department of Social and Political Sciences, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
2008–11 Research Fellow in Organization Studies and Human Resource Management; Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
2021 - Associate Editor of Human Resource Management Journal (ABS 4*)
2020 - Member of the Editorial Board of Human Relations (ABS 4)
2019 - Guest editor of Human Resource Management Journal (ABS 4*) of the Special Issue “Relevant, rigorous and reflective knowledge creation in HRM through scholar-stakeholder collaborative research”
2019 - Associate editor of Studi Organizzativi, the most important Italian academic journal in the field of Organization Studies and HRM.
2017 – 19 Associate Editor of Human Resource Management (ABS 4 ) for the Special Section "Scholar-Practitioner Collaborations and Engaged Scholarship in HRM"
2013 – Reviewer for more than 17 highly ranked journals, among which: Journal of Management Studies (ABS 4), Human Resource Management (ABS 4), Human Resource Management Journal (ABS 4), Journal of Business Ethics (ABS 4), Journal of Business Research (ABS 4), British Journal of Management (ABS 4), Journal of Product Innovation Management (ABS 4), Journal of Cleaner Production (ABS 4), International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 4), European Management Review (ABS 4), Journal of Vocational Behavior (ABS 4).
2007- Project Manager of several Mode 2 research projects developed in collaboration with relevant Italian and European practice representatives, such as: Confindustria (the most representative Italian Employer Association), GIDP (Italian Association of HR Managers), AIDP (Italian Association of HR Managers), EAPM (European Association of HR Managers), EASP (European Association of Sustainability Professionals), AILOG (Italian Association of Supply Chain Managers), ENEL, Innowatio, IdeaFimit, Mantero Seta (multinational Italian companies respectively), Parks (employer association of LBGT-friendly companies). Those research projects lead to more than 20 academic international publications.
ENGAGED SCHOLARSHIP EXPERIENCE (i.e. period spent in one single organization with a formal organizational responsibility on collaborative research projects)
2013-15 Scientific Director of the Global Research Unit of GI Group ( global private employment agency. I had the responsibility of the management of 5 senior researchers (all with PHD). This research experience has led to 5 academic international publications.
2020 The paper entitled “How are professionals recruited by external agents in misconduct projects? The infiltration of organized crime in a university” which co-authored with Radaelli, G., Cabras, F., and Dalla Chiesa was nominated paper of the year 2019 by Human Relations (ABS 4).
2017 Winner of the best paper Award (among more than 130 submitted papers) of the 10th Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network on an international call about "Sustainable HRM". Award given by Dutch HRM Network (
2012 Winner of the Giorgio Rota best paper Award (among more than 50 submitted papers) on an international call about "Contemporary Economics and the Ethical Imperative". Award given by Centro Luigi Einaudi (
2010 – Member of Academy of Management (HR Division), for which I organized: (i) the Caucus “People and Sustainability” included in the 2012 Academy of Management Annual Conference; (ii) the Symposium “It’s Relevant! Action Research and HRM" included in the 2016 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (iii) the Symposium “Sustainable HRM: The Emerging Future of HRM for Corporate Sustainability” included in the 2019 Academy of Management Annual Meeting; (iv) the PDW “Developing Practically Relevant and Scientifically Sound HRM Knowledge: Exploring the role of Mode 2 Research” included in the 2019 Academy of Management Annual Meeting; (v) the PDW “The AMO Model: Broadening Our Sight To New Avenues For Research” included in the 2019 Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
2017 - Member of Assioa; in 2020 I was a member of the organizing committee of the 2020 Annual Meeting in Milan.
Shaba E., Guerci M., Canterino F., Gilardi S., Cagliano R., Bartezzaghi E., (2023), Adopting an Ecosystem Approach to Digitalization-driven Organizational Change ? Actionable Knowledge from a Collaborative Project. Systemic Practice and Action Research (ABS 2), in press.
Canterino, F., Guerci, M., Cirella, S., Shani, A. B. (2022). The intertwined effect of HRM practices and transformational leadership on employees’ attitudes in an M&A context: Evidence from a collaborative and mixed-methods study. European Management Journal (ABS 2), in press.
Pulcher, S., Guerci, M., Kollen, T. (2022). When stakeholders claim differently for diversity management: Adopting lesbian, gay and bisexual-inclusive practices in Italy. British Journal of Industrial Relations (ABS 4), 69(4), 815-840.
Guerci, M., Hauff, S., Panichella, N., Radaelli, G. (2022). Sustainable HRM and class-based inequality. Personnel Review (ABS 2).
Colombo, M. G., Guerci, M., & Rovelli, P. (2022). The effects of firm financialization on human resource management: How financialization affects the design of managerial jobs. Human Resource Management Journal (ABS 4*), 32(3), 647-633.
Guerci, M., Sferrazzo, R., Cabras, F., & Radaelli, G. (2022). Organized Crime and Employment Relations: A Personal Story of ‘Ndrangheta Control on Employment Relations Management Practices in Southern Italy. Work, Employment and Society (ABS 4), 36(4), 758-768.
Nedkovski, V., & Guerci, M. (2021). When homophilous ties matter: Social network brokerage and individuals’ innovative behavior. European Management Journal (ABS 2), 39(6), 755-767.
Hauff, S., Guerci, M., & Gilardi, S. (2020). Well-being-oriented HRM configurations: diffusion, contingencies and outcomes. Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship (ABS 2), 2020, 8(3), 253–271.
Guerci, M., Canterino, F., Carollo, L., Dorigatti, L., & Mori, A. (2021). ‘Grand challenge’or ‘not an issue’? The discourses on income inequality of compensation managers and consultants. The International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 3), 32(20), 4363–4391.
Guerci, M., Hauff, S., & Gilardi, S. (2022). High performance work practices and their associations with health, happiness and relational well-being: are there any tradeoffs?. The International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 3) , 33(2), 329-359.
Carollo, L., Guerci, M., & Parisi, N. (2020). ‘There’s a Price to Pay in Order Not to Have a Price’: Whistleblowing and the Employment Relationship. Work, Employment and Society (ABS 4), 34(4), 726–736.
Pulcher, S., Guerci, M., & Köllen, T. (2020). Unions as institutional entrepreneurs. Journal of Organizational Change Management (ABS 2), 33(3), 477–490.
Pinzone, M., Guerci, M., Lettieri, E., & Huisingh, D. (2019). Effects of ‘green’training on pro-environmental behaviors and job satisfaction: evidence from the Italian healthcare sector. Journal of cleaner production, 226, 221-232.
Hauff, S., Guerci, M., Dul, J., & van Rhee, H. (2021). Exploring necessary conditions in HRM research: Fundamental issues and methodological implications. Human Resource Management Journal (ABS 4*), 31(1), 18–36.
Guerci, M., Radaelli, G., & Shani, A. B. (2019). Conducting Mode 2 research in HRM: A phase‐based framework. Human Resource Management (ABS 4), 58(1), 5-20.
Radaelli, G., Guerci, M., Cabras, F., & Dalla Chiesa, N. (2019). How are professionals recruited by external agents in misconduct projects? The infiltration of organized crime in a university. Human Relations (ABS 4), 72(9), 1407-1435.
Guerci, M., Decramer, A., Van Waeyenberg, T., & Aust, I. (2019). Moving beyond the link between HRM and economic performance: A study on the individual reactions of HR managers and professionals to sustainable HRM. Journal of Business Ethics (ABS 3), 160(3), 783-800.
Carollo, L., & Guerci, M. (2018). ‘Activists in a suit’: Paradoxes and metaphors in sustainability managers’ identity work. Journal of Business Ethics (ABS 3), 148(2), 249-268.
Carollo, L., & Guerci, M. (2018). Between continuity and change: CSR managers’ occupational rhetorics. Journal of Organizational Change Management (ABS 2), 30(4), 632-646.
Longoni, A., Luzzini, D. & Guerci M., (2018). Deploying environmental management across functions: The relationship between green human resource management and green supply chain management. Journal of Business Ethics (ABS 3), 151(4), 1081-1095.
Colombo, S., Guerci, M., & Miandar, T. (2019). What Do Unions and Employers Negotiate Under the Umbrella of Corporate Social Responsibility? Comparative Evidence from the Italian Metal and Chemical Industries. Journal of Business Ethics (ABS 3), 155(2), 445-462.
Guerci, M., Radaelli, G., De Battisti, & F., Siletti, E. (2017). Empirical insights on the nature of sunergies among HRM policies – An analysis of the ethics-oriented HRM system. Journal of Business Research (ABS 3), 71, 66-73.
Nedkovski V., Guerci, M., De Battisti, & F., Siletti, E. (2017). Organizational ethical climates and employees’ trust in colleagues, the supervisor, and the organization. Journal of Business Research (ABS 3), 71, 19-26.
Cirella, S., Canterino, F., Guerci, M., & Shani, A. B. (R). (2016). Organizational Learning Mechanisms and Creative Climate: Insights from an Italian Fashion Design Company. Creativity and Innovation Management (ABS 2), 25, 211–222.
Guerci M., & Carollo, L. (2016). A paradox view on green human resource management: insights from the Italian context. International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 3), 27, 211-238.
Guerci, M., Montanari, F., Scapolan, A., & Epifanio, A. (2016). Green and non-green recruitment practices for attracting job applicants: exploring independent and interactive effects. International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 3), 27, 129-150.
Guerci, M., Longoni, A., & Luzzini. D. (2016). Translating stakeholder pressures into environmental performance–the mediating role of green HRM practices. International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 3), 27, 262-289.
Pinzone, M., Guerci M., Lettieri, E. & Redman, T. (2015). Progressing in the change journey towards sustainability in healthcare: the role of ‘Green’ HRM. Journal of Cleaner Production, 122, 201-211.
Guerci, M., & Shani, A. B. R. (2014), Stakeholder involvement in Human Resource Management practices: Evidence from Italy. Management Revue. Socio-economic Studies, 25(2), 80-102.
Guerci, M., Radaelli, G., Siletti, E., Shani, A.B., & Cirella, S. (2014). The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices and Corporate Sustainability on Organizational Ethical Climates: An Employee Perspective. Journal of Business Ethics (ABS 3), 126(2), 325-342.
Guerci M., & Pedrini, M. (2014), The consensus between Italian HR and sustainability managers on HR management for sustainability-driven change – towards a ‘strong' HR management system. International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 3), 25(13), 1787-1814.
Riccò, R. Guerci, M. (2014). Diversity challenge: An integrated process to bridge the ‘implementation gap’. Business Horizons (ABS 2), 57(2), 235-245.
Radaelli G., Guerci M., Cirella S., Shani A.B. (2014). Intervention Research as Management Research in Practice: Learning from a Case in the Fashion Design Industry. British Journal of Management (ABS 4), 25(2), 335-351.
Canterino, F., Cirella, S., Guerci, M., Shani, A.B., & Brunelli, M. (2013). Leading transformation in a family-owned business: insights from an Italian company. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management (ABS 2), 17, 54-83.
Guerci M., & Shani A.B. (2013). Moving toward stakeholder-based HRM: a perspective of Italian HR managers. International Journal of Human Resource Management (ABS 3, Rivista Fascia A Anvur GEV 13), 24 (6), 1130-1150.
Cirella S., Guerci M., & Shani, A.B. (2012). A process model of collaborative management research. System practice and action research, 25, 281-300.
Guerci M., & Solari L. (2012). Talent Management practices in Italy – Implications for Human Resource Development. Human Resource Development International (ABS 2), 15 (1), 25-41.
Guerci M., & Vinante M. (2011). Training Evaluation: an analysis of the stakeholders’ evaluation needs. European Journal of Industrial Training (ABS 2), 3 (35), 385-410.
Guerci M., Bartezzaghi E., & Solari L. (2010). Training Evaluation in Italian Corporate Universities: a stakeholder based analysis. International Journal of Training and Development (ABS 2), 14 (4), 291-308.
Carollo, L., Guerci, M. (2018). Employee control, ethics and politics–GHRM in context. Contemporary Developments, In Renwick, D. (Editor), Green Human Resource Management Research: Towards Sustainability in Action?. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Guerci M., Shani A.B., Solari L. (2014), Sustainable Human Resource Management from a stakeholder perspective: Literature review and a research agenda, In Ehnert I., Harry W., Zink K.J (Eds), Handbook of Sustainability and Human Resource Management.
Shani A.B., Brunelli M. S., Cirella S., Guerci M., Leading company turnaround within the luxury industry during a down turn economy, in Warrik D.D., Muller J. (Eds), Lessons in leading change, New Zealand: Rossismith, 2012.
Pulcher, G., Guerci, M., Iacci, P., L’impresa inclusiva – Popolazione LGBT e lavoro, Guerini, 2018, Milano.
Shani, A.B., Guerci, M., Cirella, S., Collaborative Management Research: Le nuove frontiere per il cambiamento possibile, Cortina, 2014, Milano.
Guerci M., La gestione delle risorse umane per la sostenibilità dell’impresa, Milano, F. Angeli, 2011.
Bartezzaghi, E., Guerci, M., & Vinante M., La valutazione stakeholder based della formazione continua – modelli, processi, strumenti, F. Angeli, 2010.
Bartezzaghi, E., Cagliano, R., Canterino, F., Gilardi, S., Guerci, M., & Shaba, E. (2020). Progettazione organizzativa 4.0: verso una rivisitazione dei principi sociotecnici. Studi Organizzativi, published-ahead-of-print.
Shaba, E., Guerci, M., Gilardi S., Bartezzaghi, E. (2019). Industry 4.0 technologies and organizational design – Evidence from 15 Italian cases. Studi Organizzativi, published-ahead-of-print.
Cavasin, S., Guerci, M., Crippa, V., (2016). La gestione delle risorse umane in contesti di cambiamento – una proposta metodologica. Sviluppo e Organizzazione.
Bertolini, S., Carollo, L., Guerci, M., Pedrini, M. (2015). I CSR manager si raccontano: Vissuti personali, retoriche ed aspirazioni a confronto. Notizie di Politeia, 31(117), 48-64.
Boldizzoni D., Guerci M., Quaratino L. (2011), Human Resource Management: evoluzione o involuzione?, Economia & Management, 2, 85-102.
Boldizzoni D., Guerci M., Quaratino L. (2010), La gestione delle risorse umane in italia: bilancio di un decennio, Quaderni di Management, n. 48, 74-88.
Guerci M., Solari L., Santinello E. (2010), La Direzione delle Risorse Umane e la sostenibilita’ aziendale: verso uno stakeholder based hrm?, Studi Organizzativi, 1, 2010, 35-69.
Bartezzaghi E., Guerci M., Vinante M. (2009), La valutazione stakeholder based della formazione: un’analisi dei fabbisogni valutativi degli stakeholder, Studi Organizzativi, 2, 13-39.
Bartezzaghi E., Guerci M. (2008), La valutazione della formazione: un’analisi di sei Corporate Universities italiane, Sviluppo & Organizzazione, 228, 72-84.
Bartezzaghi E., Guerci M., Paoletti F. (2008), L’outsourcing dei processi di gestione del personale, Sviluppo & Organizzazione, 226, 30-43.
Bartezzaghi E., Guerci M., Vinante M. (2007), Costruire disegni di valutazione sulla base dei fabbisogni degli stakeholder: presupposti teorici e condizioni di applicazione ai sistemi formativi aziendali, Rassegna Italiana di Valutazione, 38, 49-76.
Guerci M., Serio L. (2007), La gestione delle risorse umane per competenze, Sviluppo & Organizzazione, 220, 35-54.
Guerci M. Il profilo di competenza del CSR manager. In Pedrini M., Rossi F., La sostenibilità come professione, EGEA, 2020.
Pulcher S., Guerci M. La sfida del Diversity Management. In Frigelli U. HR Le nuove frontiere, Franco Angeli, 2020.
Guerci M. Incrociare i principi della filosofia lean e la formazione. In Nacamulli R., Lazzazzara A., L’ecosistema della formazione, EGEA, 2019.
Guerci M., Lovison, M., HR Outsourcing aspetti concettuali e teorici, in Ferrari R., Frigelli U., Tronconi C., HR Outsourcing, Milano, Guerini, 2012.
Guerci M., La gestione delle risorse umane nelle piccole e medie imprese: un’analisi critica, in Boldizzoni D. e Serio L., Il management delle risorse umane nelle PMI - Persone e organizzazioni nelle economie senza confini, Laterza, 2011, 19-26.
Guerci, M., Pratiche di Gestione delle Risorse Umane, in E. Bartezzaghi, L’organizzazione dell’impresa, ETAS 2010, pp. 459-494.
Bartezzaghi, E., Guerci, M., Principi di Gestione delle Risorse Umane, in E. Bartezzaghi, L’organizzazione dell’impresa, ETAS 2010, pp. 495-522.
Guerci, M., Vinante, M., La formazione continua nelle strategie di lifelong learning, in Fondazione Istud, “Fare formazione a Milano”, F. Angeli, Milano, 2009, pp. 23-54.
2009 – More than 50 paper presentations in the following academic international competitive conferences: Egos Colloquium, Academy of Management Annual Conference, European Academy of Management Conference, EIASM Strategic HRM Workshop, Biennial International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, Biennial International Workshop HRM, European Workshop in Industrial Relations, Society for Business Ethics Annual Conference, Critical Management Studies Conference, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics SASE Conference