Settori (6)
Parole chiave (7)
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Ricerca finanziata (6)
Machine Learning Assisted Atomistic Modelling of Materials and Proteins (MALAMP)
Progetti PNRR - Bandi a Cascata
Responsabile scientifico
12 mesi
Modelli e metodi per lo studio degli aspetti chimico-fisici di sistemi complessi di interesse biochimico e tecnologico
PUR90 - PUR 90%
Studi Dinamici di Processi Chimici in Catalisi Eterogenea e in Astrochimica
PUR20062008 - PUR 2006-2008
Studi Teorici di Processi Chimici Elementari in Catalisi Eterogenea e in Astrochimica
PUR20062008 - PUR 2006-2008
Studio dell'adsorbimento e della formazione di H2 su suprfici di interesse catalitico e astrochimico con metodi di dinamica molecolare classica e quantistica
PUR20062008 - PUR 2006-2008
14 mesi
¿ISS: CHIrality-Induced Spin Selectivity
PRIN2022 - PRIN bando 2022
Responsabile scientifico
24 mesi
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Pubblicazioni (141)
Brevetti (2)
Collegi di dottorato (14)
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 40 - Anno: 2024
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 39 - Anno: 2023
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 38 - Anno: 2022
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 37 - Anno: 2021
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 36 - Anno: 2020
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 35 - Anno: 2019
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 34 - Anno: 2018
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 33 - Anno: 2017
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 32 - Anno: 2016
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 31 - Anno: 2015
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 30 - Anno: 2014
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 29 - Anno: 2013
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 25 - Anno: 2009
Università degli Studi di MILANO -
(ciclo: 24 - Anno: 2008
No Results Found
Tutoraggio (10)
tutorship -
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tutorship -
tutorship -
tutorship -
tutorship -
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No Results Found
Place and date of birth: Milano, November 2nd , 1973
Work address: Dipartimento di Chimica, Università Statale degli Studi
di Milano, v. Golgi 19, 20133, Milano, Italy.
Telephone: +39 0250314287
Fax: +39 0250314300
2015- : Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Milan, Italy
2012-2014: Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Milan, Italy.
2007-2012: Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Faculty of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences of the University of Milan, Milan, Italy.
2004-2007: Tenure track as Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Chemistry
and Electrochemistry of the Faculty of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences of the University of Milan, Milan, Italy.
2002-2004: PostDoc Fellow in the Chemical Dynamics Theory Group of Prof. Gian Franco Tantardini, University of Milan. Research project: "Study of chemical reactions at catalytically relevant metal surfaces by means of First Principles methods and classical, quantum and mixed quantum-classical dynamical simulations"
1999-2002: PhD in Chemistry at the University of Milan. Diissertation thesis: "The LiH2+ system: interaction forces and quantum dynamics". Supervisors: Prof. Ermanno Gianinetti and Mario Raimondi.
1992-1998: Master Degree in Chemistry, at the University of Milan, summa cum laude. Dissertation thesis: "Application of the Spin-Coupled Valence Bond theory in computing ion-molecule interaction potentials for astrophysically relavant systems" . Supervisor: Prof. Mario Raimondi.
1987-1992: High School Diploma at the Maria Curie Technical Insitute for Food Technologies, Milan, Italy. Full marks.
* Italian, mother tongue.
* English, fluent.
Awards and Fundings
2018 NEQRate, computational grant at CINECA HPC center (ca. 60,000 e worth)
2017 ASN, National academic qualification as Full Professor, 03/A2, Physical Chemistry
2017 ExGas, Grant from UMIL, Development Plan for Athenaeum (7,400 e worth)
2015-2020 EuroPAH, PI of the local UMIL unit acting as Partner organization of the H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016 network, EU Grant n. 722346
2014 ASN, National academic qualification as Associate Professor, 03/A2, Physical Chemistry
2014 LISA-MoIrGr, computational grant at CINECA HPC center (80,000 C worth)
2013 LISA-IrGraphe, computational grant at CINECA HPC center (62,000 C worth)
2013 NEXT fellowship, Invited scientist fellowship to LCAR, Toulouse
2009-2011 PRIN-2009C28YBF, member of the Milano research unit
2009- Collaboration at the Milan research unit, funding grant PRIN-2009C28YBF
2008 Grant from the Universitè Franco-Italienne to support the co-tutorship of the PhD project of Mr. Fausto Martelli jointly with Irene Burghardt at Ecole Normale Superiere, Paris, France
2006-2008 Collaboration at the Milan research unit, funding grant PRIN-2006030944
2002-2004 Collaboration at the Milan research unit, funding grant PRIN-2004034838
2001-2002 Financial support from the Max Planck Society to the visit at the Theoretical Chemistry group of prof. Franco Antonio Gianturco
1992-1998 Student grant from the Istituto per il diritto allo Studio Universitario
1992 Silver medal at the XXIVth International Chemistry Olympyads, Pittsburg (United States), July, 11-20 1992
1992 Attestato di Benemerenza for merits from the Associazione Periti Industriali di Milano (APIM), 1992
* 2016-present Physical Chemistry B - Solid state, Master Degree in Chemistry, Lecturer
* 2016 Mathematical methods in chemistry, Master Degree in Chemistry, Lecturer
* 2015-present Physical Chemistry III, Bachelor Degree in Chemistry, Lecturer
* 2012-2014 Quantum Chemistry, Bacheler Degree in Chemistry, Lecturer
* 2011 "The role of phonons" in "Dynamics of molecule-surface reactions", Master Degree in Chemistry, Leiden, The Netherlands, Invited lecturer
* 2006-present Theoretical Chemistry, Master Degree in Chemistry, Lecturer
* 2008-2010 Quantum Chemistry, Bachelor Degree in Chemistry, Lecturer
* 2011,2007,2005 Chemical Dynamics, a course for the Doctorate School in Chemical Sciences, Lecturer
* 2008-2010 Physical Chemistry B (Solid State), Master Degree in Chemistry, Teaching assistant
* 2004-2006 Theoretical Chemistry, Master Degree in Chemistry, Teaching assistant
July 2019 WIS, E. Pollak, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. Invited scientist
2015-present Chemical Dynamics Theory Group, R. Martinazzo, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy. Group Leader
Spring 2013 LCAR, D. Lemoine, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France. Invited scientist
2002-2014 Chemical Dynamics Theory Group, G.F. Tantardini, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy. Senior member
Winter 2005-2006 Theoretical Chemistry Group, P. Saalfrank, Institute of Chemistry, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany. Visiting scientist
2000-2002 Theoretical Chemistry Group, F. A. Gianturco, Università di Roma La Sapienza, Roma, Italy. Visiting student
Organization of Sceinfitic Meetings
Sept 2021 Challenges in reaction dynamics of gas-surface interactions, Methodological advances in dissipative and non-adiabatic process, Toulouse, France, Coorganizer.
Aug 2020 ECOSS 35, 35th European Conference on Surface Science, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Program Committee. Postponed to 2021 due to Covid-19
Aug 2018 ECOSS 34, 34th European Conference on Surface Science, Aarhus, Denmark, Program Committee.
Jun 2017 Challenges in reaction dynamics of gas-surface interactions, Methodological advances in dissipative and non-adiabatic process, Albi, France, Co-organizer.
Sept 2010 XXXIX congresso nazionale di chimica fisica, Organizing commitee, Stresa, Italy.
Recent conferences and Simposia
* DQML, "Dyanmics, Quantum Effects and Machine Learning", Hintertux, Austria , Invited Talk "Quantum Dynamics in Condensed Phases"
* Marvel, First-Principles modelling of Defects in Solids, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Invited Talk: TBA. Postponed to 2022 due to Covid-19
* Cosmicpah, Life Cycle of Cosmic PAHs, Aarhus, Denmark, Invited Talk: TBA.
* EPFL school, Advanced Electronic Structure Methods in Condensed Matter Physics, Lausanne, Switzerland, Invited Lecture: "Quantum dyanmics in condensed phase
* EPoLM-4, 4th Workshop on Energetic processing of large molecules, Madrid, Spain, Invited Talk: "The interaction of H atoms with coronene: a quantum chemist’s perspective"
* ETSF, 23rd Workshop on electronic excitations: interdisciplinary views on quantum many-body theory, Milano, Italy, Invited Talk: "Why Silicon is not Carbon?"
* 13th International workshop on Quantum Reactive Scattering, Salamanca, Spain, Invited Talk: "Quantum dynamics of hydrogen atoms on graphene"
*16th Workshop on Dynamical Phenomena at Surfaces, Madrid, Spain, Invited Talk: "Adsorption, clustering and reactions of hydrogen atoms on graphene".
* Quantum and Classical Complexity: From Atoms to Biosystems, Frankfurt, Germany, Invited Talk: "Effective mode representation of structured environments: towards first principles quantum dynamics of hydrogen atoms on graphene".
* Scattering of atoms and molecules from surfaces, Potsdam, Germany, Invited Talk: "Hydrogen atoms on graphene: structure, energetics and dynamics".
* Exploring mechanisms for H2 formation on very small carbonaceous grains and PAHs of astrophysical interest, Toulouse, France, Invited Talk: "Adsorption and reaction of hydrogen atoms on graphitic substrates".
* Rome School on Open Systems and the Quantum-Classical Boundary, Rome, Italy, Invited Talk: "Effective mode representation of structured environments"
* GrapHEL, Mykonos, Greece, Talk: "Spin-coupling around a carbon atom vacancy in graphene".
* Leiden Universiteit, Leiden, The Netherlans, Van Marum Colluquim: "Effective mode representation of quantum mechanical energy transfer to surfaces".
* ARCHES- Adsorption, Reactivite et Controle de l’Hydrogene En interaction avec des Surfaces, Alenya, Perpignan, France, Invited Talk: "Interaction of hydrogen atoms with carbon sp2 structures".
* Challenges in modelling the reaction chemistry of interstellar dust, Leiden, The Netherlands, Talk: "Interaction of hydrogen atoms with carbon sp2 structures:adsorption energetics and Eley-Rideal dynamics".
* Theoretical Molecular Dynamics with Surfaces and PAHs, Toulose, France, Invited Talk: "Hydrogen formation on graphitic surfaces: energetics and dynamics of elementary processes".
* GraphITA, Gran Sasso National Laboratories, Assergi, L’Aquila, Italy, Invited Talk: "The effect of atomic-scale effects on graphene electronic structure".
* Elementary Reactive Processes at Surfaces, workshop organized by CNRS, Bordeaux (F), November 30th-December, 3rd. Invited talk: "Adsorption, clustering and reactions of H atoms on graphene".
* ECOSS 27, 27th European Conference on Surface Science, Groningen, The Netherlands, September 2010. Talk: "Symmetry-induced band-gap opening in graphene superlattices".
* ECOSS 26, 26 th European Conference on Surface Science, Parma (IT), 30 August-4 September. Chairman at the session: "Nanoelectronic materials and graphene".
* Winter modeling workshop, Pisa (IT) 19th Dec. Invited Talk: "Wavepacket approaches to system-bath quantum dynamics"
* Multidimensional Quantum Mechanics with Trajectories, September, 1 workshop organized by CCP6,st - 33d , Leeds (UK). Invited Talk: "Local coherent-state approximation to system-bath quantum dynamics".
* ECOSS 25, 25 th European Conference on Surface Science, Liverpool (UK), July, 27th -August 1st. Invited Talk: "Theoretical study of hydrogen adsorption and dynamics on graphitic surfaces"
* Elementary Reactive Processes at Surfaces, workshop organized by Donostia International Physics Center, Aug, 30th - Sept, 1st , Donostia (S. Sebastian), (ES). Invited Talk:"Quantum studies of Hydrogen dynamics on graphite surfaces"
* Mathematical challenges in Quantum Chemistry Problems, interdisciplinary workshop at the Mathematics Institute of University of Warwick, Coventry (UK), July, 16th -20th . Invited Talk: "The Local Coherent-State Approach to System-Bath Quantum Dynamics and Its Extensions"
* The Quantum World in Real Time: Is it accessible?,workshop organized by the Weizmann Institute of Science, Safed (IS), June, 24th -29th . Invited Talk: "The Local Coherent State Approach to System-Bath Quantum Dynamics"
* VI Convegno Nazionale del Gruppo Interdivisionale di Chimica Computazionale,Isola di S.Servolo, Venezia (IT), December, 18th -21st . Talk: "The local coherent-state approximation to system-bath quantum dynamics".
* XXII National Conference of the Italian Chemical Society, Firenze (IT), September, 10th -15th. Talk: "A local coherent-state approximation to system-bath quantum dynamics".
* ECOSS 24,24th European Conference on Surface Science, Paris (FR), September 4th -8th. Poster: "Quantum study of Eley-Rideal hydrogen formation on graphite in the cold collision energy regime".
* Predicting Catalysis: Ammonia Production from First Principles, Workshop at the Lorentz Center, Leiden (NE), June, 21st -23rd. Poster: "Quantum study of Collision Induced Desorption involving hydrogen atoms on graphite"
Institutional Responsibilities
2020- BICF (Scientific Library), Chemistry referent, Università degli Studi di Milano.
2020- INDACO (HPC Unitech), Chemistry referent, Università degli Studi di Milano.
2018-present Science committee, Member, Dept. of Chemistry, Università degli Studi di Milano.
2016-2019 Chemistry Library, Scientific Director, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural
Sciences, Università degli Studi di Milano.
2015-2019 HPC CINECA, Referent for Athenaeum, Università degli Studi di Milano.
2015-present Admission tests, Referent for Chemistry Courses, Università degli Studi di Milano.
Scientific Interests
Dissipative quantum dynamics and transport at the nanoscale
Real-time quantum dynamics in large systems
Graphene and related carbon-based materials
Interstellar chemistry
Quantum computing
Theory of chemical bond
Place and date of birth: Milano, November 2nd , 1973
Work address: Dipartimento di Chimica, Università Statale degli Studi
di Milano, v. Golgi 19, 20133, Milano, Italy.
Telephone: +39 0250314287
Fax: +39 0250314300
2015- : Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Milan, Italy
2012-2014: Assistant Professor in the Department of Chemistry, Milan, Italy.
2007-2012: Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Faculty of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences of the University of Milan, Milan, Italy.
2004-2007: Tenure track as Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Chemistry
and Electrochemistry of the Faculty of Physical, Mathematical and Natural Sciences of the University of Milan, Milan, Italy.
2002-2004: PostDoc Fellow in the Chemical Dynamics Theory Group of Prof. Gian Franco Tantardini, University of Milan. Research project: "Study of chemical reactions at catalytically relevant metal surfaces by means of First Principles methods and classical, quantum and mixed quantum-classical dynamical simulations"
1999-2002: PhD in Chemistry at the University of Milan. Diissertation thesis: "The LiH2+ system: interaction forces and quantum dynamics". Supervisors: Prof. Ermanno Gianinetti and Mario Raimondi.
1992-1998: Master Degree in Chemistry, at the University of Milan, summa cum laude. Dissertation thesis: "Application of the Spin-Coupled Valence Bond theory in computing ion-molecule interaction potentials for astrophysically relavant systems" . Supervisor: Prof. Mario Raimondi.
1987-1992: High School Diploma at the Maria Curie Technical Insitute for Food Technologies, Milan, Italy. Full marks.
* Italian, mother tongue.
* English, fluent.
Awards and Fundings
2018 NEQRate, computational grant at CINECA HPC center (ca. 60,000 e worth)
2017 ASN, National academic qualification as Full Professor, 03/A2, Physical Chemistry
2017 ExGas, Grant from UMIL, Development Plan for Athenaeum (7,400 e worth)
2015-2020 EuroPAH, PI of the local UMIL unit acting as Partner organization of the H2020-MSCA-ITN-2016 network, EU Grant n. 722346
2014 ASN, National academic qualification as Associate Professor, 03/A2, Physical Chemistry
2014 LISA-MoIrGr, computational grant at CINECA HPC center (80,000 C worth)
2013 LISA-IrGraphe, computational grant at CINECA HPC center (62,000 C worth)
2013 NEXT fellowship, Invited scientist fellowship to LCAR, Toulouse
2009-2011 PRIN-2009C28YBF, member of the Milano research unit
2009- Collaboration at the Milan research unit, funding grant PRIN-2009C28YBF
2008 Grant from the Universitè Franco-Italienne to support the co-tutorship of the PhD project of Mr. Fausto Martelli jointly with Irene Burghardt at Ecole Normale Superiere, Paris, France
2006-2008 Collaboration at the Milan research unit, funding grant PRIN-2006030944
2002-2004 Collaboration at the Milan research unit, funding grant PRIN-2004034838
2001-2002 Financial support from the Max Planck Society to the visit at the Theoretical Chemistry group of prof. Franco Antonio Gianturco
1992-1998 Student grant from the Istituto per il diritto allo Studio Universitario
1992 Silver medal at the XXIVth International Chemistry Olympyads, Pittsburg (United States), July, 11-20 1992
1992 Attestato di Benemerenza for merits from the Associazione Periti Industriali di Milano (APIM), 1992
* 2016-present Physical Chemistry B - Solid state, Master Degree in Chemistry, Lecturer
* 2016 Mathematical methods in chemistry, Master Degree in Chemistry, Lecturer
* 2015-present Physical Chemistry III, Bachelor Degree in Chemistry, Lecturer
* 2012-2014 Quantum Chemistry, Bacheler Degree in Chemistry, Lecturer
* 2011 "The role of phonons" in "Dynamics of molecule-surface reactions", Master Degree in Chemistry, Leiden, The Netherlands, Invited lecturer
* 2006-present Theoretical Chemistry, Master Degree in Chemistry, Lecturer
* 2008-2010 Quantum Chemistry, Bachelor Degree in Chemistry, Lecturer
* 2011,2007,2005 Chemical Dynamics, a course for the Doctorate School in Chemical Sciences, Lecturer
* 2008-2010 Physical Chemistry B (Solid State), Master Degree in Chemistry, Teaching assistant
* 2004-2006 Theoretical Chemistry, Master Degree in Chemistry, Teaching assistant
July 2019 WIS, E. Pollak, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. Invited scientist
2015-present Chemical Dynamics Theory Group, R. Martinazzo, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy. Group Leader
Spring 2013 LCAR, D. Lemoine, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France. Invited scientist
2002-2014 Chemical Dynamics Theory Group, G.F. Tantardini, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy. Senior member
Winter 2005-2006 Theoretical Chemistry Group, P. Saalfrank, Institute of Chemistry, University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany. Visiting scientist
2000-2002 Theoretical Chemistry Group, F. A. Gianturco, Università di Roma La Sapienza, Roma, Italy. Visiting student
Organization of Sceinfitic Meetings
Sept 2021 Challenges in reaction dynamics of gas-surface interactions, Methodological advances in dissipative and non-adiabatic process, Toulouse, France, Coorganizer.
Aug 2020 ECOSS 35, 35th European Conference on Surface Science, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Program Committee. Postponed to 2021 due to Covid-19
Aug 2018 ECOSS 34, 34th European Conference on Surface Science, Aarhus, Denmark, Program Committee.
Jun 2017 Challenges in reaction dynamics of gas-surface interactions, Methodological advances in dissipative and non-adiabatic process, Albi, France, Co-organizer.
Sept 2010 XXXIX congresso nazionale di chimica fisica, Organizing commitee, Stresa, Italy.
Recent conferences and Simposia
* DQML, "Dyanmics, Quantum Effects and Machine Learning", Hintertux, Austria , Invited Talk "Quantum Dynamics in Condensed Phases"
* Marvel, First-Principles modelling of Defects in Solids, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Invited Talk: TBA. Postponed to 2022 due to Covid-19
* Cosmicpah, Life Cycle of Cosmic PAHs, Aarhus, Denmark, Invited Talk: TBA.
* EPFL school, Advanced Electronic Structure Methods in Condensed Matter Physics, Lausanne, Switzerland, Invited Lecture: "Quantum dyanmics in condensed phase
* EPoLM-4, 4th Workshop on Energetic processing of large molecules, Madrid, Spain, Invited Talk: "The interaction of H atoms with coronene: a quantum chemist’s perspective"
* ETSF, 23rd Workshop on electronic excitations: interdisciplinary views on quantum many-body theory, Milano, Italy, Invited Talk: "Why Silicon is not Carbon?"
* 13th International workshop on Quantum Reactive Scattering, Salamanca, Spain, Invited Talk: "Quantum dynamics of hydrogen atoms on graphene"
*16th Workshop on Dynamical Phenomena at Surfaces, Madrid, Spain, Invited Talk: "Adsorption, clustering and reactions of hydrogen atoms on graphene".
* Quantum and Classical Complexity: From Atoms to Biosystems, Frankfurt, Germany, Invited Talk: "Effective mode representation of structured environments: towards first principles quantum dynamics of hydrogen atoms on graphene".
* Scattering of atoms and molecules from surfaces, Potsdam, Germany, Invited Talk: "Hydrogen atoms on graphene: structure, energetics and dynamics".
* Exploring mechanisms for H2 formation on very small carbonaceous grains and PAHs of astrophysical interest, Toulouse, France, Invited Talk: "Adsorption and reaction of hydrogen atoms on graphitic substrates".
* Rome School on Open Systems and the Quantum-Classical Boundary, Rome, Italy, Invited Talk: "Effective mode representation of structured environments"
* GrapHEL, Mykonos, Greece, Talk: "Spin-coupling around a carbon atom vacancy in graphene".
* Leiden Universiteit, Leiden, The Netherlans, Van Marum Colluquim: "Effective mode representation of quantum mechanical energy transfer to surfaces".
* ARCHES- Adsorption, Reactivite et Controle de l’Hydrogene En interaction avec des Surfaces, Alenya, Perpignan, France, Invited Talk: "Interaction of hydrogen atoms with carbon sp2 structures".
* Challenges in modelling the reaction chemistry of interstellar dust, Leiden, The Netherlands, Talk: "Interaction of hydrogen atoms with carbon sp2 structures:adsorption energetics and Eley-Rideal dynamics".
* Theoretical Molecular Dynamics with Surfaces and PAHs, Toulose, France, Invited Talk: "Hydrogen formation on graphitic surfaces: energetics and dynamics of elementary processes".
* GraphITA, Gran Sasso National Laboratories, Assergi, L’Aquila, Italy, Invited Talk: "The effect of atomic-scale effects on graphene electronic structure".
* Elementary Reactive Processes at Surfaces, workshop organized by CNRS, Bordeaux (F), November 30th-December, 3rd. Invited talk: "Adsorption, clustering and reactions of H atoms on graphene".
* ECOSS 27, 27th European Conference on Surface Science, Groningen, The Netherlands, September 2010. Talk: "Symmetry-induced band-gap opening in graphene superlattices".
* ECOSS 26, 26 th European Conference on Surface Science, Parma (IT), 30 August-4 September. Chairman at the session: "Nanoelectronic materials and graphene".
* Winter modeling workshop, Pisa (IT) 19th Dec. Invited Talk: "Wavepacket approaches to system-bath quantum dynamics"
* Multidimensional Quantum Mechanics with Trajectories, September, 1 workshop organized by CCP6,st - 33d , Leeds (UK). Invited Talk: "Local coherent-state approximation to system-bath quantum dynamics".
* ECOSS 25, 25 th European Conference on Surface Science, Liverpool (UK), July, 27th -August 1st. Invited Talk: "Theoretical study of hydrogen adsorption and dynamics on graphitic surfaces"
* Elementary Reactive Processes at Surfaces, workshop organized by Donostia International Physics Center, Aug, 30th - Sept, 1st , Donostia (S. Sebastian), (ES). Invited Talk:"Quantum studies of Hydrogen dynamics on graphite surfaces"
* Mathematical challenges in Quantum Chemistry Problems, interdisciplinary workshop at the Mathematics Institute of University of Warwick, Coventry (UK), July, 16th -20th . Invited Talk: "The Local Coherent-State Approach to System-Bath Quantum Dynamics and Its Extensions"
* The Quantum World in Real Time: Is it accessible?,workshop organized by the Weizmann Institute of Science, Safed (IS), June, 24th -29th . Invited Talk: "The Local Coherent State Approach to System-Bath Quantum Dynamics"
* VI Convegno Nazionale del Gruppo Interdivisionale di Chimica Computazionale,Isola di S.Servolo, Venezia (IT), December, 18th -21st . Talk: "The local coherent-state approximation to system-bath quantum dynamics".
* XXII National Conference of the Italian Chemical Society, Firenze (IT), September, 10th -15th. Talk: "A local coherent-state approximation to system-bath quantum dynamics".
* ECOSS 24,24th European Conference on Surface Science, Paris (FR), September 4th -8th. Poster: "Quantum study of Eley-Rideal hydrogen formation on graphite in the cold collision energy regime".
* Predicting Catalysis: Ammonia Production from First Principles, Workshop at the Lorentz Center, Leiden (NE), June, 21st -23rd. Poster: "Quantum study of Collision Induced Desorption involving hydrogen atoms on graphite"
Institutional Responsibilities
2020- BICF (Scientific Library), Chemistry referent, Università degli Studi di Milano.
2020- INDACO (HPC Unitech), Chemistry referent, Università degli Studi di Milano.
2018-present Science committee, Member, Dept. of Chemistry, Università degli Studi di Milano.
2016-2019 Chemistry Library, Scientific Director, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural
Sciences, Università degli Studi di Milano.
2015-2019 HPC CINECA, Referent for Athenaeum, Università degli Studi di Milano.
2015-present Admission tests, Referent for Chemistry Courses, Università degli Studi di Milano.
Scientific Interests
Dissipative quantum dynamics and transport at the nanoscale
Real-time quantum dynamics in large systems
Graphene and related carbon-based materials
Interstellar chemistry
Quantum computing
Theory of chemical bond