International Commercial Arbitration Rules as Translated /Re-written Texts : An Intercultural Perspective
Capitolo di libro
Data di Pubblicazione:
International Commercial Arbitration Rules as Translated /Re-written Texts : An Intercultural Perspective / G. Garzone - In: Language, Culture and the Law : the Formulation of Legal Concepts across Systems and Cultures. / [a cura di] V.K. Bhatia, C.N. Candlin, P. Evangelisti Allori. - Bern : Peter Lang, 2008. - ISBN 978-3-03911-470-2. - pp. 47-73
This paper focuses on the English versions of arbitration rules issued by some major institutions having their seats in non-English speaking countries and analyses them as translated/re-written texts (Lefevere 1992), comparing and contrasting them with their Italian and French source texts; as a subsidiary source of information, it also looks at sets of arbitration rules originally generated in English.
Tipologia IRIS:
03 - Contributo in volume
translation ; arbitration rules ; re-writing ; legal discourse
Elenco autori:
G. Garzone
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Titolo del libro:
Language, Culture and the Law : the Formulation of Legal Concepts across Systems and Cultures.