Data di Pubblicazione:
EPILEPSY AND MICROBIOTA: TIME- AND DRUG-RELATED SHIFTS IN THE BACTERIAL COMMUNITY / C. Ceccarani ; tutor: E. Borghi ; co-tutore: M. Severgnini ; coordinatore: M. Samaja. Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute, 2021 Jan 21. 33. ciclo, Anno Accademico 2020. [10.13130/ceccarani-camilla_phd2021-01-21].
Epilepsy is a well-known condition characterized by seizures, episodes of electric
instability provoking involuntary vigorous shaking in patients. Nowadays there are
many strategies, of which the pharmaceutical is the main one, but around one-third
of the patients show drug resistance and, despite the different therapeutic
approaches for drug-resistant patients, many cannot reach seizure control. Indeed,
it is important to look for new complementary therapeutic strategies that can
influence the clinical picture and improve the patient’s quality of life. The connection
between human microbiota and neurological diseases has been thoroughly studied
over the last years. In particular, the gut-brain axis has been addressed to be a key
player in the development of the disease and to seizure susceptibility. Nonetheless,
there is limited information so far, in literature, about the composition of the
intestinal microbiota in patients with epilepsy.
To check for bacterial influence on epilepsy development and treatment, during my
Ph.D. I’ve analyzed 3 datasets of epileptic patients: 1) a dataset of children admitted
to the hospital after their first seizure and sampled 2 more times, after 4 and 12
months subjected to drug monotherapy; 2) a dataset of adults that are using daily
for more than 2 years the most common drug available with no more seizures; 3) a
dataset of girls affected by the Rett syndrome, a genetic disorder that comprises
impairments in language and coordination and repetitive movements.
Complications of Rett syndrome patients include seizures, and the patients take the
same drugs as the epileptic dataset. This cohort has been added to the project as a
negative control, as opposed to the healthy controls enrolled. This diverse dataset
set the stage for speculations on the microbiota changes and development during
epilepsy onset and constant drug therapy in terms of bacterial diversity, composition,
and interaction.
The bacterial DNA extracted from the fecal samples collected from the patients has
been sequenced through next-generation sequencing techniques on a MiSeq
Illumina platform, and the resulting reads have been analyzed through a
bioinformatic pipeline using the QIIME software, R, and Matlab.
VBiodiversity was observed to be decreased in pathological conditions and along
with the drug assumption in all comparisons. Of particular interest is the peak of
Akkermansiaceae in the children’s drug-naive gut microbiota. The children showed
an interesting intra-individual signature and a diversity separation over
pharmacological treatment time, possibly related to a reduced abundance of
beneficial groups such as Faecalibacterium. From the co-abundance network
analysis, the opposite trend of the group of genera related to Subdoligranulum and
the ones related to Bacteroides have emerged. The adults in stable drug therapy
showed some trends similar to the Rett patients, as if, despite the different clinical
picture, the gut bacterial community was comparable and similar in terms of
biodiversity. The feature selection analysis performed on the drug-naive and the
drug-assuming patients confirmed the families Akkermansiaceae and Christensenellaceae to be relevant for the bacterial composition alteration during the pharmacological therapy. The separation of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria showed an interesting change of the fractions with a trend in favor of the
Gram-negative: the different protective layers could influence or be influenced by
the drug assumption.
The results shown in this thesis highlight the existence of differences in terms of
general microbial diversity and taxonomy. Further studies carried out on a larger
number of patients at different times and dise
Tipologia IRIS:
Tesi di dottorato
Elenco autori:
C. Ceccarani
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