Data di Pubblicazione:
Nisi modum epistolici characteris excederem : Jerome and epistolary brevitas / P.F. Moretti (STUDI E TESTI TARDOANTICHI). - In: Culture and literature in Latin late antiquity : Continuities and discontinuities / [a cura di] P.F. Moretti, R. Ricci, C. Torre. - Prima edizione. - Turnhout : Brepols, 2015. - ISBN 9782503557359. - pp. 247-261
Jerome’s quoting epistolary brevitas in letter 26 to Marcella could betray his knowledge of Origen’s letter to Julius Africanus on the canonicity of the book of Daniel. This hypothesis is supported by a lexical similarity, which should not be regarded as coincidental. Moreover, it would fit very well with what we know of Jerome: in the years prior to 393, before the Origenian controversy broke
out, he made many efforts to fashion himself after Origen, making the Alexandrian the hero of the letters collected in the ad Marcellam liber. This is why he may reasonably have exploited Origen’s epistolary self-propaganda in order to fashion himself as a champion of scriptural philology, and to present himself – so to say – as an ‘origenized’ Jerome.
Tipologia IRIS:
03 - Contributo in volume
Late Latin; Late antiquity; Latin literature; Latin prose; Latin epistolography; Jerome of Stridon; Julius Africanus
Elenco autori:
P.F. Moretti
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Titolo del libro:
Culture and literature in Latin late antiquity : Continuities and discontinuities