Data di Pubblicazione:
Ethics in Professional and Corporate Discourse : Linguistic Perspectives / G.E. Garzone, P. Catenaccio. - Berlin : Frank & Timme, 2021. - ISBN 978-3-7329-0806-6. (FORUM FÜR FACHSPRACHEN-FORSCHUNG)
Ethics. Whether explicit or implicit, it plays a key role in our lives, guiding
our decisions and shaping our view of what the world – including
the world of business – is or ought to be like. This volume provides a
thorough description of the language that is used to encode ethics, to
deal with ethical issues, and to express ethical values in business and
professional discourses. It explores the relationship between ethics
and ethos in a variety of professional and corporate texts and genres,
and investigates the role and positioning of ethics in today’s cultural
environment, shedding light on how it is negotiated vis-à-vis other
values in the pursuit of business and professional goals. Thanks to its
rigorous linguistic approach, the analysis fills a significant gap in the
burgeoning scholarship on ethics in discourse, laying the ground for
a better understanding of what ethical pronouncements do, linguistically
and pragmatically.
Tipologia IRIS:
05 - Volume
ethics; corporate communication; professional discourse; discourse analysis; legitimacy; CSR
Elenco autori:
G.E. Garzone, P. Catenaccio
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