Representing women in early examples of British feminist writings (1600s-1700s)
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Representing women in early examples of British feminist writings (1600s-1700s) / M. Guzzetti. ((Intervento presentato al convegno "Voicing 'woman' across media, 1500-1800" tenutosi a Santa Barbara : 24-25 February nel 2022.
Scholars generally identify 1792, the year of the publication of Mary Wollstonecraft’s A
Vindication of the Rights of Woman, as the birth of (British) feminism. However, a closer
inspection reveals other instances of feminist writings that precede Wollstonecraft’s work: the
seventeenth and eighteenth century witnessed the publication of essays, pamphlets and treatises
regarded as important contributions towards the creation and definition of a language of
feminism, which then rapidly developed during the following centuries. How women were
represented in these texts was, naturally, a key aspect: this paper aims at investigating this
portrayal by analysing the use of the word woman in a corpus of 6 texts written by so-called
proto feminists throughout the above-mentioned centuries. Among other things, this will shed
more light on such recurrent themes as, for example, the defence of women’s education and,
more broadly, the evolution of the depiction and definition of women in early examples of
feminist treatises across these two centuries.
Tipologia IRIS:
14 - Intervento a convegno non pubblicato
feminism; feminist language; feminist writings; women’s studies
Elenco autori:
M. Guzzetti
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