The Image of the Universe and Its Purpose: Kant on Hypotyposis and Functional Cosmology
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Data di Pubblicazione:
The Image of the Universe and Its Purpose: Kant on Hypotyposis and Functional Cosmology / S. De Bianchi - In: Bilddenken und Morphologie : interdisziplinäre Studien über Form Und Bilder im philosophischen und wissenschaftlichen Denken / [a cura di] L. Follesa, F. Vercellone. - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2021. - ISBN 9783110674125. - pp. 23-36 [10.1515/9783110674194-003]
This contribution focuses on Kant’s doctrine of hypotyposis as de-
ployed in the Critique of Judgment and explores its implications for his view of
what I call “functional cosmology”. Despite the number of metaphors used by
Kant in the pre-critical works, it is only in the early 1790s that his system
could account for the use and function of metaphors and symbolic representa-
tion in the natural sciences connecting them to aesthetics and ethics. This ac-
count was also stimulated by the debates surrounding Plato’s dialogues and Ne-
oplatonic texts at the end of the 18th century. Therefore, this paper suggests that
Kant offered his own solution to the problem of thinking of the universe as an
organism within the limits of transcendental philosophy.
Tipologia IRIS:
03 - Contributo in volume
Elenco autori:
S. De Bianchi
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Titolo del libro:
Bilddenken und Morphologie : interdisziplinäre Studien über Form Und Bilder im philosophischen und wissenschaftlichen Denken