Data di Pubblicazione:
WEAPONIZING CRISPR/CAS9 / S. Tavella ; internal advisor: D. Branzei ; tutor: F. D'Adda di Fagagna ; phd coordinator: S. Minucci. Università degli Studi di Milano, 2022 Mar 14. 33. ciclo, Anno Accademico 2021.
One of the major limits of current therapies against cancer and viral infections is the nonspecific
toxicity that they often cause on healthy tissues because of their impact on important
cellular mechanisms shared, to different extents, between diseased and healthy cells. For this
reason, there is an unmet need for more specific and more effective therapies.
Wherefore, the aim of my project is the development of a novel strategy, with potential for
therapy, that allows the induction of sequence-specific DNA lesions (DNA double-strand
break, DSB), by the use of the CRISPR/Cas9 system targeting a genome sequence
abnormality in diseased cells, while sparing normal cells. Potential applications of this
approach can be cancer cells carrying genomic mutations or chromosomal rearrangements
and infected cells carrying an integrated proviral genome. Importantly, whether the aberrant
genome sequences are expressed or not is irrelevant for the efficacy of this approach.
As a proof of principle, I generated, in two parallel cell systems, an isogenic pair of cell lines
with a healthy and a diseased counterpart. The “diseased” target sequence is an integrated
proviral genome. To generate them, I infected HeLa and RKO cells with a lentiviral vector
containing the sequence of the green fluorescent protein (GFP). I then treated these two cell
systems with the purpose of inducing a DSB by retroviral transduction of the Cas9
endonuclease and its RNA guide targeting the integrated GFP sequences.
As a negative control, I treated these cell lines in parallel with a Cas9 carrying a scramble
guide that does not recognize any sequence in the human genome. Upon these treatments, I
observed a preferential reduction of proliferation and an increased mortality in cells bearing
the target sequence and transduced with the targeting RNA guide compared to cells without
the target sequence or transduced with the scramble guide.
I also observed that Cas9-mediated DNA damage is associated with the formation of
micronuclei which often stain positive for cGAS and activate an inflammatory response.
These results suggest the possibility to “weaponize” the CRISPR/Cas9 system for the
elimination of cells with an aberrant genome.
However, cells can survive DNA damage insults by repairing them. In order to address this
mechanism of “resistance” to the treatment, I investigated if the generation of a sequencespecific
DSB can be combined with the inhibition of its repair. Indeed, Cas9-induced DNA
damage and inhibition of DNA repair by non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) by the use of
a pharmacological inhibitor of the DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK), a DNA repair
factor involved in NHEJ, further kill target cells.
However, DNA-PK inhibition lacks sequence specificity in its activity, thus impacting on
the repair of endogenous DNA damage too. For this reason, a sequence-specific DSB repair
inhibitor would be desirable.
Our group has previously demonstrated that DSBs trigger the recruitment of RNA
polymerase II that generates damage-induced long non-coding RNAs (dilncRNAs) at DSB.
DilncRNAs are the precursors of small non-coding RNAs called DNA damage response
RNAs (DDRNAs) and the interaction between dilncRNAs and DDRNAs is necessary for
the recruitment of the proteins involved in DDR, including DNA repair. Noteworthy,
antisense oligonucleotides (ASO) against these damage-induced RNA species impair their
functions and inhibit the assembly of DDR factors in the form of foci and thus they are
effective sequence-specific DNA repair inhibitors.
In cells treated with Cas9, I observed a reduction in DDR foci, compared to controls, upon
treatment with sequence-specific ASO, confirming the efficacy of ASO also in my
Tipologia IRIS:
Tesi di dottorato
CRISPR/Cas9; DNA damage; DNA repair
Elenco autori:
S. Tavella
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