Economic-operation analysis of a chain reality in the pigmeat sector. The company’s efficiency targets through the swot analysis
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Economic-operation analysis of a chain reality in the pigmeat sector. The company’s efficiency targets through the swot analysis / A. Gaviglio. ((Intervento presentato al XXXIX International Symposium of Zootechnics. convegno Meat science and research tenutosi a Roma nel 2004.
Today, in the agroindustrial sector in general, and in that of zootechnical products in particular, the production companies’ survival on the market requires a precise and dynamic economic-operational analysis to lead the industry to very cautious and aimed business choices. All that is also required in modern pig-breeding where a chain competitiveness is based on the improvement of its technical-economic efficiency, on the exploitation of the economies of scale and on the equitable return of the whole system. The use of instruments in support of the decisional process, such as the swot analysis, may lead, in contexts characterized by uncertainty and hig
Tipologia IRIS:
14 - Intervento a convegno non pubblicato
Elenco autori:
A. Gaviglio
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