Data di Pubblicazione:
The Internet of Things in the Smart City: a Discourse-Analytic Approach / M.C. Paganoni - In: Nuevos Estudios Sobre Comunicación Social / [a cura di] L. Ruiz Miyares, M.R. Álvarez Silva, A. Muñoz Alvarado. - Prima edizione. - Santiago de Cuba : Ediciones Centro de Lingüística Aplicada, 2017. - ISBN 9789597174332. - pp. 746-750 (( Intervento presentato al 15. convegno Simposio Internacional de Comunicación Social tenutosi a Santiago de Cuba nel 2017.
The chapter sets out to provide a discourse-analytic account of the smart city discourse and the related concept of the Internet of Things (IoT), looking at how they are both constructed in media discourse in English. The Guardian Cities website, a digital platform committed to treating urban issues from a globalised perspective, is the selected media source. The analysis shows that the smart city and the IoT still remain controversial notions, with competing attitudes polarised between uncritical enthusiasm on the one hand and skepticism, doubt and fear on the other. At the same time, an appreciable attempt to decouple the notion of city smartness from ICT surveillance of citizens’ future needs is detectable, which also invokes more inclusive and flexible knowledge frameworks that find their articulation in and through discourse. In this evolving scenario in which, admittedly, citizens have so far had a limited understanding and experience of ‘ smartmentality, the impact of user feedback will hopefully gain strength and acquire greater incisiveness.
Tipologia IRIS:
03 - Contributo in volume
Elenco autori:
M.C. Paganoni
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Titolo del libro:
Nuevos Estudios Sobre Comunicación Social