An experimental study on COH-bearing peridotite up to 3.2 GPa and implications for crust-mantle recycling
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An experimental study on COH-bearing
peridotite up to 3.2 GPa and implications
for crust-mantle recycling / S. Tumiati, P. Fumagalli, S. Poli. ((Intervento presentato al 14. convegno International conference on experimental mineralogy petrology geochemistry tenutosi a Kiel nel 2012.
Although it is widely accepted that generation
of arc magmas is triggered by fluids released from
the subducting slab and their interactions with the
overlying mantle wedge, it has been generally assumed
that these fluids are essentially aqueous.
However, the CO2 content of arc magmas and the
findings of carbon-bearing phases in mantle-wedge
peridotites suggest that during the subduction process
carbon species are released from the downgoing
slab. We experimentally investigate phlogopitebearing
lherzolite interacting with H2O-CO2 fluids
in order to model the mantle wedge fluxed by
volatiles released from a subucting crustal slab. Experiments
have been carried out at 900-1050 C and
1.6-3.2 GPa, at fluid- and graphite-saturated conditions.
We used an end-loaded piston cylinder apparatus
and a conventional double-capsule technique
to constrain the redox state of the experiments,
using nickel - nickel oxide oxygen buffer (NNO).
At these conditions, our experimental study confirms
that amphibole is stable up to 3 GPa in
phlogopite-saturated lherzolite fluxed by COH fluids
buffered at fO2 in the order of FMQ -1 -0.
In addition to hydrates, in the subduction system
carbonates should be nearly ubiquitous because the
decarbonation occurs only at low-P, high-T conditions,
which are not easily attained. Carbonates
range from dolomite-only for P below 1.9 GPa at
900 C, to dolomite + magnesite up to 2.4 GPa,
to magnesite-only above 2.4 GPa. For P > 2GPa,
melting takes place at 1050 C, about 50 C higher
than the water-saturated solidus of phlogopite lherzolite.
At these conditions, possible in the hottest
inner part of the corner flow, melts would display
a magnesiocarbonatitic character. Together with
COH fluids, phlogopite, amphibole, carbonates and
carbonatites are the reservoirs of volatiles in the
mantle wedge. Their low density compared to dry
host peridotite can promote the upwelling of the
metasomatized mantle, possibly producing a cold
"COH plume" that could be a major carrier of carbon
from the slab to the upper mantle.
Tipologia IRIS:
14 - Intervento a convegno non pubblicato
Elenco autori:
S. Tumiati, P. Fumagalli, S. Poli
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