End-of-life terminology in an Anglo-Italian perspective: during and around Covid-19
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End-of-life terminology in an Anglo-Italian perspective: during and around Covid-19 / K. Grego. ((Intervento presentato al convegno Comunicazione biomedica e pandemia: nuove prospettive tenutosi a Milano nel 2022.
The debate worldwide
The specialised level
The debate in Italy
The debate in the UK
The Italian and British bills
The popular level
Euthanasia and Covid-19 in Italian-language news
Euthanasia and Covid-19 in English-language news
Preliminary conclusions
Craving and escaping death: the 2019-202x pandemic
Preliminary conclusions - Craving and escaping death
Covid & target countries
Covid-19 lowered life expectancy in developed countries
Increased attention to death
Covid & end-of-life debate
Debate on end-of-life is ongoing bills/laws not particularly affected
Covid-19 restrictions impacted on elections (e.g. Australia)
Covid-19 impacted on healthcare resources
Specialised discourse
Almost unaffected by Covid-19(?)
Popular discourse
Some involvement:
editorials on ideological positions
hard news stories on ‘death angels’
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Tipologia IRIS:
14 - Intervento a convegno non pubblicato
Elenco autori:
K. Grego
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