Building shared values through rewriting: the case of the Montréal City Charter of Rights and Responsibilities
Capitolo di libro
Data di Pubblicazione:
Building shared values through rewriting: the case of the Montréal City Charter of Rights and Responsibilities / G. Garzone, P. Catenaccio (LINGUE E LETTERATURE CAROCCI). - In: Remediating, rescripting, remaking : language and translation in the New Media / [a cura di] M. Canepari, G. Mansfield, F. Poppi. - Prima edizione. - [s.l] : Carocci, 2016 Nov. - ISBN 9788843075430. - pp. 180-193
The study examines the multilingual text of the MOntréal Charter of Rights and Responsibilities (RR), investigating the role that the rewriting process of such a sensitive text, operating both as a legal framework for social inclusion and participation in the city of Montréal, and as the discursive embodiment of emerging principles for an international audience, has played in the building of a shared discourse of citizenship in the Canadian municipality of Montréal. The comparative examination of the French, English and Italian versions shows that the translation mainly relied on legal equivalence criteria, a choice made possible by the fact that the three versions shared the same referent. However, the analysis shows that various terminological problems arose in the translation process for which an ad hoc solution had to be found in each case.
Tipologia IRIS:
03 - Contributo in volume
translation; rewriting; terminology; discourse analysis; citizenship discourse
Elenco autori:
G. Garzone, P. Catenaccio
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Titolo del libro:
Remediating, rescripting, remaking : language and translation in the New Media