"Pace, pace, morte ai dazi e alle gabelle" : il peso della guerra nella Lombardia del primo Trecento
Capitolo di libro
Data di Pubblicazione:
"Pace, pace, morte ai dazi e alle gabelle" : il peso della guerra nella Lombardia del primo Trecento / P. Grillo (COLLECTION DE L'ECOLE FRANÇAISE DE ROME). - In: La congiuntura del primo Trecento in Lombardia (1290-1350) / [a cura di] P. Grillo, F. Menant. - Roma : Ecole Française de Rome, 2019. - ISBN 9782728313723. - pp. 67-90
For more than a quarter of a century, between 1311 and 1338, Lombardy was
shaken by civil clashes and major international conflicts, but the paper shows that
we must not overestimate the destructive power of these wars, because most of the
wages of mercenaries and booties were reintroduced into local economic circuits.
Indirect damage, such as the increase in taxes or the insecurity of trade, were
more serious problems, but after the early consolidation of the signoria of Azzone
Visconti, between 1329 and 1339, the region experienced a period of relative peace,
which made it possible to quickly recover the losses sustained in the previous years
and to avoid any long-term consequences.
Tipologia IRIS:
03 - Contributo in volume
Elenco autori:
P. Grillo
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Titolo del libro:
La congiuntura del primo Trecento in Lombardia (1290-1350)